#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os import subprocess import sys
setup = sys.argv[1]
subprocess.run(["xrandr", "--auto"])
d = os.popen("xrandr --listmonitors | grep '+' | awk {'print $4'}").read().splitlines() print(d[1])
pos = "--above" if setup == "h": pos="--right-of" elif setup == "ih": pos="--left-of" elif setup == "v": pos="--above" elif setup=="mirror": pos="--same-as"
subprocess.run(["xrandr", "--output", d[1], pos, "eDP-1"])
if len(sys.argv)>2: if sys.argv[2] == "4k": print("4k") # xrandr --output HDMI-2 --mode 3840x2160 subprocess.run(["xrandr", "--output", d[1], "--mode", "3840x2160"])
# restart i3 status bar to avoid being frozen subprocess.run(["i3-msg", "restart"])
# for fixing touch screen # Check the input device ID with `xinput`. # Check the display device name with `xrandr`. # `xinput map-to-output <ID> <NAME>` # eg. xinput map-to-output 12 eDP-1