#!/usr/bin/env node
// Add Platform Class
// v1.0
// Automatically adds the platform class to the body tag
// after the `prepare` command. By placing the platform CSS classes
// directly in the HTML built for the platform, it speeds up
// rendering the correct layout/style for the specific platform
// instead of waiting for the JS to figure out the correct classes.
var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path');
var rootdir = process.argv[2];
function addPlatformBodyTag(indexPath, platform) { // add the platform class to the body tag
try { var platformClass = 'platform-' + platform; var cordovaClass = 'platform-cordova platform-webview';
var html = fs.readFileSync(indexPath, 'utf8');
var bodyTag = findBodyTag(html); if(!bodyTag) return; // no opening body tag, something's wrong
if(bodyTag.indexOf(platformClass) > -1) return; // already added
var newBodyTag = bodyTag;
var classAttr = findClassAttr(bodyTag); if(classAttr) { // body tag has existing class attribute, add the classname
var endingQuote = classAttr.substring(classAttr.length-1); var newClassAttr = classAttr.substring(0, classAttr.length-1); newClassAttr += ' ' + platformClass + ' ' + cordovaClass + endingQuote; newBodyTag = bodyTag.replace(classAttr, newClassAttr);
} else { // add class attribute to the body tag
newBodyTag = bodyTag.replace('>', ' class="' + platformClass + ' ' + cordovaClass + '">'); }
html = html.replace(bodyTag, newBodyTag);
fs.writeFileSync(indexPath, html, 'utf8');
process.stdout.write('add to body class: ' + platformClass + '\n'); } catch(e) { process.stdout.write(e); } }
function findBodyTag(html) { // get the body tag
try{ return html.match(/<body(?=[\s>])(.*?)>/gi)[0]; }catch(e){} }
function findClassAttr(bodyTag) { // get the body tag's class attribute
try{ return bodyTag.match(/ class=["|'](.*?)["|']/gi)[0]; }catch(e){} }
if (rootdir) {
// go through each of the platform directories that have been prepared
var platforms = (process.env.CORDOVA_PLATFORMS ? process.env.CORDOVA_PLATFORMS.split(',') : []);
for(var x=0; x<platforms.length; x++) { // open up the index.html file at the www root
try { var platform = platforms[x].trim().toLowerCase(); var indexPath;
if(platform == 'android') { indexPath = path.join('platforms', platform, 'assets', 'www', 'index.html'); } else { indexPath = path.join('platforms', platform, 'www', 'index.html'); }
if(fs.existsSync(indexPath)) { addPlatformBodyTag(indexPath, platform); }
} catch(e) { process.stdout.write(e); } }