# configs config files - NeoVim: `init.vim` - in `.config/nvim/init.vim` - install https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug - inside neovim, execute: `:PlugInstall` - for the vim-go, execute: :GoInstallBinaries - `.bashrc` - in `~/home/.bashrc` directory - execute `source .bashrc` - Tmux: `.tmux.conf` - in `~/home/.tmux.conf` directory - Keyboard remap `.Xmodmap` - in `~/home/.Xmodmap` - changes will be applied each session start - to apply changes in the current session use `xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap` - Redshift `redshift.conf` - in `~/.config/redshift.conf` - i3 config files `/i3` and `/i3status` directories go inside `~/.config/` directory ### server side - radicale `config` - in `~/.conf/radicale/config`