/// <reference path="../../../toastr.js" />
/// <reference path="../qunit/qunit.js" />
(function () { var iconClasses = { error: 'toast-error', info: 'toast-info', success: 'toast-success', warning: 'toast-warning' }; var positionClasses = { topRight: 'toast-top-right', bottomRight: 'toast-bottom-right', bottomLeft: 'toast-bottom-left', topLeft: 'toast-top-left', topCenter: 'toast-top-center', bottomCenter: 'toast-bottom-center' }; var sampleMsg = 'I don\'t think they really exist'; var sampleTitle = 'ROUS'; var selectors = { container: 'div#toast-container', toastInfo: 'div#toast-container > div.toast-info', toastWarning: 'div#toast-container > div.toast-success', toastError: 'div#toast-container > div.toast-error', toastSuccess: 'div#toast-container > div.toast-success' };
toastr.options = { timeOut: 2000, extendedTimeOut: 0, fadeOut: 0, fadeIn: 0, showDuration: 0, hideDuration: 0, debug: false };
var delay = toastr.options.timeOut + 500;
// 'Clears' must go first
module('clear'); asyncTest('clear - show 3 toasts, clear the 2nd', 1, function () { //Arrange
var $toast = []; $toast[0] = toastr.info(sampleMsg, sampleTitle + '-1'); $toast[1] = toastr.info(sampleMsg, sampleTitle + '-2'); $toast[2] = toastr.info(sampleMsg, sampleTitle + '-3'); var $container = toastr.getContainer(); //Act
toastr.clear($toast[1]); //Assert
setTimeout(function () { //debugger;
ok($container && $container.children().length === 2); //Teardown
resetContainer(); start(); }, 1000); }); asyncTest('clear - show 3 toasts, clear all 3, 0 left', 1, function () { //Arrange
var $toast = []; $toast[0] = toastr.info(sampleMsg, sampleTitle + '-1'); $toast[1] = toastr.info(sampleMsg, sampleTitle + '-2'); $toast[2] = toastr.info(sampleMsg, sampleTitle + '-3'); var $container = toastr.getContainer(); //Act
toastr.clear(); //Assert
setTimeout(function () { ok($container && $container.children().length === 0); //Teardown
resetContainer(); start(); }, delay); }); test('clear - after clear with force option toast with focus disappears', 1, function () { //Arrange
var $toast; var msg = sampleMsg + '<br/><br/><button type="button">Clear</button>'; //Act
$toast = toastr.info(msg, sampleTitle + '-1'); $toast.find('button').focus(); toastr.clear($toast, { force: true }); var $container = toastr.getContainer(); //Assert
ok($container && $container.children().length === 0, 'Focused toast after a clear with force is not visible'); //Teardown
resetContainer(); }); asyncTest('clear and show - show 2 toasts, clear both, then show 1 more', 2, function () { //Arrange
var $toast = []; $toast[0] = toastr.info(sampleMsg, sampleTitle + '-1'); $toast[1] = toastr.info(sampleMsg, sampleTitle + '-2'); var $container = toastr.getContainer(); toastr.clear(); //Act
setTimeout(function () { $toast[2] = toastr.info(sampleMsg, sampleTitle + '-3-Visible'); //Assert
equal($toast[2].find('div.toast-title').html(), sampleTitle + '-3-Visible', 'Finds toast after a clear'); ok($toast[2].is(':visible'), 'Toast after a clear is visible'); //Teardown
resetContainer(); start(); }, delay); }); asyncTest('clear and show - clear removes toast container', 2, function () { //Arrange
var $toast = []; $toast[0] = toastr.info(sampleMsg, sampleTitle + '-1'); $toast[1] = toastr.info(sampleMsg, sampleTitle + '-2'); var $container = toastr.getContainer(); toastr.clear(); //Act
setTimeout(function () { //Assert
equal($(selectors.container).length, 0, 'Toast container does not exist'); ok(!$toast[1].is(':visible'), 'Toast after a clear is visible'); //Teardown
resetContainer(); start(); }, delay); }); asyncTest('clear and show - after clear new toast creates container', 1, function () { //Arrange
var $toast = []; $toast[0] = toastr.info(sampleMsg, sampleTitle + '-1'); $toast[1] = toastr.info(sampleMsg, sampleTitle + '-2'); var $container = toastr.getContainer(); toastr.clear(); //Act
setTimeout(function () { $toast[2] = toastr.info(sampleMsg, sampleTitle + '-3-Visible'); //Assert
equal($(selectors.container).find('div.toast-title').html(), sampleTitle + '-3-Visible', 'Finds toast after a clear'); //Teardown
resetContainer(); start(); }, delay); }); test('clear and show - after clear all toasts new toast still appears', 1, function () { //Arrange
var $toast = []; //Act
$toast[0] = toastr.info(sampleMsg, sampleTitle + '-1'); $toast[1] = toastr.info(sampleMsg, sampleTitle + '-2'); toastr.clear(); $toast[2] = toastr.info(sampleMsg, sampleTitle + '-3-Visible'); //Assert
ok($toast[2].is(':visible'), 'Toast after a clear is visible'); //Teardown
resetContainer(); }); module('info'); test('info - pass title and message', 3, function () { //Arrange
var $toast = toastr.info(sampleMsg, sampleTitle); //Assert
equal($toast.find('div.toast-title').html(), sampleTitle, 'Sets title'); equal($toast.find('div.toast-message').html(), sampleMsg, 'Sets message'); ok($toast.hasClass(iconClasses.info), 'Sets info icon'); //Teardown
$toast.remove(); clearContainerChildren(); }); test('info - pass message, but no title', 3, function () { //Arrange
var $toast = toastr.info(sampleMsg); //Assert
equal($toast.find('div.toast-title').length, 0, 'Sets null title'); equal($toast.find('div.toast-message').html(), sampleMsg, 'Sets message'); ok($toast.hasClass(iconClasses.info), 'Sets info icon'); //Teardown
$toast.remove(); clearContainerChildren(); }); test('info - pass no message nor title', 3, function () { //Arrange
var $toast = toastr.info(); //Assert
equal($toast.find('div.toast-title').length, 0, 'Sets null title'); equal($toast.find('div.toast-message').html(), null, 'Sets message'); ok($toast.hasClass(iconClasses.info), 'Sets info icon'); //Teardown
$toast.remove(); clearContainerChildren(); }); module('warning'); test('warning - pass message and title', 3, function () { //Arrange
var $toast = toastr.warning(sampleMsg, sampleTitle); //Assert
equal($toast.find('div.toast-title').html(), sampleTitle, 'Sets title'); equal($toast.find('div.toast-message').html(), sampleMsg, 'Sets message'); ok($toast.hasClass(iconClasses.warning), 'Sets warning icon'); //Teardown
$toast.remove(); clearContainerChildren(); }); test('warning - pass message, but no title', 3, function () { //Arrange
var $toast = toastr.warning(sampleMsg); //Assert
equal($toast.find('div.toast-title').length, 0, 'Sets empty title'); equal($toast.find('div.toast-message').html(), sampleMsg, 'Sets message'); ok($toast.hasClass(iconClasses.warning), 'Sets warning icon'); //Teardown
$toast.remove(); clearContainerChildren(); }); test('warning - no message nor title', 3, function () { //Arrange
var $toast = toastr.warning(''); //Assert
equal($toast.find('div.toast-title').length, 0, 'Sets null title'); equal($toast.find('div.toast-message').length, 0, 'Sets empty message'); ok($toast.hasClass(iconClasses.warning), 'Sets warning icon'); //Teardown
$toast.remove(); clearContainerChildren(); }); module('error'); test('error - pass message and title', 3, function () { //Arrange
var $toast = toastr.error(sampleMsg, sampleTitle); //Assert
equal($toast.find('div.toast-title').html(), sampleTitle, 'Sets title'); equal($toast.find('div.toast-message').html(), sampleMsg, 'Sets message'); ok($toast.hasClass(iconClasses.error), 'Sets error icon'); //Teardown
$toast.remove(); clearContainerChildren(); }); test('error - pass message, but no title', 3, function () { //Arrange
var $toast = toastr.error(sampleMsg); //Assert
equal($toast.find('div.toast-title').length, 0, 'Sets empty title'); equal($toast.find('div.toast-message').html(), sampleMsg, 'Sets message'); ok($toast.hasClass(iconClasses.error), 'Sets error icon'); //Teardown
$toast.remove(); clearContainerChildren(); }); test('error - no message nor title', 3, function () { //Arrange
var $toast = toastr.error(''); //Assert
equal($toast.find('div.toast-title').length, 0, 'Sets empty title'); equal($toast.find('div.toast-message').length, 0, 'Sets empty message'); ok($toast.hasClass(iconClasses.error), 'Sets error icon'); //Teardown
$toast.remove(); clearContainerChildren(); }); module('success'); test('success - pass message and title', 3, function () { //Arrange
var $toast = toastr.success(sampleMsg, sampleTitle); //Assert
equal($toast.find('div.toast-title').html(), sampleTitle, 'Sets title'); equal($toast.find('div.toast-message').html(), sampleMsg, 'Sets message'); ok($toast.hasClass(iconClasses.success), 'Sets success icon'); //Teardown
$toast.remove(); clearContainerChildren(); }); test('success - pass message, but no title', 3, function () { //Arrange
var $toast = toastr.success(sampleMsg); //Assert
equal($toast.find('div.toast-title').length, 0, 'Sets empty title'); equal($toast.find('div.toast-message').html(), sampleMsg, 'Sets message'); ok($toast.hasClass(iconClasses.success), 'Sets success icon'); //Teardown
$toast.remove(); clearContainerChildren(); }); test('success - no message nor title', 3, function () { //Arrange
var $toast = toastr.success(''); //Assert
equal($toast.find('div.toast-title').length, 0, 'Sets null title'); equal($toast.find('div.toast-message').length, 0, 'Sets empty message'); ok($toast.hasClass(iconClasses.success), 'Sets success icon'); //Teardown
$toast.remove(); clearContainerChildren(); });
module('escape html', { teardown: function () { toastr.options.escapeHtml = false; } }); test('info - escape html', 2, function () { //Arrange
toastr.options.escapeHtml = true; //Act
var $toast = toastr.info('html <strong>message</strong>', 'html <u>title</u>'); //Assert
equal($toast.find('div.toast-title').html(), 'html <u>title</u>', 'Title is escaped'); equal($toast.find('div.toast-message').html(), 'html <strong>message</strong>', 'Message is escaped'); //Teardown
$toast.remove(); clearContainerChildren(); }); test('warning - escape html', 2, function () { //Arrange
toastr.options.escapeHtml = true; //Act
var $toast = toastr.warning('html <strong>message</strong>', 'html <u>title</u>'); //Assert
equal($toast.find('div.toast-title').html(), 'html <u>title</u>', 'Title is escaped'); equal($toast.find('div.toast-message').html(), 'html <strong>message</strong>', 'Message is escaped'); //Teardown
$toast.remove(); clearContainerChildren(); }); test('error - escape html', 2, function () { //Arrange
toastr.options.escapeHtml = true; //Act
var $toast = toastr.error('html <strong>message</strong>', 'html <u>title</u>'); //Assert
equal($toast.find('div.toast-title').html(), 'html <u>title</u>', 'Title is escaped'); equal($toast.find('div.toast-message').html(), 'html <strong>message</strong>', 'Message is escaped'); //Teardown
$toast.remove(); clearContainerChildren(); }); test('success - escape html', 2, function () { //Arrange
toastr.options.escapeHtml = true; //Act
var $toast = toastr.success('html <strong>message</strong>', 'html <u>title</u>'); //Assert
equal($toast.find('div.toast-title').html(), 'html <u>title</u>', 'Title is escaped'); equal($toast.find('div.toast-message').html(), 'html <strong>message</strong>', 'Message is escaped'); //Teardown
$toast.remove(); clearContainerChildren(); });
module('closeButton', { teardown: function () { toastr.options.closeButton = false; } }); test('close button disabled', 1, function () { //Arrange
toastr.options.closeButton = false; //Act
var $toast = toastr.success(''); //Assert
equal($toast.find('button.toast-close-button').length, 0, 'close button should not exist with closeButton=false'); //Teardown
$toast.remove(); clearContainerChildren(); }); test('close button enabled', 1, function () { //Arrange
toastr.options.closeButton = true; //Act
var $toast = toastr.success(''); //Assert
equal($toast.find('button.toast-close-button').length, 1, 'close button should exist with closeButton=true'); //Teardown
$toast.remove(); clearContainerChildren(); }); test('close button has type=button', 1, function () { //Arrange
toastr.options.closeButton = true; //Act
var $toast = toastr.success(''); //Assert
equal($toast.find('button[type="button"].toast-close-button').length, 1, 'close button should have type=button'); //Teardown
$toast.remove(); clearContainerChildren(); }); asyncTest('close button duration', 1, function () { //Arrange
toastr.options.closeButton = true; toastr.options.closeDuration = 0; toastr.options.hideDuration = 2000; var $container = toastr.getContainer(); //Act
var $toast = toastr.success(''); $toast.find('button.toast-close-button').click(); setTimeout(function () { //Assert
ok($container && $container.children().length === 0, 'close button should support own hide animation'); //Teardown
toastr.options.hideDuration = 0; resetContainer(); start(); }, 500); });
module('progressBar', { teardown: function () { toastr.options.progressBar = false; } }); test('progress bar disabled', 1, function () { //Arrange
toastr.options.progressBar = false; //Act
var $toast = toastr.success(''); //Assert
equal($toast.find('div.toast-progress').length, 0, 'progress bar should not exist with progressBar=false'); //Teardown
$toast.remove(); clearContainerChildren(); }); test('progress bar enabled', 1, function () { //Arrange
toastr.options.progressBar = true; //Act
var $toast = toastr.success(''); //Assert
equal($toast.find('div.toast-progress').length, 1, 'progress bar should exist with progressBar=true'); //Teardown
$toast.remove(); clearContainerChildren(); });
module('event'); asyncTest('event - onShown is executed', 1, function () { // Arrange
var run = false; var onShown = function () { run = true; }; toastr.options.onShown = onShown; // Act
var $toast = toastr.success(sampleMsg, sampleTitle); setTimeout(function () { // Assert
ok(run); //Teardown
$toast.remove(); clearContainerChildren(); start(); }, delay); });
asyncTest('event - onHidden is executed', 1, function () { //Arrange
var run = false; var onHidden = function () { run = true; }; toastr.options.onHidden = onHidden; toastr.options.timeOut = 1; //Act
var $toast = toastr.success(sampleMsg, sampleTitle); setTimeout(function () { // Assert
ok(run); //Teardown
$toast.remove(); clearContainerChildren(); start(); }, delay); });
asyncTest('event - onShown and onHidden are both executed', 2, function () { //Arrange
var onShowRun = false; var onHideRun = false; var onShow = function () { onShowRun = true; }; var onHide = function () { onHideRun = true; }; toastr.options.onShown = onShow; toastr.options.onHidden = onHide; toastr.options.timeOut = 1; //Act
var $toast = toastr.success(sampleMsg, sampleTitle); setTimeout(function () { // Assert
ok(onShowRun); ok(onHideRun); //Teardown
$toast.remove(); clearContainerChildren(); start(); }, delay); });
test('event - message appears when no show or hide method functions provided', 1, function () { //Arrange
var $toast = toastr.success(sampleMsg, sampleTitle); //Assert
ok($toast.hasClass(iconClasses.success), 'Sets success icon'); //Teardown
$toast.remove(); clearContainerChildren(); });
test('event - prevent duplicate sequential toasts.', 1, function(){ toastr.options.preventDuplicates = true;
var $toast = []; $toast[0] = toastr.info(sampleMsg, sampleTitle); $toast[1] = toastr.info(sampleMsg, sampleTitle); $toast[2] = toastr.info(sampleMsg + " 1", sampleTitle); $toast[3] = toastr.info(sampleMsg, sampleTitle); var $container = toastr.getContainer();
ok($container && $container.children().length === 3);
clearContainerChildren(); });
test('event - prevent duplicate sequential toasts, but allow previous after clear.', 1, function(){ toastr.options.preventDuplicates = true;
var $toast = []; $toast[0] = toastr.info(sampleMsg, sampleTitle); $toast[1] = toastr.info(sampleMsg, sampleTitle); clearContainerChildren(); $toast[3] = toastr.info(sampleMsg, sampleTitle); var $container = toastr.getContainer();
ok($container && $container.children().length === 1);
clearContainerChildren(); });
test('event - allow duplicate sequential toasts.', 1, function(){ toastr.options.preventDuplicates = false;
var $toast = []; $toast[0] = toastr.info(sampleMsg, sampleTitle); $toast[1] = toastr.info(sampleMsg, sampleTitle); $toast[1] = toastr.info(sampleMsg, sampleTitle); var $container = toastr.getContainer();
ok($container && $container.children().length === 3);
clearContainerChildren(); });
test('event - allow preventDuplicates option to be overridden.', 1, function() { var $toast = [];
$toast[0] = toastr.info(sampleMsg, sampleTitle, { preventDuplicates: true }); $toast[1] = toastr.info(sampleMsg, sampleTitle, { preventDuplicates: true }); $toast[2] = toastr.info(sampleMsg, sampleTitle); var $container = toastr.getContainer();
ok($container && $container.children().length === 2); clearContainerChildren(); });
module('order of appearance'); test('Newest toast on top', 1, function () { //Arrange
resetContainer(); toastr.options.newestOnTop = true; //Act
var $first = toastr.success("First toast"); var $second = toastr.success("Second toast"); //Assert
var containerHtml = toastr.getContainer().html(); ok(containerHtml.indexOf("First toast") > containerHtml.indexOf("Second toast"), 'Newest toast is on top'); //Teardown
$first.remove(); $second.remove(); resetContainer(); });
test('Oldest toast on top', 1, function () { //Arrange
resetContainer(); toastr.options.newestOnTop = false; //Act
var $first = toastr.success("First toast"); var $second = toastr.success("Second toast"); //Assert
var containerHtml = toastr.getContainer().html(); ok(containerHtml.indexOf("First toast") < containerHtml.indexOf("Second toast"), 'Oldest toast is on top'); //Teardown
$first.remove(); $second.remove(); resetContainer(); });
// These must go last
module('positioning'); test('Container - position top-right', 1, function () { //Arrange
resetContainer(); toastr.options.positionClass = positionClasses.topRight; //Act
var $toast = toastr.success(sampleMsg); var $container = toastr.getContainer(); //Assert
ok($container.hasClass(positionClasses.topRight), 'Has position top right'); //Teardown
$toast.remove(); resetContainer(); }); test('Container - position bottom-right', 1, function () { //Arrange
resetContainer(); toastr.options.positionClass = positionClasses.bottomRight; //Act
var $toast = toastr.success(sampleMsg); var $container = toastr.getContainer(); //Assert
ok($container.hasClass(positionClasses.bottomRight), 'Has position bottom right'); //Teardown
$toast.remove(); resetContainer(); }); test('Container - position bottom-left', 1, function () { //Arrange
resetContainer(); //$(selectors.container).remove()
toastr.options.positionClass = positionClasses.bottomLeft; //Act
var $toast = toastr.success(sampleMsg); var $container = toastr.getContainer(); //Assert
ok($container.hasClass(positionClasses.bottomLeft), 'Has position bottom left'); //Teardown
$toast.remove(); resetContainer(); }); test('Container - position top-left', 1, function () { //Arrange
resetContainer(); toastr.options.positionClass = positionClasses.topLeft; //Act
var $toast = toastr.success(sampleMsg); var $container = toastr.getContainer(); //Assert
ok($container.hasClass(positionClasses.topLeft), 'Has position top left'); //Teardown
$toast.remove(); resetContainer(); }); test('Container - position top-center', 1, function () { //Arrange
resetContainer(); toastr.options.positionClass = positionClasses.topCenter; //Act
var $toast = toastr.success(sampleMsg); var $container = toastr.getContainer(); //Assert
ok($container.hasClass(positionClasses.topCenter), 'Has position top center'); //Teardown
$toast.remove(); resetContainer(); }); test('Container - position bottom-center', 1, function () { //Arrange
resetContainer(); toastr.options.positionClass = positionClasses.bottomCenter; //Act
var $toast = toastr.success(sampleMsg); var $container = toastr.getContainer(); //Assert
ok($container.hasClass(positionClasses.bottomCenter), 'Has position bottom center'); //Teardown
$toast.remove(); resetContainer(); });
function resetContainer() { var $container = toastr.getContainer(); if ($container) { $container.remove(); } $(selectors.container).remove(); clearContainerChildren(); }
function clearContainerChildren() { toastr.clear(); }