/*! * Angular Material Design * https://github.com/angular/material
* @license MIT * v1.1.1 */ (function( window, angular, undefined ){ "use strict";
(function() { 'use strict';
/** * @ngdoc module * @name material.components.fabToolbar */ angular // Declare our module
.module('material.components.fabToolbar', [ 'material.core', 'material.components.fabShared', 'material.components.fabActions' ])
// Register our directive
.directive('mdFabToolbar', MdFabToolbarDirective)
// Register our custom animations
.animation('.md-fab-toolbar', MdFabToolbarAnimation)
// Register a service for the animation so that we can easily inject it into unit tests
.service('mdFabToolbarAnimation', MdFabToolbarAnimation);
/** * @ngdoc directive * @name mdFabToolbar * @module material.components.fabToolbar * * @restrict E * * @description * * The `<md-fab-toolbar>` directive is used present a toolbar of elements (usually `<md-button>`s) * for quick access to common actions when a floating action button is activated (via click or * keyboard navigation). * * You may also easily position the trigger by applying one one of the following classes to the * `<md-fab-toolbar>` element: * - `md-fab-top-left` * - `md-fab-top-right` * - `md-fab-bottom-left` * - `md-fab-bottom-right` * * These CSS classes use `position: absolute`, so you need to ensure that the container element * also uses `position: absolute` or `position: relative` in order for them to work. * * @usage * * <hljs lang="html"> * <md-fab-toolbar md-direction='left'> * <md-fab-trigger> * <md-button aria-label="Add..."><md-icon icon="/img/icons/plus.svg"></md-icon></md-button> * </md-fab-trigger> * * <md-toolbar> * <md-fab-actions> * <md-button aria-label="Add User"> * <md-icon icon="/img/icons/user.svg"></md-icon> * </md-button> * * <md-button aria-label="Add Group"> * <md-icon icon="/img/icons/group.svg"></md-icon> * </md-button> * </md-fab-actions> * </md-toolbar> * </md-fab-toolbar> * </hljs> * * @param {string} md-direction From which direction you would like the toolbar items to appear * relative to the trigger element. Supports `left` and `right` directions. * @param {expression=} md-open Programmatically control whether or not the toolbar is visible. */ function MdFabToolbarDirective() { return { restrict: 'E', transclude: true, template: '<div class="md-fab-toolbar-wrapper">' + ' <div class="md-fab-toolbar-content" ng-transclude></div>' + '</div>',
scope: { direction: '@?mdDirection', isOpen: '=?mdOpen' },
bindToController: true, controller: 'MdFabController', controllerAs: 'vm',
link: link };
function link(scope, element, attributes) { // Add the base class for animations
// Prepend the background element to the trigger's button
element.find('md-fab-trigger').find('button') .prepend('<div class="md-fab-toolbar-background"></div>'); } }
function MdFabToolbarAnimation() {
function runAnimation(element, className, done) { // If no className was specified, don't do anything
if (!className) { return; }
var el = element[0]; var ctrl = element.controller('mdFabToolbar');
// Grab the relevant child elements
var backgroundElement = el.querySelector('.md-fab-toolbar-background'); var triggerElement = el.querySelector('md-fab-trigger button'); var toolbarElement = el.querySelector('md-toolbar'); var iconElement = el.querySelector('md-fab-trigger button md-icon'); var actions = element.find('md-fab-actions').children();
// If we have both elements, use them to position the new background
if (triggerElement && backgroundElement) { // Get our variables
var color = window.getComputedStyle(triggerElement).getPropertyValue('background-color'); var width = el.offsetWidth; var height = el.offsetHeight;
// Make it twice as big as it should be since we scale from the center
var scale = 2 * (width / triggerElement.offsetWidth);
// Set some basic styles no matter what animation we're doing
backgroundElement.style.backgroundColor = color; backgroundElement.style.borderRadius = width + 'px';
// If we're open
if (ctrl.isOpen) { // Turn on toolbar pointer events when closed
toolbarElement.style.pointerEvents = 'inherit';
backgroundElement.style.width = triggerElement.offsetWidth + 'px'; backgroundElement.style.height = triggerElement.offsetHeight + 'px'; backgroundElement.style.transform = 'scale(' + scale + ')';
// Set the next close animation to have the proper delays
backgroundElement.style.transitionDelay = '0ms'; iconElement && (iconElement.style.transitionDelay = '.3s');
// Apply a transition delay to actions
angular.forEach(actions, function(action, index) { action.style.transitionDelay = (actions.length - index) * 25 + 'ms'; }); } else { // Turn off toolbar pointer events when closed
toolbarElement.style.pointerEvents = 'none';
// Scale it back down to the trigger's size
backgroundElement.style.transform = 'scale(1)';
// Reset the position
backgroundElement.style.top = '0';
if (element.hasClass('md-right')) { backgroundElement.style.left = '0'; backgroundElement.style.right = null; }
if (element.hasClass('md-left')) { backgroundElement.style.right = '0'; backgroundElement.style.left = null; }
// Set the next open animation to have the proper delays
backgroundElement.style.transitionDelay = '200ms'; iconElement && (iconElement.style.transitionDelay = '0ms');
// Apply a transition delay to actions
angular.forEach(actions, function(action, index) { action.style.transitionDelay = 200 + (index * 25) + 'ms'; }); } } }
return { addClass: function(element, className, done) { runAnimation(element, className, done); done(); },
removeClass: function(element, className, done) { runAnimation(element, className, done); done(); } } } })();
})(window, window.angular);