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  1. /*// set up the sphere vars
  2. var radius = 50,
  3. segments = 16,
  4. rings = 16;
  5. // create a new mesh with
  6. // sphere geometry - we will cover
  7. // the sphereMaterial next!
  8. var sphere = new THREE.Mesh(
  9. new THREE.SphereGeometry(
  10. radius,
  11. segments,
  12. rings),
  13. sphereMaterial);
  14. // add the sphere to the scene
  15. scene.add(sphere);*/
  16. var objURL = "models3d/o1.obj";
  17. var loader = new THREE.OBJLoader();
  18. loader.load( objURL, function ( object ) {
  19. scene.add( object );
  20. } );