You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

36 lines
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  1. <div class="card">
  2. <div class="o_card-body">
  3. <a ng-href="#!/user/{{}}">
  4. <div class="pull-right text-secondary">
  5. <span class="row">
  6. <div class="text-right">
  7. {{ | date: "MMM d, y"}}
  8. </div>
  9. </span>
  10. <span class="row">
  11. <div class="text-right">
  12. {{ | date: "HH:mm"}}h
  13. </div>
  14. </span>
  15. </div>
  16. <div class="row">
  17. <div style="display:block;margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px;">
  18. <img class="o_userImgCircular" ng-src="img/z.png" />
  19. </div>
  20. <div style="display:block; font-size:90%;">
  21. <b>{{}} {{post.user.lastname}}</b>
  22. <div class="mb-2 text-muted">@{{post.user.username}}</div>
  23. </div>
  24. </div>
  25. </a>
  26. </div>
  27. <a ng-href="#!/post/{{}}" class="o_card-body">
  28. <img ng-show="post.thumbimg" ng-src="http://localhost:8080/ipfs/{{post.thumbimg}}" class="img-fluid" />
  29. <br><br>
  30. <h5 class="card-title">{{post.title}}</h5>
  31. <h6 class="card-subtitle mb-2 text-muted">{{post.summary}}</h6>
  32. <div class="pull-right">
  33. <i title="Server" class="fa fa-heart ct_red300 fa-1x"></i> 37
  34. </div>
  35. </a>
  36. </div>