// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package loader
// See doc.go for package documentation and implementation notes.
import ( "errors" "fmt" "go/ast" "go/build" "go/parser" "go/token" "go/types" "os" "path/filepath" "sort" "strings" "sync" "time"
"golang.org/x/tools/go/ast/astutil" )
var ignoreVendor build.ImportMode
const trace = false // show timing info for type-checking
// Config specifies the configuration for loading a whole program from
// Go source code.
// The zero value for Config is a ready-to-use default configuration.
type Config struct { // Fset is the file set for the parser to use when loading the
// program. If nil, it may be lazily initialized by any
// method of Config.
Fset *token.FileSet
// ParserMode specifies the mode to be used by the parser when
// loading source packages.
ParserMode parser.Mode
// TypeChecker contains options relating to the type checker.
// The supplied IgnoreFuncBodies is not used; the effective
// value comes from the TypeCheckFuncBodies func below.
// The supplied Import function is not used either.
TypeChecker types.Config
// TypeCheckFuncBodies is a predicate over package paths.
// A package for which the predicate is false will
// have its package-level declarations type checked, but not
// its function bodies; this can be used to quickly load
// dependencies from source. If nil, all func bodies are type
// checked.
TypeCheckFuncBodies func(path string) bool
// If Build is non-nil, it is used to locate source packages.
// Otherwise &build.Default is used.
// By default, cgo is invoked to preprocess Go files that
// import the fake package "C". This behaviour can be
// disabled by setting CGO_ENABLED=0 in the environment prior
// to startup, or by setting Build.CgoEnabled=false.
Build *build.Context
// The current directory, used for resolving relative package
// references such as "./go/loader". If empty, os.Getwd will be
// used instead.
Cwd string
// If DisplayPath is non-nil, it is used to transform each
// file name obtained from Build.Import(). This can be used
// to prevent a virtualized build.Config's file names from
// leaking into the user interface.
DisplayPath func(path string) string
// If AllowErrors is true, Load will return a Program even
// if some of the its packages contained I/O, parser or type
// errors; such errors are accessible via PackageInfo.Errors. If
// false, Load will fail if any package had an error.
AllowErrors bool
// CreatePkgs specifies a list of non-importable initial
// packages to create. The resulting packages will appear in
// the corresponding elements of the Program.Created slice.
CreatePkgs []PkgSpec
// ImportPkgs specifies a set of initial packages to load.
// The map keys are package paths.
// The map value indicates whether to load tests. If true, Load
// will add and type-check two lists of files to the package:
// non-test files followed by in-package *_test.go files. In
// addition, it will append the external test package (if any)
// to Program.Created.
ImportPkgs map[string]bool
// FindPackage is called during Load to create the build.Package
// for a given import path from a given directory.
// If FindPackage is nil, (*build.Context).Import is used.
// A client may use this hook to adapt to a proprietary build
// system that does not follow the "go build" layout
// conventions, for example.
// It must be safe to call concurrently from multiple goroutines.
FindPackage func(ctxt *build.Context, importPath, fromDir string, mode build.ImportMode) (*build.Package, error)
// AfterTypeCheck is called immediately after a list of files
// has been type-checked and appended to info.Files.
// This optional hook function is the earliest opportunity for
// the client to observe the output of the type checker,
// which may be useful to reduce analysis latency when loading
// a large program.
// The function is permitted to modify info.Info, for instance
// to clear data structures that are no longer needed, which can
// dramatically reduce peak memory consumption.
// The function may be called twice for the same PackageInfo:
// once for the files of the package and again for the
// in-package test files.
// It must be safe to call concurrently from multiple goroutines.
AfterTypeCheck func(info *PackageInfo, files []*ast.File) }
// A PkgSpec specifies a non-importable package to be created by Load.
// Files are processed first, but typically only one of Files and
// Filenames is provided. The path needn't be globally unique.
// For vendoring purposes, the package's directory is the one that
// contains the first file.
type PkgSpec struct { Path string // package path ("" => use package declaration)
Files []*ast.File // ASTs of already-parsed files
Filenames []string // names of files to be parsed
// A Program is a Go program loaded from source as specified by a Config.
type Program struct { Fset *token.FileSet // the file set for this program
// Created[i] contains the initial package whose ASTs or
// filenames were supplied by Config.CreatePkgs[i], followed by
// the external test package, if any, of each package in
// Config.ImportPkgs ordered by ImportPath.
// NOTE: these files must not import "C". Cgo preprocessing is
// only performed on imported packages, not ad hoc packages.
// TODO(adonovan): we need to copy and adapt the logic of
// goFilesPackage (from $GOROOT/src/cmd/go/build.go) and make
// Config.Import and Config.Create methods return the same kind
// of entity, essentially a build.Package.
// Perhaps we can even reuse that type directly.
Created []*PackageInfo
// Imported contains the initially imported packages,
// as specified by Config.ImportPkgs.
Imported map[string]*PackageInfo
// AllPackages contains the PackageInfo of every package
// encountered by Load: all initial packages and all
// dependencies, including incomplete ones.
AllPackages map[*types.Package]*PackageInfo
// importMap is the canonical mapping of package paths to
// packages. It contains all Imported initial packages, but not
// Created ones, and all imported dependencies.
importMap map[string]*types.Package }
// PackageInfo holds the ASTs and facts derived by the type-checker
// for a single package.
// Not mutated once exposed via the API.
type PackageInfo struct { Pkg *types.Package Importable bool // true if 'import "Pkg.Path()"' would resolve to this
TransitivelyErrorFree bool // true if Pkg and all its dependencies are free of errors
Files []*ast.File // syntax trees for the package's files
Errors []error // non-nil if the package had errors
types.Info // type-checker deductions.
dir string // package directory
checker *types.Checker // transient type-checker state
errorFunc func(error) }
func (info *PackageInfo) String() string { return info.Pkg.Path() }
func (info *PackageInfo) appendError(err error) { if info.errorFunc != nil { info.errorFunc(err) } else { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err) } info.Errors = append(info.Errors, err) }
func (conf *Config) fset() *token.FileSet { if conf.Fset == nil { conf.Fset = token.NewFileSet() } return conf.Fset }
// ParseFile is a convenience function (intended for testing) that invokes
// the parser using the Config's FileSet, which is initialized if nil.
// src specifies the parser input as a string, []byte, or io.Reader, and
// filename is its apparent name. If src is nil, the contents of
// filename are read from the file system.
func (conf *Config) ParseFile(filename string, src interface{}) (*ast.File, error) { // TODO(adonovan): use conf.build() etc like parseFiles does.
return parser.ParseFile(conf.fset(), filename, src, conf.ParserMode) }
// FromArgsUsage is a partial usage message that applications calling
// FromArgs may wish to include in their -help output.
const FromArgsUsage = ` <args> is a list of arguments denoting a set of initial packages. It may take one of two forms:
1. A list of *.go source files.
All of the specified files are loaded, parsed and type-checked as a single package. All the files must belong to the same directory.
2. A list of import paths, each denoting a package.
The package's directory is found relative to the $GOROOT and $GOPATH using similar logic to 'go build', and the *.go files in that directory are loaded, parsed and type-checked as a single package.
In addition, all *_test.go files in the directory are then loaded and parsed. Those files whose package declaration equals that of the non-*_test.go files are included in the primary package. Test files whose package declaration ends with "_test" are type-checked as another package, the 'external' test package, so that a single import path may denote two packages. (Whether this behaviour is enabled is tool-specific, and may depend on additional flags.)
A '--' argument terminates the list of packages. `
// FromArgs interprets args as a set of initial packages to load from
// source and updates the configuration. It returns the list of
// unconsumed arguments.
// It is intended for use in command-line interfaces that require a
// set of initial packages to be specified; see FromArgsUsage message
// for details.
// Only superficial errors are reported at this stage; errors dependent
// on I/O are detected during Load.
func (conf *Config) FromArgs(args []string, xtest bool) ([]string, error) { var rest []string for i, arg := range args { if arg == "--" { rest = args[i+1:] args = args[:i] break // consume "--" and return the remaining args
} }
if len(args) > 0 && strings.HasSuffix(args[0], ".go") { // Assume args is a list of a *.go files
// denoting a single ad hoc package.
for _, arg := range args { if !strings.HasSuffix(arg, ".go") { return nil, fmt.Errorf("named files must be .go files: %s", arg) } } conf.CreateFromFilenames("", args...) } else { // Assume args are directories each denoting a
// package and (perhaps) an external test, iff xtest.
for _, arg := range args { if xtest { conf.ImportWithTests(arg) } else { conf.Import(arg) } } }
return rest, nil }
// CreateFromFilenames is a convenience function that adds
// a conf.CreatePkgs entry to create a package of the specified *.go
// files.
func (conf *Config) CreateFromFilenames(path string, filenames ...string) { conf.CreatePkgs = append(conf.CreatePkgs, PkgSpec{Path: path, Filenames: filenames}) }
// CreateFromFiles is a convenience function that adds a conf.CreatePkgs
// entry to create package of the specified path and parsed files.
func (conf *Config) CreateFromFiles(path string, files ...*ast.File) { conf.CreatePkgs = append(conf.CreatePkgs, PkgSpec{Path: path, Files: files}) }
// ImportWithTests is a convenience function that adds path to
// ImportPkgs, the set of initial source packages located relative to
// $GOPATH. The package will be augmented by any *_test.go files in
// its directory that contain a "package x" (not "package x_test")
// declaration.
// In addition, if any *_test.go files contain a "package x_test"
// declaration, an additional package comprising just those files will
// be added to CreatePkgs.
func (conf *Config) ImportWithTests(path string) { conf.addImport(path, true) }
// Import is a convenience function that adds path to ImportPkgs, the
// set of initial packages that will be imported from source.
func (conf *Config) Import(path string) { conf.addImport(path, false) }
func (conf *Config) addImport(path string, tests bool) { if path == "C" { return // ignore; not a real package
} if conf.ImportPkgs == nil { conf.ImportPkgs = make(map[string]bool) } conf.ImportPkgs[path] = conf.ImportPkgs[path] || tests }
// PathEnclosingInterval returns the PackageInfo and ast.Node that
// contain source interval [start, end), and all the node's ancestors
// up to the AST root. It searches all ast.Files of all packages in prog.
// exact is defined as for astutil.PathEnclosingInterval.
// The zero value is returned if not found.
func (prog *Program) PathEnclosingInterval(start, end token.Pos) (pkg *PackageInfo, path []ast.Node, exact bool) { for _, info := range prog.AllPackages { for _, f := range info.Files { if f.Pos() == token.NoPos { // This can happen if the parser saw
// too many errors and bailed out.
// (Use parser.AllErrors to prevent that.)
continue } if !tokenFileContainsPos(prog.Fset.File(f.Pos()), start) { continue } if path, exact := astutil.PathEnclosingInterval(f, start, end); path != nil { return info, path, exact } } } return nil, nil, false }
// InitialPackages returns a new slice containing the set of initial
// packages (Created + Imported) in unspecified order.
func (prog *Program) InitialPackages() []*PackageInfo { infos := make([]*PackageInfo, 0, len(prog.Created)+len(prog.Imported)) infos = append(infos, prog.Created...) for _, info := range prog.Imported { infos = append(infos, info) } return infos }
// Package returns the ASTs and results of type checking for the
// specified package.
func (prog *Program) Package(path string) *PackageInfo { if info, ok := prog.AllPackages[prog.importMap[path]]; ok { return info } for _, info := range prog.Created { if path == info.Pkg.Path() { return info } } return nil }
// ---------- Implementation ----------
// importer holds the working state of the algorithm.
type importer struct { conf *Config // the client configuration
start time.Time // for logging
progMu sync.Mutex // guards prog
prog *Program // the resulting program
// findpkg is a memoization of FindPackage.
findpkgMu sync.Mutex // guards findpkg
findpkg map[findpkgKey]*findpkgValue
importedMu sync.Mutex // guards imported
imported map[string]*importInfo // all imported packages (incl. failures) by import path
// import dependency graph: graph[x][y] => x imports y
// Since non-importable packages cannot be cyclic, we ignore
// their imports, thus we only need the subgraph over importable
// packages. Nodes are identified by their import paths.
graphMu sync.Mutex graph map[string]map[string]bool }
type findpkgKey struct { importPath string fromDir string mode build.ImportMode }
type findpkgValue struct { ready chan struct{} // closed to broadcast readiness
bp *build.Package err error }
// importInfo tracks the success or failure of a single import.
// Upon completion, exactly one of info and err is non-nil:
// info on successful creation of a package, err otherwise.
// A successful package may still contain type errors.
type importInfo struct { path string // import path
info *PackageInfo // results of typechecking (including errors)
complete chan struct{} // closed to broadcast that info is set.
// awaitCompletion blocks until ii is complete,
// i.e. the info field is safe to inspect.
func (ii *importInfo) awaitCompletion() { <-ii.complete // wait for close
// Complete marks ii as complete.
// Its info and err fields will not be subsequently updated.
func (ii *importInfo) Complete(info *PackageInfo) { if info == nil { panic("info == nil") } ii.info = info close(ii.complete) }
type importError struct { path string // import path
err error // reason for failure to create a package
// Load creates the initial packages specified by conf.{Create,Import}Pkgs,
// loading their dependencies packages as needed.
// On success, Load returns a Program containing a PackageInfo for
// each package. On failure, it returns an error.
// If AllowErrors is true, Load will return a Program even if some
// packages contained I/O, parser or type errors, or if dependencies
// were missing. (Such errors are accessible via PackageInfo.Errors. If
// false, Load will fail if any package had an error.
// It is an error if no packages were loaded.
func (conf *Config) Load() (*Program, error) { // Create a simple default error handler for parse/type errors.
if conf.TypeChecker.Error == nil { conf.TypeChecker.Error = func(e error) { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, e) } }
// Set default working directory for relative package references.
if conf.Cwd == "" { var err error conf.Cwd, err = os.Getwd() if err != nil { return nil, err } }
// Install default FindPackage hook using go/build logic.
if conf.FindPackage == nil { conf.FindPackage = (*build.Context).Import }
prog := &Program{ Fset: conf.fset(), Imported: make(map[string]*PackageInfo), importMap: make(map[string]*types.Package), AllPackages: make(map[*types.Package]*PackageInfo), }
imp := importer{ conf: conf, prog: prog, findpkg: make(map[findpkgKey]*findpkgValue), imported: make(map[string]*importInfo), start: time.Now(), graph: make(map[string]map[string]bool), }
// -- loading proper (concurrent phase) --------------------------------
var errpkgs []string // packages that contained errors
// Load the initially imported packages and their dependencies,
// in parallel.
// No vendor check on packages imported from the command line.
infos, importErrors := imp.importAll("", conf.Cwd, conf.ImportPkgs, ignoreVendor) for _, ie := range importErrors { conf.TypeChecker.Error(ie.err) // failed to create package
errpkgs = append(errpkgs, ie.path) } for _, info := range infos { prog.Imported[info.Pkg.Path()] = info }
// Augment the designated initial packages by their tests.
// Dependencies are loaded in parallel.
var xtestPkgs []*build.Package for importPath, augment := range conf.ImportPkgs { if !augment { continue }
// No vendor check on packages imported from command line.
bp, err := imp.findPackage(importPath, conf.Cwd, ignoreVendor) if err != nil { // Package not found, or can't even parse package declaration.
// Already reported by previous loop; ignore it.
continue }
// Needs external test package?
if len(bp.XTestGoFiles) > 0 { xtestPkgs = append(xtestPkgs, bp) }
// Consult the cache using the canonical package path.
path := bp.ImportPath imp.importedMu.Lock() // (unnecessary, we're sequential here)
ii, ok := imp.imported[path] // Paranoid checks added due to issue #11012.
if !ok { // Unreachable.
// The previous loop called importAll and thus
// startLoad for each path in ImportPkgs, which
// populates imp.imported[path] with a non-zero value.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("imported[%q] not found", path)) } if ii == nil { // Unreachable.
// The ii values in this loop are the same as in
// the previous loop, which enforced the invariant
// that at least one of ii.err and ii.info is non-nil.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("imported[%q] == nil", path)) } if ii.info == nil { // Unreachable.
// awaitCompletion has the postcondition
// ii.info != nil.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("imported[%q].info = nil", path)) } info := ii.info imp.importedMu.Unlock()
// Parse the in-package test files.
files, errs := imp.conf.parsePackageFiles(bp, 't') for _, err := range errs { info.appendError(err) }
// The test files augmenting package P cannot be imported,
// but may import packages that import P,
// so we must disable the cycle check.
imp.addFiles(info, files, false) }
createPkg := func(path, dir string, files []*ast.File, errs []error) { info := imp.newPackageInfo(path, dir) for _, err := range errs { info.appendError(err) }
// Ad hoc packages are non-importable,
// so no cycle check is needed.
// addFiles loads dependencies in parallel.
imp.addFiles(info, files, false) prog.Created = append(prog.Created, info) }
// Create packages specified by conf.CreatePkgs.
for _, cp := range conf.CreatePkgs { files, errs := parseFiles(conf.fset(), conf.build(), nil, conf.Cwd, cp.Filenames, conf.ParserMode) files = append(files, cp.Files...)
path := cp.Path if path == "" { if len(files) > 0 { path = files[0].Name.Name } else { path = "(unnamed)" } }
dir := conf.Cwd if len(files) > 0 && files[0].Pos().IsValid() { dir = filepath.Dir(conf.fset().File(files[0].Pos()).Name()) } createPkg(path, dir, files, errs) }
// Create external test packages.
sort.Sort(byImportPath(xtestPkgs)) for _, bp := range xtestPkgs { files, errs := imp.conf.parsePackageFiles(bp, 'x') createPkg(bp.ImportPath+"_test", bp.Dir, files, errs) }
// -- finishing up (sequential) ----------------------------------------
if len(prog.Imported)+len(prog.Created) == 0 { return nil, errors.New("no initial packages were loaded") }
// Create infos for indirectly imported packages.
// e.g. incomplete packages without syntax, loaded from export data.
for _, obj := range prog.importMap { info := prog.AllPackages[obj] if info == nil { prog.AllPackages[obj] = &PackageInfo{Pkg: obj, Importable: true} } else { // finished
info.checker = nil info.errorFunc = nil } }
if !conf.AllowErrors { // Report errors in indirectly imported packages.
for _, info := range prog.AllPackages { if len(info.Errors) > 0 { errpkgs = append(errpkgs, info.Pkg.Path()) } } if errpkgs != nil { var more string if len(errpkgs) > 3 { more = fmt.Sprintf(" and %d more", len(errpkgs)-3) errpkgs = errpkgs[:3] } return nil, fmt.Errorf("couldn't load packages due to errors: %s%s", strings.Join(errpkgs, ", "), more) } }
return prog, nil }
type byImportPath []*build.Package
func (b byImportPath) Len() int { return len(b) } func (b byImportPath) Less(i, j int) bool { return b[i].ImportPath < b[j].ImportPath } func (b byImportPath) Swap(i, j int) { b[i], b[j] = b[j], b[i] }
// markErrorFreePackages sets the TransitivelyErrorFree flag on all
// applicable packages.
func markErrorFreePackages(allPackages map[*types.Package]*PackageInfo) { // Build the transpose of the import graph.
importedBy := make(map[*types.Package]map[*types.Package]bool) for P := range allPackages { for _, Q := range P.Imports() { clients, ok := importedBy[Q] if !ok { clients = make(map[*types.Package]bool) importedBy[Q] = clients } clients[P] = true } }
// Find all packages reachable from some error package.
reachable := make(map[*types.Package]bool) var visit func(*types.Package) visit = func(p *types.Package) { if !reachable[p] { reachable[p] = true for q := range importedBy[p] { visit(q) } } } for _, info := range allPackages { if len(info.Errors) > 0 { visit(info.Pkg) } }
// Mark the others as "transitively error-free".
for _, info := range allPackages { if !reachable[info.Pkg] { info.TransitivelyErrorFree = true } } }
// build returns the effective build context.
func (conf *Config) build() *build.Context { if conf.Build != nil { return conf.Build } return &build.Default }
// parsePackageFiles enumerates the files belonging to package path,
// then loads, parses and returns them, plus a list of I/O or parse
// errors that were encountered.
// 'which' indicates which files to include:
// 'g': include non-test *.go source files (GoFiles + processed CgoFiles)
// 't': include in-package *_test.go source files (TestGoFiles)
// 'x': include external *_test.go source files. (XTestGoFiles)
func (conf *Config) parsePackageFiles(bp *build.Package, which rune) ([]*ast.File, []error) { if bp.ImportPath == "unsafe" { return nil, nil } var filenames []string switch which { case 'g': filenames = bp.GoFiles case 't': filenames = bp.TestGoFiles case 'x': filenames = bp.XTestGoFiles default: panic(which) }
files, errs := parseFiles(conf.fset(), conf.build(), conf.DisplayPath, bp.Dir, filenames, conf.ParserMode)
// Preprocess CgoFiles and parse the outputs (sequentially).
if which == 'g' && bp.CgoFiles != nil { cgofiles, err := processCgoFiles(bp, conf.fset(), conf.DisplayPath, conf.ParserMode) if err != nil { errs = append(errs, err) } else { files = append(files, cgofiles...) } }
return files, errs }
// doImport imports the package denoted by path.
// It implements the types.Importer signature.
// It returns an error if a package could not be created
// (e.g. go/build or parse error), but type errors are reported via
// the types.Config.Error callback (the first of which is also saved
// in the package's PackageInfo).
// Idempotent.
func (imp *importer) doImport(from *PackageInfo, to string) (*types.Package, error) { if to == "C" { // This should be unreachable, but ad hoc packages are
// not currently subject to cgo preprocessing.
// See https://github.com/golang/go/issues/11627.
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`the loader doesn't cgo-process ad hoc packages like %q; see Go issue 11627`, from.Pkg.Path()) }
bp, err := imp.findPackage(to, from.dir, 0) if err != nil { return nil, err }
// The standard unsafe package is handled specially,
// and has no PackageInfo.
if bp.ImportPath == "unsafe" { return types.Unsafe, nil }
// Look for the package in the cache using its canonical path.
path := bp.ImportPath imp.importedMu.Lock() ii := imp.imported[path] imp.importedMu.Unlock() if ii == nil { panic("internal error: unexpected import: " + path) } if ii.info != nil { return ii.info.Pkg, nil }
// Import of incomplete package: this indicates a cycle.
fromPath := from.Pkg.Path() if cycle := imp.findPath(path, fromPath); cycle != nil { cycle = append([]string{fromPath}, cycle...) return nil, fmt.Errorf("import cycle: %s", strings.Join(cycle, " -> ")) }
panic("internal error: import of incomplete (yet acyclic) package: " + fromPath) }
// findPackage locates the package denoted by the importPath in the
// specified directory.
func (imp *importer) findPackage(importPath, fromDir string, mode build.ImportMode) (*build.Package, error) { // We use a non-blocking duplicate-suppressing cache (gopl.io §9.7)
// to avoid holding the lock around FindPackage.
key := findpkgKey{importPath, fromDir, mode} imp.findpkgMu.Lock() v, ok := imp.findpkg[key] if ok { // cache hit
<-v.ready // wait for entry to become ready
} else { // Cache miss: this goroutine becomes responsible for
// populating the map entry and broadcasting its readiness.
v = &findpkgValue{ready: make(chan struct{})} imp.findpkg[key] = v imp.findpkgMu.Unlock()
ioLimit <- true v.bp, v.err = imp.conf.FindPackage(imp.conf.build(), importPath, fromDir, mode) <-ioLimit
if _, ok := v.err.(*build.NoGoError); ok { v.err = nil // empty directory is not an error
close(v.ready) // broadcast ready condition
} return v.bp, v.err }
// importAll loads, parses, and type-checks the specified packages in
// parallel and returns their completed importInfos in unspecified order.
// fromPath is the package path of the importing package, if it is
// importable, "" otherwise. It is used for cycle detection.
// fromDir is the directory containing the import declaration that
// caused these imports.
func (imp *importer) importAll(fromPath, fromDir string, imports map[string]bool, mode build.ImportMode) (infos []*PackageInfo, errors []importError) { // TODO(adonovan): opt: do the loop in parallel once
// findPackage is non-blocking.
var pending []*importInfo for importPath := range imports { bp, err := imp.findPackage(importPath, fromDir, mode) if err != nil { errors = append(errors, importError{ path: importPath, err: err, }) continue } pending = append(pending, imp.startLoad(bp)) }
if fromPath != "" { // We're loading a set of imports.
// We must record graph edges from the importing package
// to its dependencies, and check for cycles.
imp.graphMu.Lock() deps, ok := imp.graph[fromPath] if !ok { deps = make(map[string]bool) imp.graph[fromPath] = deps } for _, ii := range pending { deps[ii.path] = true } imp.graphMu.Unlock() }
for _, ii := range pending { if fromPath != "" { if cycle := imp.findPath(ii.path, fromPath); cycle != nil { // Cycle-forming import: we must not await its
// completion since it would deadlock.
// We don't record the error in ii since
// the error is really associated with the
// cycle-forming edge, not the package itself.
// (Also it would complicate the
// invariants of importPath completion.)
if trace { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "import cycle: %q\n", cycle) } continue } } ii.awaitCompletion() infos = append(infos, ii.info) }
return infos, errors }
// findPath returns an arbitrary path from 'from' to 'to' in the import
// graph, or nil if there was none.
func (imp *importer) findPath(from, to string) []string { imp.graphMu.Lock() defer imp.graphMu.Unlock()
seen := make(map[string]bool) var search func(stack []string, importPath string) []string search = func(stack []string, importPath string) []string { if !seen[importPath] { seen[importPath] = true stack = append(stack, importPath) if importPath == to { return stack } for x := range imp.graph[importPath] { if p := search(stack, x); p != nil { return p } } } return nil } return search(make([]string, 0, 20), from) }
// startLoad initiates the loading, parsing and type-checking of the
// specified package and its dependencies, if it has not already begun.
// It returns an importInfo, not necessarily in a completed state. The
// caller must call awaitCompletion() before accessing its info field.
// startLoad is concurrency-safe and idempotent.
func (imp *importer) startLoad(bp *build.Package) *importInfo { path := bp.ImportPath imp.importedMu.Lock() ii, ok := imp.imported[path] if !ok { ii = &importInfo{path: path, complete: make(chan struct{})} imp.imported[path] = ii go func() { info := imp.load(bp) ii.Complete(info) }() } imp.importedMu.Unlock()
return ii }
// load implements package loading by parsing Go source files
// located by go/build.
func (imp *importer) load(bp *build.Package) *PackageInfo { info := imp.newPackageInfo(bp.ImportPath, bp.Dir) info.Importable = true files, errs := imp.conf.parsePackageFiles(bp, 'g') for _, err := range errs { info.appendError(err) }
imp.addFiles(info, files, true)
imp.progMu.Lock() imp.prog.importMap[bp.ImportPath] = info.Pkg imp.progMu.Unlock()
return info }
// addFiles adds and type-checks the specified files to info, loading
// their dependencies if needed. The order of files determines the
// package initialization order. It may be called multiple times on the
// same package. Errors are appended to the info.Errors field.
// cycleCheck determines whether the imports within files create
// dependency edges that should be checked for potential cycles.
func (imp *importer) addFiles(info *PackageInfo, files []*ast.File, cycleCheck bool) { // Ensure the dependencies are loaded, in parallel.
var fromPath string if cycleCheck { fromPath = info.Pkg.Path() } // TODO(adonovan): opt: make the caller do scanImports.
// Callers with a build.Package can skip it.
imp.importAll(fromPath, info.dir, scanImports(files), 0)
if trace { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: start %q (%d)\n", time.Since(imp.start), info.Pkg.Path(), len(files)) }
// Don't call checker.Files on Unsafe, even with zero files,
// because it would mutate the package, which is a global.
if info.Pkg == types.Unsafe { if len(files) > 0 { panic(`"unsafe" package contains unexpected files`) } } else { // Ignore the returned (first) error since we
// already collect them all in the PackageInfo.
info.checker.Files(files) info.Files = append(info.Files, files...) }
if imp.conf.AfterTypeCheck != nil { imp.conf.AfterTypeCheck(info, files) }
if trace { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: stop %q\n", time.Since(imp.start), info.Pkg.Path()) } }
func (imp *importer) newPackageInfo(path, dir string) *PackageInfo { var pkg *types.Package if path == "unsafe" { pkg = types.Unsafe } else { pkg = types.NewPackage(path, "") } info := &PackageInfo{ Pkg: pkg, Info: types.Info{ Types: make(map[ast.Expr]types.TypeAndValue), Defs: make(map[*ast.Ident]types.Object), Uses: make(map[*ast.Ident]types.Object), Implicits: make(map[ast.Node]types.Object), Scopes: make(map[ast.Node]*types.Scope), Selections: make(map[*ast.SelectorExpr]*types.Selection), }, errorFunc: imp.conf.TypeChecker.Error, dir: dir, }
// Copy the types.Config so we can vary it across PackageInfos.
tc := imp.conf.TypeChecker tc.IgnoreFuncBodies = false if f := imp.conf.TypeCheckFuncBodies; f != nil { tc.IgnoreFuncBodies = !f(path) } tc.Importer = closure{imp, info} tc.Error = info.appendError // appendError wraps the user's Error function
info.checker = types.NewChecker(&tc, imp.conf.fset(), pkg, &info.Info) imp.progMu.Lock() imp.prog.AllPackages[pkg] = info imp.progMu.Unlock() return info }
type closure struct { imp *importer info *PackageInfo }
func (c closure) Import(to string) (*types.Package, error) { return c.imp.doImport(c.info, to) }