'use strict';
angular.module('app.write', ['ngRoute'])
.config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) { $routeProvider.when('/write', { templateUrl: 'views/write/write.html', controller: 'WriteCtrl' }); }])
.controller('WriteCtrl', function($scope, $rootScope, $http) { $scope.post = { title: "", content: "", summary: "" }; var editor = new MediumEditor('.editable', { toolbar: { /* These are the default options for the toolbar, if nothing is passed this is what is used */ allowMultiParagraphSelection: true, buttons: ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'anchor', 'h2', 'h3', 'quote'], diffLeft: 0, diffTop: -10, firstButtonClass: 'medium-editor-button-first', lastButtonClass: 'medium-editor-button-last', relativeContainer: null, standardizeSelectionStart: false, static: false, /* options which only apply when static is true */ align: 'center', sticky: false, updateOnEmptySelection: false }, autoLink: true, placeholder: { text: 'Start to writting your decentralized blog post...' } }).subscribe('editableInput', function (event, editable) { // Do some work
$scope.post.content = editable.innerHTML; console.log($scope.post.content); });
$scope.publicate = function() { console.log("post", $scope.post); $http({ url: apiurl + 'post', method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": undefined }, data: $scope.post }) .then(function(data) { console.log("data: "); console.log(data.data); window.location = "#!/user/" + $scope.user.id; }, function(data) { console.log(data); });
}; });