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angular.module('app.notifications', ['pascalprecht.translate'])
.controller('NotificationsCtrl', function($scope, $http, $ionicLoading,
$stateParams, $translate, $filter) {
$scope.doRefresh = function(){
$http.get(urlapi + 'notifications')
console.log(data); // for browser console
$scope.storageuser = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("cim_app_userdata"));
$scope.storageuser.notifications =;
localStorage.setItem("cim_app_userdata", JSON.stringify($scope.storageuser));
$scope.notifications =; // for UI
$scope.$broadcast('scroll.refreshComplete');//refresher stop
}, function(data){
console.log('data error');
$scope.$broadcast('scroll.refreshComplete');//refresher stop
${ template: 'Error connecting server', noBackdrop: true, duration: 2000 });