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package main
import (
func IDs() []Key {
//read the keys stored in /keys directory
keys := readKeys()
return keys
func NewID() []Key {
//generate RSA keys pair
reader := rand.Reader
k, err := rsa.GenerateKey(reader, keysize)
id := hash(time.Now().String())
savePEMKey(keysDir+"/"+id+"private.pem", k)
savePublicPEMKey(keysDir+"/"+id+"public.pem", k.PublicKey)
var key Key
key.ID = id
key.PrivK = id + "private.pem"
key.PubK = id + "public.pem"
key.Date = time.Now()
keys := readKeys()
keys = append(keys, key)
return keys
type AskBlindSign struct {
M []byte `json:"m"`
type SignResponse struct {
Sig []byte `json:"sig"`
PubK rsa.PublicKey `json:"pubK"`
func BlindAndSendToSign(keyID string) []byte {
//get the key
key := getKeyByKeyID(keyID)
//privK := openPEMKey(key.PrivK)
pubK := openPublicPEMKey(key.PubK)
//TODO pubK to string
m := []byte("pubK") //convert pubK to array of bytes
//blind the hashed message
// We do a SHA256 full-domain-hash expanded to 1536 bits (3/4 the key size)
hashed := fdh.Sum(crypto.SHA256, hashize, m)
blinded, unblinder, err := rsablind.Blind(&pubK, hashed)
if err != nil {
var askBlindSign AskBlindSign
askBlindSign.M = blinded
//send blinded to serverIDsigner
body := new(bytes.Buffer)
res, err := http.Post(config.Server+"blindsign", "application/json", body)
var signResponse SignResponse
decoder := json.NewDecoder(res.Body)
err = decoder.Decode(&signResponse)
if err != nil {
defer res.Body.Close()
sig := signResponse.Sig
serverPubK := signResponse.PubK
//unblind the signedblind
unblindedSig := rsablind.Unblind(&serverPubK, sig, unblinder)
return unblindedSig
func Verify(packPubK string) {