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package schnorr
import (
const (
bits = 512 // 2048
// PubK is the public key of the Schnorr scheme
type PubK struct {
P ecc.Point
Q ecc.Point
// PrivK is the private key of the Schnorr scheme
type PrivK struct {
PubK PubK
A *big.Int
// Schnorr is the data structure for the Schnorr scheme
type Schnorr struct {
EC ecc.EC
D *big.Int // K
G ecc.Point
Q ecc.Point // P
N int // order of curve
// Hash calculates a hash concatenating a given message bytes with a given EC Point. H(M||R)
func Hash(m []byte, c ecc.Point) *big.Int {
var b []byte
b = append(b, m...)
cXBytes := c.X.Bytes()
cYBytes := c.Y.Bytes()
b = append(b, cXBytes...)
b = append(b, cYBytes...)
h := sha256.New()
hash := h.Sum(nil)
r := new(big.Int).SetBytes(hash)
return r
// Gen generates the Schnorr scheme
func Gen(ec ecc.EC, g ecc.Point, r *big.Int) (Schnorr, PrivK, error) {
var err error
var schnorr Schnorr
var sk PrivK
schnorr.EC = ec
schnorr.G = g
sk.PubK.P, _, err = ec.At(r)
if err != nil {
return schnorr, sk, err
orderP, err := ec.Order(sk.PubK.P)
if err != nil {
return schnorr, sk, err
// rand int between 1 and oerder of P
sk.A, err = rand.Int(rand.Reader, orderP)
if err != nil {
return schnorr, sk, err
sk.A = big.NewInt(int64(7))
skACopy := new(big.Int).SetBytes(sk.A.Bytes())
// pk.Q = k x P
sk.PubK.Q, err = ec.Mul(sk.PubK.P, skACopy)
if err != nil {
return schnorr, sk, err
return schnorr, sk, nil
// Sign performs the signature of the message m with the given private key
func (schnorr Schnorr) Sign(sk PrivK, m []byte) (*big.Int, ecc.Point, error) {
var e *big.Int
orderP, err := schnorr.EC.Order(sk.PubK.P)
if err != nil {
return e, ecc.Point{}, err
// rand k <-[1,r]
k, err := rand.Int(rand.Reader, orderP)
if err != nil {
return e, ecc.Point{}, err
// R = k x P
rPoint, err := schnorr.EC.Mul(sk.PubK.P, k)
if err != nil {
return e, ecc.Point{}, err
// e = H(M||R)
e = Hash(m, rPoint)
// a*e
ae := new(big.Int).Mul(sk.A, e)
// k + a*e
kae := new(big.Int).Add(k, ae)
// k + a*e mod r, where r is order of P
s := new(big.Int).Mod(kae, orderP)
return s, rPoint, nil
// Verify checks if the given public key matches with the given signature of the message m, in the given EC
func Verify(ec ecc.EC, pk PubK, m []byte, s *big.Int, rPoint ecc.Point) (bool, error) {
// e = H(M||R)
e := Hash(m, rPoint)
eCopy := new(big.Int).SetBytes(e.Bytes())
// e x Q
eQ, err := ec.Mul(pk.Q, eCopy)
if err != nil {
return false, err
// R + e x Q
// reQ, err := schnorr.EC.Add(rPoint, eQ)
// if err != nil {
// return false, err
// }
// s x P
sp, err := ec.Mul(pk.P, s)
// return reQ.Equal(sp), nil
return eQ.Equal(sp), nil