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8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
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8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
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8 years ago
  1. <ion-view view-title="Offer Car">
  2. <ion-content class="has-footer">
  3. <div class="padding">
  4. <md-input-container class="md-block" flex-gt-sm>
  5. <label>{{'Title' | translate}}</label>
  6. <input ng-model="newtravel.title">
  7. </md-input-container>
  8. <div layout="row">
  9. <md-input-container>
  10. <label>{{'From' | translate}}</label>
  11. <input ng-model="">
  12. </md-input-container>
  13. <md-input-container>
  14. <label>{{'To' | translate}}</label>
  15. <input ng-model="">
  16. </md-input-container>
  17. </div>
  18. </div><!-- end of padding -->
  19. <md-button ng-click="getGeo()" ng-show=" &&"
  20. class="o_purple300">Get positions</md-button>
  21. <leaflet ng-show="markers[0]"
  22. width="100%" height="40%" markers="markers" center="center"
  23. tiles="tiles" id="map-simple-map"></leaflet>
  24. <div class="padding" ng-show="markers[0]">
  25. <md-input-container class="md-block" flex-gt-sm>
  26. <label>{{'n_Seats' | translate}}</label>
  27. <input ng-model="newtravel.seats" type="number">
  28. </md-input-container>
  29. <label class="item-input">
  30. <span class="input-label">{{'Date' | translate}}</span>
  31. <input ng-model="" type="date" placeholder="">
  32. </label>
  33. <label class="item-input">
  34. <span class="input-label">{{'Hour' | translate}}</span>
  35. <input ng-model="" type="time" placeholder="">
  36. </label>
  37. <ion-toggle ng-model="newtravel.package" toggle-class="toggle-calm">
  38. <i class="icon ion-ios-box"></i>
  39. {{'Can_carry_package' | translate}}
  40. </ion-toggle>
  41. <ion-toggle ng-model="newtravel.collectivized" toggle-class="toggle-calm">
  42. {{'Collectivized_car' | translate}}
  43. </ion-toggle>
  44. <md-input-container class="md-block" flex-gt-sm>
  45. <label>{{'Description' | translate}}</label>
  46. <input ng-model="newtravel.description">
  47. </md-input-container>
  48. <p class="padding">
  49. <md-button ng-click="createTravel()" class="o_purple400 o_floatRight">
  50. {{'Create_travel' | translate}}
  51. </md-button>
  52. </p>
  53. </div><!-- end of padding -->
  54. </ion-content>
  55. </ion-view>