package address import "fmt" import "bytes" import "encoding/binary" import "" type Address struct { Network uint64 SpendingKey []byte ViewingKey []byte //TODO add support for integrated address } const ChecksumLength = 4 type Checksum [ChecksumLength]byte func GetChecksum(data ...[]byte) (result Checksum) { keccak256 := crypto.Keccak256(data...) copy(result[:], keccak256[:4]) return } func (a *Address) Base58() (result string) { prefix := make([]byte, 9, 9) n := binary.PutUvarint(prefix, a.Network) prefix = prefix[:n] checksum := GetChecksum(prefix, a.SpendingKey, a.ViewingKey) result = EncodeDeroBase58(prefix, a.SpendingKey, a.ViewingKey, checksum[:]) return } func NewAddress(address string) (result *Address, err error) { raw := DecodeDeroBase58(address) // donot compare length to support much more user base and be compatible with cryptonote if len(raw) < 69 { // 1 byte prefix + 32 byte key + 32 byte key + 4 byte checksum err = fmt.Errorf("Address is the wrong length") return } checksum := GetChecksum(raw[:len(raw)-4]) if bytes.Compare(checksum[:], raw[len(raw)-4:]) != 0 { err = fmt.Errorf("Checksum does not validate") return } // parse network first address_prefix, done := binary.Uvarint(raw) if done <= 0 { err = fmt.Errorf("Network could not be parsed in address\n") return } raw = raw[done:] result = &Address{ Network: address_prefix, SpendingKey: raw[0:32], ViewingKey: raw[32:64], } return }