// Copyright 2017-2018 DERO Project. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code in any form is governed by RESEARCH license. // license can be found in the LICENSE file. // GPG: 0F39 E425 8C65 3947 702A 8234 08B2 0360 A03A 9DE8 // // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL // THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, // PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, // STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF // THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. package walletapi import "fmt" import "sync" import "github.com/arnaucode/derosuite/config" import "github.com/arnaucode/derosuite/crypto" import "github.com/arnaucode/derosuite/crypto/ringct" import "github.com/arnaucode/derosuite/globals" import "github.com/arnaucode/derosuite/walletapi/mnemonics" import "github.com/arnaucode/derosuite/address" import "github.com/arnaucode/derosuite/blockchain/inputmaturity" type _Keys struct { Spendkey_Secret crypto.Key Spendkey_Public crypto.Key Viewkey_Secret crypto.Key Viewkey_Public crypto.Key } type Account struct { Keys _Keys SeedLanguage string ViewOnly bool // is this viewonly wallet Index_Global uint64 // till where the indexes have been processed Height uint64 Balance uint64 // total balance of account Balance_Locked uint64 // balance locked Outputs_Array []TX_Wallet_Data // all outputs found in the chain belonging to us, as found in chain // uint64 si the Index_Global which is the unique number Outputs_Index map[uint64]bool // all outputs which are ours for deduplication Outputs_Ready map[uint64]TX_Wallet_Data // these outputs are ready for consumption ( maturity needs to be checked) Keyimages_Ready map[crypto.Key]bool // keyimages which are ready to get consumed, // we monitor them to find which Outputs_Consumed map[crypto.Key]TX_Wallet_Data // the key is the keyimage sync.Mutex // syncronise modifications to this structure } // this structure is kept by wallet type TX_Wallet_Data struct { TXdata globals.TX_Output_Data // all the fields of output data WAmount uint64 // actual amount, in case of miner it is verbatim, for other cases it decrypted WKey ringct.CtKey // key which is used to later send this specific output WKimage crypto.Key // key image which gets consumed when this output is spent WSpent bool // whether this output has been spent } // generate keys from using random numbers func Generate_Keys_From_Random() (user *Account, err error) { user = &Account{} seed := crypto.RandomScalar() user.Keys = Generate_Keys_From_Seed(*seed) // initialize maps now user.Outputs_Index = map[uint64]bool{} user.Outputs_Ready = map[uint64]TX_Wallet_Data{} user.Outputs_Consumed = map[crypto.Key]TX_Wallet_Data{} user.Keyimages_Ready = map[crypto.Key]bool{} return } // generate keys from seed which is from the recovery words // or we feed in direct func Generate_Keys_From_Seed(Seed crypto.Key) (keys _Keys) { // setup main keys keys.Spendkey_Secret = Seed keys.Spendkey_Public = *(Seed.PublicKey()) // view keys are generated from secret ( so as single recovery seed is enough ) hash := crypto.Key(crypto.Keccak256(Seed[:])) crypto.ScReduce32(&hash) keys.Viewkey_Secret = hash keys.Viewkey_Public = *(keys.Viewkey_Secret.PublicKey()) return } // generate user account using recovery seeds func Generate_Account_From_Recovery_Words(words string) (user *Account, err error) { user = &Account{} language, seed, err := mnemonics.Words_To_Key(words) if err != nil { return } user.SeedLanguage = language user.Keys = Generate_Keys_From_Seed(seed) // initialize maps now user.Outputs_Index = map[uint64]bool{} user.Outputs_Ready = map[uint64]TX_Wallet_Data{} user.Outputs_Consumed = map[crypto.Key]TX_Wallet_Data{} user.Keyimages_Ready = map[crypto.Key]bool{} return } func Generate_Account_From_Seed(Seed crypto.Key) (user *Account, err error) { user = &Account{} // TODO check whether the seed is invalid user.Keys = Generate_Keys_From_Seed(Seed) // initialize maps now user.Outputs_Index = map[uint64]bool{} user.Outputs_Ready = map[uint64]TX_Wallet_Data{} user.Outputs_Consumed = map[crypto.Key]TX_Wallet_Data{} user.Keyimages_Ready = map[crypto.Key]bool{} return } // generate keys for view only wallet func Generate_Account_View_Only(Publicspend crypto.Key, ViewSecret crypto.Key) (user *Account, err error) { user = &Account{} // TODO check whether seed is valid secret user.Keys.Spendkey_Public = Publicspend user.Keys.Viewkey_Secret = ViewSecret user.Keys.Viewkey_Public = *(ViewSecret.PublicKey()) user.ViewOnly = true // initialize maps user.Outputs_Index = map[uint64]bool{} user.Outputs_Ready = map[uint64]TX_Wallet_Data{} user.Outputs_Consumed = map[crypto.Key]TX_Wallet_Data{} user.Keyimages_Ready = map[crypto.Key]bool{} return } // convert key to seed using language func (user *Account) GetSeed() (str string) { return mnemonics.Key_To_Words(user.Keys.Spendkey_Secret, user.SeedLanguage) } // view wallet key consists of public spendkey and private view key func (user *Account) GetViewWalletKey() (str string) { return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", user.Keys.Spendkey_Public, user.Keys.Viewkey_Secret) } // convert a user account to address func (user *Account) GetAddress() (addr address.Address) { switch globals.Config.Name { case "testnet": addr.Network = config.Testnet.Public_Address_Prefix //choose dETo default: fallthrough // assume mainnet case "mainnet": addr.Network = config.Mainnet.Public_Address_Prefix //choose dERo //panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown Network \"%s\"", globals.Config.Name)) } addr.SpendKey = user.Keys.Spendkey_Public addr.ViewKey = user.Keys.Viewkey_Public return } // one simple function which does all the crypto to find out whether output belongs to this account // NOTE: this function only uses view key secret and Spendkey_Public // output index is the position of vout within the tx list itself func (user *Account) Is_Output_Ours(tx_public crypto.Key, output_index uint64, vout_key crypto.Key) bool { derivation := crypto.KeyDerivation(&tx_public, &user.Keys.Viewkey_Secret) derivation_public_key := derivation.KeyDerivation_To_PublicKey(output_index, user.Keys.Spendkey_Public) return derivation_public_key == vout_key } // this function does all the keyderivation required for decrypting ringct outputs, generate keyimage etc // also used when we build up a transaction for mining or sending amount func (user *Account) Generate_Helper_Key_Image(tx_public crypto.Key, output_index uint64) (ephermal_secret, ephermal_public, keyimage crypto.Key) { derivation := crypto.KeyDerivation(&tx_public, &user.Keys.Viewkey_Secret) ephermal_public = derivation.KeyDerivation_To_PublicKey(output_index, user.Keys.Spendkey_Public) ephermal_secret = derivation.KeyDerivation_To_PrivateKey(output_index, user.Keys.Spendkey_Secret) keyimage = crypto.GenerateKeyImage(ephermal_public, ephermal_secret) return } // this function decodes ringCT encoded output amounts // this is only possible if signature is full or simple func (user *Account) Decode_RingCT_Output(tx_public crypto.Key, output_index uint64, pkkey crypto.Key, tuple ringct.ECdhTuple, sigtype uint64) (amount uint64, mask ringct.Key, result bool) { derivation := crypto.KeyDerivation(&tx_public, &user.Keys.Viewkey_Secret) scalar_key := derivation.KeyDerivationToScalar(output_index) switch sigtype { case 0: // NOT possible , miner tx outputs are not hidden return case 1: // ringct MG // Both ringct outputs can be decoded using the same methods // however, original implementation has different methods, maybe need to evaluate more fallthrough case 2: // ringct sample amount, mask, result = ringct.Decode_Amount(tuple, ringct.Key(*scalar_key), ringct.Key(pkkey)) default: return } return } // add the transaction to our wallet record, so as funds can be later on tracked // due to enhanced features, we have to wait and watch for all funds // this will extract secret keys from newly arrived funds to consume them later on func (user *Account) Add_Transaction_Record_Funds(txdata *globals.TX_Output_Data) (result bool) { user.Lock() defer user.Unlock() var tx_wallet TX_Wallet_Data // confirm once again that data belongs to this user if !user.Is_Output_Ours(txdata.Tx_Public_Key, txdata.Index_within_tx, crypto.Key(txdata.InKey.Destination)) { return false // output is not ours } // setup Amount switch txdata.SigType { case 0: // miner tx tx_wallet.WAmount = txdata.Amount tx_wallet.WKey.Mask = ringct.ZeroCommitment_From_Amount(txdata.Amount) case 1, 2: // ringct full/simple tx_wallet.WAmount, tx_wallet.WKey.Mask, result = user.Decode_RingCT_Output(txdata.Tx_Public_Key, txdata.Index_within_tx, crypto.Key(txdata.InKey.Mask), txdata.ECDHTuple, txdata.SigType) if result == false { // It's an internal error most probably return false } } tx_wallet.TXdata = *txdata // check whether we are deduplicating, is the transaction already in our records, skip it if _, ok := user.Outputs_Index[txdata.Index_Global]; ok { // transaction is already in our wallet, skip it for being duplicate return false } // if wallet is viewonly, we cannot track when the funds were spent // so lets skip the part, since we do not have th keys if !user.ViewOnly { // it's a full wallet, track spendable and get ready to spend secret_key, _, kimage := user.Generate_Helper_Key_Image(txdata.Tx_Public_Key, txdata.Index_within_tx) user.Keyimages_Ready[kimage] = true // monitor this key image for consumption tx_wallet.WKimage = kimage tx_wallet.WKey.Destination = ringct.Key(secret_key) } // add tx info to wallet user.Outputs_Index[txdata.Index_Global] = true // deduplication it if it ever comes again user.Outputs_Ready[txdata.Index_Global] = tx_wallet user.Outputs_Array = append(user.Outputs_Array, tx_wallet) return true } // check whether our fund is consumed // this is done by finding the keyimages floating in blockchain, to what keyimages belong to this account // if match is found, we have consumed our funds func (user *Account) Is_Our_Fund_Consumed(key_image crypto.Key) (amount uint64, result bool) { if _, ok := user.Keyimages_Ready[key_image]; ok { user.Lock() defer user.Unlock() for k, _ := range user.Outputs_Ready { if user.Outputs_Ready[k].WKimage == key_image { return user.Outputs_Ready[k].WAmount, true // return ammount and success } } fmt.Printf("This case should NOT be possible theoritically\n") return 0, true } return 0, false } // add the transaction to record, // this will mark the funds as consumed on the basis of keyimages // locate the transaction and get the amount , this is O(n), so we can tell how much funds were spent // cryptnote only allows to spend complete funds, change comes back func (user *Account) Consume_Transaction_Record_Funds(txdata *globals.TX_Output_Data, key_image crypto.Key) bool { var tx_wallet TX_Wallet_Data if _, ok := user.Keyimages_Ready[key_image]; ok { user.Lock() defer user.Unlock() for k, _ := range user.Outputs_Ready { if user.Outputs_Ready[k].WKimage == key_image { // find the input corressponding to this image // mark output as consumed, move it to consumed map, delete it from ready map tx_wallet.TXdata = *txdata tx_wallet.WAmount = user.Outputs_Ready[k].WAmount // take amount from original TX tx_wallet.WSpent = true // mark this fund as spent delete(user.Outputs_Ready, k) user.Outputs_Consumed[key_image] = tx_wallet user.Outputs_Array = append(user.Outputs_Array, user.Outputs_Consumed[key_image]) return true // return success } } fmt.Printf("This case should NOT be possible theoritically\n") // locate the transaction and get the amount , this is O(n) return true } return false } // get the unlocked balance ( amounts which are mature and can be spent at this time ) // offline wallets may get this wrong, since they may not have latest data // TODO: for offline wallets, we must make all balance as mature func (user *Account) Get_Balance() (mature_balance uint64, locked_balance uint64) { user.Lock() defer user.Unlock() for k := range user.Outputs_Ready { if inputmaturity.Is_Input_Mature(user.Height, user.Outputs_Ready[k].TXdata.Height, user.Outputs_Ready[k].TXdata.Unlock_Height, user.Outputs_Ready[k].TXdata.SigType) { mature_balance += user.Outputs_Ready[k].WAmount } else { locked_balance += user.Outputs_Ready[k].WAmount } } return }