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# JSON-RPC 2.0 Client for golang
A go implementation of an rpc client using json as data format over http. The implementation is based on the JSON-RPC 2.0 specification: http://www.jsonrpc.org/specification
Supports: - requests with arbitrary parameters - requests with named parameters - notifications - batch requests - convenient response retrieval - basic authentication - custom headers - custom http client
## Installation
```sh go get -u github.com/ybbus/jsonrpc ```
## Getting started
Let's say we want to retrieve a person with a specific id using rpc-json over http. Then we want to save this person with new properties. We have to provide basic authentication credentials. (Error handling is omitted here)
```go type Person struct { Id int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Age int `json:"age"` }
func main() { rpcClient := jsonrpc.NewRPCClient("http://my-rpc-service:8080/rpc") rpcClient.SetBasicAuth("alex", "secret")
response, _ := rpcClient.Call("getPersonById", 123)
person := Person{} response.GetObject(&person)
person.Age = 33 rpcClient.Call("updatePerson", person) } ```
## In detail
### Generating rpc-json requests
Let's start by executing a simple json-rpc http call: In production code: Always make sure to check err != nil first!
This calls generate and send a valid rpc-json object. (see: http://www.jsonrpc.org/specification#request_object)
```go func main() { rpcClient := jsonrpc.NewRPCClient("http://my-rpc-service:8080/rpc") response, _ := rpcClient.Call("getDate") // generates body: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"getDate","id":0} } ```
Call a function with parameter:
```go func main() { rpcClient := jsonrpc.NewRPCClient("http://my-rpc-service:8080/rpc") response, _ := rpcClient.Call("addNumbers", 1, 2) // generates body: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"addNumbers","params":[1,2],"id":0} } ```
Call a function with arbitrary parameters:
```go func main() { rpcClient := jsonrpc.NewRPCClient("http://my-rpc-service:8080/rpc") response, _ := rpcClient.Call("createPerson", "Alex", 33, "Germany") // generates body: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"createPerson","params":["Alex",33,"Germany"],"id":0} } ```
Call a function with named parameters:
```go func main() { rpcClient := jsonrpc.NewRPCClient("http://my-rpc-service:8080/rpc") rpcClient.CallNamed("createPerson", map[string]interface{}{ "name": "Bartholomew Allen", "nicknames": []string{"Barry", "Flash",}, "male": true, "age": 28, "address": map[string]interface{}{"street": "Main Street", "city": "Central City"}, }) // generates body: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"createPerson","params": // {"name": "Bartholomew Allen", "nicknames": ["Barry", "Flash"], "male": true, "age": 28, // "address": {"street": "Main Street", "city": "Central City"}} // ,"id":0} } ```
Call a function providing custom data structures as parameters:
```go type Person struct { Name string `json:"name"` Age int `json:"age"` Country string `json:"country"` } func main() { rpcClient := jsonrpc.NewRPCClient("http://my-rpc-service:8080/rpc") response, _ := rpcClient.Call("createPerson", Person{"Alex", 33, "Germany"}) // generates body: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"createPerson","params":[{"name":"Alex","age":33,"country":"Germany"}],"id":0} } ```
Complex example:
```go type Person struct { Name string `json:"name"` Age int `json:"age"` Country string `json:"country"` } func main() { rpcClient := jsonrpc.NewRPCClient("http://my-rpc-service:8080/rpc") response, _ := rpcClient.Call("createPersonsWithRole", []Person{{"Alex", 33, "Germany"}, {"Barney", 38, "Germany"}}, []string{"Admin", "User"}) // generates body: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"createPersonsWithRole","params":[[{"name":"Alex","age":33,"country":"Germany"},{"name":"Barney","age":38,"country":"Germany"}],["Admin","User"]],"id":0} } ```
### Notification
A jsonrpc notification is a rpc call to the server without expecting a response. Only an error object is returned in case of networkt / http error. No id field is set in the request json object. (see: http://www.jsonrpc.org/specification#notification)
Execute an simple notification:
```go func main() { rpcClient := jsonrpc.NewRPCClient("http://my-rpc-service:8080/rpc") err := rpcClient.Notification("disconnectClient", 123) if err != nil { //error handling goes here } } ```
### Batch rpcjson calls
A jsonrpc batch call encapsulates multiple json-rpc requests in a single rpc-service call. It returns an array of results (for all non-notification requests). (see: http://www.jsonrpc.org/specification#batch)
Execute two jsonrpc calls and a single notification as batch:
```go func main() { rpcClient := jsonrpc.NewRPCClient(httpServer.URL)
req1 := rpcClient.NewRPCRequestObject("addNumbers", 1, 2) req2 := rpcClient.NewRPCRequestObject("getPersonByName", "alex") notify1 := rpcClient.NewRPCNotificationObject("disconnect", true)
responses, _ := rpcClient.Batch(req1, req2, notify1)
person := Person{} response2, _ := responses.GetResponseOf(req2) response2.GetObject(&person) } ```
To update the ID of an existing rpcRequest object: ```go func main() { rpcClient := jsonrpc.NewRPCClient(httpServer.URL)
req1 := rpcClient.NewRPCRequestObject("addNumbers", 1, 2) req2 := rpcClient.NewRPCRequestObject("getPersonByName", "alex") notify1 := rpcClient.NewRPCNotifyObject("disconnect", true)
responses, _ := rpcClient.Batch(req1, req2, notify1)
rpcClient.UpdateRequestID(req1) // updates id to the next valid id if autoincrement is enabled } ```
### Working with rpc-json responses
Before working with the response object, make sure to check err != nil first. This error indicates problems on the network / http level of an error when parsing the json response.
```go func main() { rpcClient := jsonrpc.NewRPCClient("http://my-rpc-service:8080/rpc") response, err := rpcClient.Call("addNumbers", 1, 2) if err != nil { //error handling goes here } } ```
The next thing you have to check is if an rpc-json protocol error occoured. This is done by checking if the Error field in the rpc-response != nil: (see: http://www.jsonrpc.org/specification#error_object)
```go func main() { rpcClient := jsonrpc.NewRPCClient("http://my-rpc-service:8080/rpc") response, err := rpcClient.Call("addNumbers", 1, 2) if err != nil { //error handling goes here }
if response.Error != nil { // check response.Error.Code, response.Error.Message, response.Error.Data here } } ```
After making sure that no errors occoured you can now examine the RPCResponse object. When executing a json-rpc request, most of the time you will be interested in the "result"-property of the returned json-rpc response object. (see: http://www.jsonrpc.org/specification#response_object) The library provides some helper functions to retrieve the result in the data format you are interested in. Again: check for err != nil here to be sure the expected type was provided in the response and could be parsed.
```go func main() { rpcClient := jsonrpc.NewRPCClient("http://my-rpc-service:8080/rpc") response, _ := rpcClient.Call("addNumbers", 1, 2)
result, err := response.GetInt() if err != nil { // result seems not to be an integer value }
// helpers provided for all primitive types: response.GetInt() // int32 or int64 depends on architecture / implementation response.GetInt64() response.GetFloat64() response.GetString() response.GetBool() } ```
Retrieving arrays and objects is also very simple:
```go // json annotations are only required to transform the structure back to json type Person struct { Id int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Age int `json:"age"` }
func main() { rpcClient := jsonrpc.NewRPCClient("http://my-rpc-service:8080/rpc") response, _ := rpcClient.Call("getPersonById", 123)
person := Person{} err := response.GetObject(&Person) // expects a rpc-object result value like: {"id": 123, "name": "alex", "age": 33}
fmt.Println(person.Name) } ```
Retrieving arrays e.g. of ints:
```go func main() { rpcClient := jsonrpc.NewRPCClient("http://my-rpc-service:8080/rpc") response, _ := rpcClient.Call("getRandomNumbers", 10)
rndNumbers := []int{} err := response.getObject(&rndNumbers) // expects a rpc-object result value like: [10, 188, 14, 3]
fmt.Println(rndNumbers[0]) } ```
### Basic authentication
If the rpc-service is running behind a basic authentication you can easily set the credentials:
```go func main() { rpcClient := jsonrpc.NewRPCClient("http://my-rpc-service:8080/rpc") rpcClient.SetBasicAuth("alex", "secret") response, _ := rpcClient.Call("addNumbers", 1, 2) // send with Authorization-Header } ```
### Set custom headers
Setting some custom headers (e.g. when using another authentication) is simple: ```go func main() { rpcClient := jsonrpc.NewRPCClient("http://my-rpc-service:8080/rpc") rpcClient.SetCustomHeader("Authorization", "Bearer abcd1234") response, _ := rpcClient.Call("addNumbers", 1, 2) // send with a custom Auth-Header } ```
### ID auto-increment
Per default the ID of the json-rpc request increments automatically for each request. You can change this behaviour:
```go func main() { rpcClient := jsonrpc.NewRPCClient("http://my-rpc-service:8080/rpc") response, _ := rpcClient.Call("addNumbers", 1, 2) // send with ID == 0 response, _ = rpcClient.Call("addNumbers", 1, 2) // send with ID == 1 rpcClient.SetNextID(10) response, _ = rpcClient.Call("addNumbers", 1, 2) // send with ID == 10 rpcClient.SetAutoIncrementID(false) response, _ = rpcClient.Call("addNumbers", 1, 2) // send with ID == 11 response, _ = rpcClient.Call("addNumbers", 1, 2) // send with ID == 11 } ```
### Set a custom httpClient
If you have some special needs on the http.Client of the standard go library, just provide your own one. For example to use a proxy when executing json-rpc calls:
```go func main() { rpcClient := jsonrpc.NewRPCClient("http://my-rpc-service:8080/rpc")
proxyURL, _ := url.Parse("http://proxy:8080") transport := &http.Transport{Proxy: http.ProxyURL(proxyURL)}
httpClient := &http.Client{ Transport: transport, }
rpcClient.SetHTTPClient(httpClient) } ```