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6 years ago
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5 years ago
  1. # configs
  2. config files
  3. ## List of utilities for terminal
  4. - bat
  5. - rg
  6. - tig
  7. - gitg
  8. ```
  9. alias gitg="git log --color --graph --abbrev-commit --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%ar)%C(cyan) %an<%ae>%Creset'"
  10. ```
  11. - exa
  12. ```
  13. alias ls='exa'
  14. alias lst='exa -l -snew'
  15. ```
  16. - fd
  17. - jq
  18. - tmux
  19. - nvim
  20. - mpsyt (mps-youtube)
  21. - fzf
  22. ---
  23. - Vim: `.vimrc`
  24. - put `vimconfigbase.vim` into `~/`
  25. - put `.vimrc` into `~/`
  26. - install
  27. - inside vim, execute: `:PlugInstall`
  28. - NeoVim: `init.vim`
  29. - put `vimconfigbase.vim` into `~/`
  30. - in `.config/nvim/init.vim`
  31. - install
  32. - inside neovim, execute: `:PlugInstall`
  33. - for the vim-go, execute: :GoInstallBinaries
  34. - `.bashrc`
  35. - in `~/home/.bashrc` directory
  36. - execute `source .bashrc`
  37. - Tmux: `.tmux.conf`
  38. - in `~/home/.tmux.conf` directory
  39. - Keyboard remap `.Xmodmap`
  40. - in `~/home/.Xmodmap`
  41. - changes will be applied each session start
  42. - to apply changes in the current session use `xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap`
  43. - Redshift `redshift.conf`
  44. - in `~/.config/redshift.conf`
  45. - i3 config files `/i3` and `/i3status` directories go inside `~/.config/` directory
  46. - alacritty: copy `alacritty` dir into `~/.config/` directory
  47. ### server side
  48. - radicale `config`
  49. - in `~/.conf/radicale/config`
  50. ## swap file
  51. ```bash
  52. # create swap file
  53. > dd if=/dev/zero of=./swapfile bs=1GB count=40
  54. # add permisions
  55. > chmod 600 ./swapfile
  56. # format the swapfile
  57. > mkswap ./swapfile
  58. # enable swap on swapfile
  59. > swapon ./swapfile
  60. # check that it is enabled
  61. > swapon --show
  62. # make swap persistent:
  63. # add the following line at the end of the /etc/fstab file
  64. ~/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0
  65. ```