FastGoSkein ===========
A go port of the skein hash function originally written in C from https://github.com/cberner/xkcd_miner. Ive made a few tweaks an optimizations on the original code for added performance. Note: Its still not as fast as the original, but I will continue to chip away at optimizations as much as I can!
Install the package with `go get`
go get github.com/whyrusleeping/FastGoSkein
Import it in your golang code
import "github.com/whyrusleeping/FastGoSkein"
And use it!
toHash := []byte("This is a super secret keyphrase to be hashed!") sk := new(skein.Skein1024) sk.Init(1024) sk.Update(toHash) outputBuffer := make([]byte, 128) sk.Final(outputBuffer)
//Nice hex formatting from encoding/hex fmt.Println(hex.EncodeToString(outputBuffer))