# commonroutesLandingPage # Instructions 1 - download the repository (just need the Dockerfile) 2 - build the docker image ``` docker build -t webcommonroutes . ``` 3 - launch a container with the image ``` docker run -ti -d -p 80:8080 webcommonroutes ``` The landingpage && webapp will be able in the ip/domain. - server code: https://github.com/arnaucode/commonroutesServer - frontend app code: https://github.com/arnaucode/commonroutesApp - frontend webapp code: https://github.com/arnaucode/commonroutesWebApp - images server: https://github.com/arnaucode/goImgServer - admin web: https://github.com/arnaucode/commonroutesAdminWeb - landing page: https://github.com/arnaucode/commonroutesLandingPage send files over ssh scp dataset.tar.gz root@SERVERIP:/root/galdric