'use strict'; var _pkg = require('../package.json'); var argv = require('yargs').argv; /* _pkg.nextVersion only works for patch updates Using changelog in the workflow is not really recommended right now as changelog is not really able to be modified until a new tag is released. Using Yargs as a workaround which grunt should be used in this way: `grunt changelog --ui_leaflet_ver SOME_TAG_NUMBER` */ module.exports = function (grunt, options) { console.log('version:', argv.ui_leaflet_ver || _pkg.version); return { options: { changelogOpts: { // conventional-changelog options go here preset: 'angular', releaseCount: 0 }, context: { currentTag: 'v' + (argv.ui_leaflet_ver || _pkg.version) } }, release: { src: 'CHANGELOG.md' } }; };