<ion-view view-title="{{'Help' | translate}}"> <ion-content class="padding"> <p> (help instructions here) </p> <p> This is a car sharing App. </p> <p> The main concept of the app, is sharing offers to share travels in car. <br> There are <b>3 types of publication</b>: </p> <p> <ul class="list"> <li class="item"> <h4>Travel offer</h4> <img ng-src="img/offering.png" class="o-img-new"/> For example: I'm going with my car to a place, in my car can go more people. </li> <li class="item"> <h4>Travel ask</h4> <img ng-src="img/package.png" class="o-img-new"/> For example: I need to travel a place, can somebody take me there? </li> <li class="item"> <h4>Package send ask</h4> <img ng-src="img/asking.png" class="o-img-new"/> For example: I need to send some package to a place, can somebody carry it to there? </li> </ul> </p> <p> To <b>create a new publication</b>, just need to go in to 'Travels' section in the main menu, and select one of the 3 top buttons: <img ng-src="img/newpackage.png" class="o-img-new"/> <img ng-src="img/newasking.png" class="o-img-new"/> <img ng-src="img/newoffering.png" class="o-img-new"/> </p> <br><br> <p>(not finished yet)...</p> </ion-content> </ion-view>