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package bls
import (
// this BLS implementation uses the Go implementation of the BN128 pairing
const bits = 2048
// BLS is the data structure of the BLS signature scheme, including the BN128 pairing curve
type BLS struct {
Bn bn128.Bn128
type BLSKeys struct {
PrivK *big.Int
PubK [3]*big.Int
// NewBLS generates a new BLS scheme
func NewBLS() (BLS, error) {
bn, err := bn128.NewBn128()
if err != nil {
return BLS{}, err
bls := BLS{}
bls.Bn = bn
return bls, nil
// NewKeys generate new Private Key and Public Key
func (bls BLS) NewKeys() (BLSKeys, error) {
var err error
k := BLSKeys{}
k.PrivK, err = rand.Prime(rand.Reader, bits)
if err != nil {
return BLSKeys{}, err
// pubK = pk * G
k.PubK = bls.Bn.G1.MulScalar(bls.Bn.G1.G, k.PrivK)
return k, nil
// Hash hashes a message m
func (bls BLS) Hash(m []byte) [3][2]*big.Int {
h := sha256.New()
hash := h.Sum(nil)
r := new(big.Int).SetBytes(hash)
// get point over the curve
point := bls.Bn.G2.MulScalar(bls.Bn.G2.G, r)
return point
// Sign performs the BLS signature of a message m
func (bls BLS) Sign(privK *big.Int, m []byte) [3][2]*big.Int {
// s = pk * H(m)
h := bls.Hash(m)
sig := bls.Bn.G2.MulScalar(h, privK)
return sig
// Verify checks the signature of a message m with the given Public Key
func (bls BLS) Verify(m []byte, sig [3][2]*big.Int, pubK [3]*big.Int) bool {
// checks e(P, G) == e(G, s)
p1, err := bls.Bn.Pairing(pubK, bls.Hash(m))
if err != nil {
return false
p2, err := bls.Bn.Pairing(bls.Bn.G1.G, sig)
if err != nil {
return false
return bls.Bn.Fq12.Equal(p1, p2)
func (bls BLS) AggregateSignatures(signatures ...[3][2]*big.Int) [3][2]*big.Int {
aggr := signatures[0]
for _, sig := range signatures {
aggr = bls.Bn.G2.Add(aggr, sig)
return aggr
func (bls BLS) VerifyAggregatedSignatures(aggrsig [3][2]*big.Int, pubKArray [][3]*big.Int, mArray [][]byte) bool {
if len(pubKArray) != len(mArray) {
fmt.Println("pubK array and msg array not with the same number of elements")
return false
pairingGS, err := bls.Bn.Pairing(bls.Bn.G1.G, aggrsig)
if err != nil {
return false
pairingsMul, err := bls.Bn.Pairing(pubKArray[0], bls.Hash(mArray[0]))
if err != nil {
return false
for i := 1; i < len(pubKArray); i++ {
e, err := bls.Bn.Pairing(pubKArray[i], bls.Hash(mArray[i]))
if err != nil {
return false
pairingsMul = bls.Bn.Fq12.Mul(pairingsMul, e)
if !bls.Bn.Fq12.Equal(pairingGS, pairingsMul) {
return false
return true