package p2p
import "github.com/romana/rlog"
import "github.com/deroproject/derosuite/globals" import "github.com/deroproject/derosuite/crypto"
// when 2 peers communiate either both are in sync or async
// if async, reply to the request below, with your state and other will supply you list of block ids
func Handle_BC_Notify_Chain(connection *Connection, i_command_header *Levin_Header, buf []byte) {
// deserialize data header
var i_data_header Levin_Data_Header // incoming data header
err := i_data_header.DeSerialize(buf)
if err != nil { connection.logger.Debugf("We should destroy connection here, data header cnot deserialized") connection.Exit = true return }
buf = i_data_header.Data[11:] // 11 bytes boost header, ignore it
// decode remain data length ( though we know it from buffer size, but still verify it )
data_length, done := Decode_Boost_Varint(buf) buf = buf[done:]
if data_length == 0 { rlog.Tracef(4, "Peer says it does not have even genesis block, so disconnect") connection.Exit = true return } if (data_length % 32) != 0 { // sanity check
rlog.Tracef(4, "We should destroy connection here, packet mismatch") connection.Exit = true return }
rlog.Tracef(4, "Number of hashes %d \n", data_length/32)
var block_list []crypto.Hash
for i := uint64(0); i < data_length/32; i++ { var bhash crypto.Hash copy(bhash[:], buf[i*32:(i+1)*32])
block_list = append(block_list, bhash)
rlog.Tracef(5,"%2d hash %x\n", i, bhash[:])
// the data is like this, first 10 blocks, then block are in 2^n power and the last block is genesis
// make sure the genesis block is same
if block_list[len(block_list)-1] != globals.Config.Genesis_Block_Hash { connection.logger.Debugf("Peer's genesis block is different from our, so disconnect") connection.Exit = true return }
// we must give user our version of the chain
start_height := uint64(0)
for i := 0; i < len(block_list); i++ { // find the common point in our chain
if chain.Block_Exists(block_list[i]) { start_height = chain.Load_Height_for_BL_ID(block_list[i]) rlog.Tracef(4,"Found common point in chain at hash %x\n", block_list[i]) break } }
// send atleast 16001 block or till the top
stop_height := chain.Get_Height()
if (stop_height - start_height) > 1001 { // send MAX 512 KB block hashes
stop_height = start_height + 1002 }
block_list = block_list[:0]
for i := start_height; i < stop_height; i++ { hash, _ := chain.Load_BL_ID_at_Height(i) block_list = append(block_list, hash) }
rlog.Tracef(2,"Prepared list of %d block header to send \n", len(block_list))
Send_BC_Notify_Response_Chain_Entry(connection, block_list, start_height, chain.Get_Height(), 1)
// header from boost packet
//0060 00 00 00 01 11 01 01 01 01 02 01 [] 01 04 09 62 6c ..............bl
//0070 6f 63 6b 5f 69 64 73 0a [] 81 0a 9b a2 3e fe 50 5f ock_ids.....>.P_
// send the Peer our chain status, so he can give us the latest chain or updated block_ids
// this is only sent when we are in different from peers
func Send_BC_Notify_Chain_Command(connection *Connection) {
header_bytes := []byte{ /*0x01, 0x04,*/ 0x09, 0x62, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x63, 0x6b, 0x5f, 0x69, 0x64, 0x73, 0x0a}
_ = header_bytes // now append boost variant length, and then append all the hashes
var block_list []crypto.Hash
// add your blocks here
our_height := chain.Get_Height() if our_height < 20 { // if height is less than 20, fetch from genesis block
} else { // send blocks in reverse
for i := uint64(1); our_height < 11; i++ { hash, err := chain.Load_BL_ID_at_Height(our_height - i) _ = err block_list = append(block_list, hash) }
our_height = our_height - 11
// now seend all our block id in log, 2nd, 4th, 8th, etc
for ; our_height > 0; our_height = our_height >> 1 { hash, err := chain.Load_BL_ID_at_Height(our_height) _ = err block_list = append(block_list, hash)
} }
// final block is always genesis block
block_list = append(block_list, globals.Config.Genesis_Block_Hash)
buf := make([]byte, 8, 8) done := Encode_Boost_Varint(buf, uint64(len(block_list)*32)) // encode length of buffer
buf = buf[:done]
var o_command_header Levin_Header var o_data_header Levin_Data_Header
o_data_header.Data = append(header_bytes, buf...)
// convert and append all hashes to bytes
for _, hash := range block_list { o_data_header.Data = append(o_data_header.Data, hash[:32]...) }
o_data_bytes, _ := o_data_header.Serialize()
o_data_bytes[9] = 0x4
o_command_header.CB = uint64(len(o_data_bytes))
o_command_header.Command = BC_NOTIFY_REQUEST_CHAIN o_command_header.ReturnData = false o_command_header.Flags = LEVIN_PACKET_REQUEST
o_command_header_bytes, _ := o_command_header.Serialize()
connection.Conn.Write(o_command_header_bytes) connection.Conn.Write(o_data_bytes)
//fmt.Printf("len of command header %d\n", len(o_command_header_bytes))
//fmt.Printf("len of data header %d\n", len(o_data_bytes))
connection.Unlock() }