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  1. # This file contains the config shared across different devices.
  2. { config, pkgs, ... }:
  3. {
  4. # Set your time zone.
  5. time.timeZone = "Europe/Madrid";
  6. # Select internationalisation properties.
  7. i18n.defaultLocale = "en_US.UTF-8";
  8. i18n.extraLocaleSettings = {
  9. LC_ADDRESS = "es_ES.UTF-8";
  11. LC_MEASUREMENT = "es_ES.UTF-8";
  12. LC_MONETARY = "es_ES.UTF-8";
  13. LC_NAME = "es_ES.UTF-8";
  14. LC_NUMERIC = "es_ES.UTF-8";
  15. LC_PAPER = "es_ES.UTF-8";
  16. LC_TELEPHONE = "es_ES.UTF-8";
  17. LC_TIME = "es_ES.UTF-8";
  18. };
  19. environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
  20. # minimal
  21. vim
  22. neovim
  23. wget
  24. tmux
  25. git
  26. delta
  27. tig
  28. mosh
  29. bat
  30. lf
  31. ripgrep
  32. fzf
  33. screenfetch
  34. htop
  35. alacritty
  36. zathura
  37. mate.atril
  38. xclip # to make clipboard work in neovim
  39. xorg.xmodmap
  40. xfce.xfce4-screenshooter
  41. xfce.thunar
  42. xfce.xfconf # needed to save preferences of thunar
  43. xfce.ristretto
  44. pavucontrol
  45. # other
  46. mpv
  47. feh
  48. kolourpaint
  49. # browsers
  50. firefox
  51. qutebrowser
  52. chromium
  53. # languages
  54. texlive.combined.scheme-medium # includes latexmk
  55. #pgf-umlsd # latex diagrams
  56. #pgf
  57. #(pkgs.texlive.combine {
  58. # inherit (pkgs.texlive)
  59. # scheme-medium
  60. # pgf
  61. # ;
  62. #})
  63. #gcc
  64. clang
  65. clang-tools
  66. stdenv
  67. rustup
  68. sage
  69. go
  70. python3
  71. nodejs
  72. ];
  73. environment.variables = {
  74. LIBCLANG_PATH = "${pkgs.llvmPackages_17.libclang.lib}/lib";
  75. };
  76. fonts.packages = with pkgs; [
  77. dina-font
  78. proggyfonts
  79. terminus_font
  80. fira-code
  81. liberation_ttf
  82. noto-fonts
  83. tamsyn
  84. termsyn
  85. gohufont
  86. ];
  87. programs.zsh.enable = true;
  88. users.defaultUserShell = pkgs.zsh;
  89. environment.shells = with pkgs; [zsh];
  90. }