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  1. # UPDATE: for newer systems better directly use:
  2. # vim /etc/dhcpcd.conf:
  3. #
  4. # interface eth0
  5. # static ip_address=
  6. # static routers=
  7. # static domain_name_servers=
  8. #
  9. # now reboot the rpi
  10. # static ip configuration
  11. # /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml
  12. network:
  13. ethernets:
  14. eth0:
  15. dhcp4: true
  16. optional: true
  17. wifis:
  18. wlan0:
  19. dhcp4: no
  20. dhcp6: no
  21. addresses: []
  22. gateway4:
  23. nameservers:
  24. addresses: [,]
  25. access-points:
  26. "wifiname":
  27. password: "password"
  28. version: 2