package main import "io" import "os" import "time" import "fmt" import "bytes" import "strings" import "strconv" import "encoding/hex" import "encoding/json" import "path/filepath" import "" import "" import log "" import "" import "" import "" import "" var command_line string = `derod DERO : A secure, private blockchain with smart-contracts Usage: derod [--help] [--version] [--testnet] [--debug] [--socks-proxy=] [--p2p-bind-port=<18090>] [--add-exclusive-node=]... derod -h | --help derod --version Options: -h --help Show this screen. --version Show version. --testnet Run in testnet mode. --debug Debug mode enabled, print log messages --socks-proxy= Use a proxy to connect to network. --p2p-bind-port=<18090> p2p server listens on this port. --add-exclusive-node= Connect to this peer only (disabled for this version)` func main() { var err error globals.Arguments, err = docopt.Parse(command_line, nil, true, "DERO daemon : work in progress", false) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Error while parsing options err: %s\n", err) } // We need to initialize readline first, so it changes stderr to ansi processor on windows l, err := readline.NewEx(&readline.Config{ //Prompt: "\033[92mDERO:\033[32m»\033[0m", Prompt: "\033[92mDERO:\033[32m>>>\033[0m ", HistoryFile: filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "derod_readline.tmp"), AutoComplete: completer, InterruptPrompt: "^C", EOFPrompt: "exit", HistorySearchFold: true, FuncFilterInputRune: filterInput, }) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer l.Close() // parse arguments and setup testnet mainnet globals.Initialize() // setup network and proxy globals.Logger.Infof("") // a dummy write is required to fully activate logrus // all screen output must go through the readline globals.Logger.Out = l.Stdout() globals.Logger.Debugf("Arguments %+v", globals.Arguments) globals.Logger.Infof("DERO daemon : This version is under heavy development, use it for testing/evaluations purpose only") globals.Logger.Infof("Daemon in %s mode", globals.Config.Name) chain, _ := blockchain.Blockchain_Start(nil) params := map[string]interface{}{} params["chain"] = chain p2p.P2P_Init(params) // This tiny goroutine continuously updates status as required go func() { last_our_height := uint64(0) last_best_height := uint64(0) last_peer_count := uint64(0) for { if globals.Exit_In_Progress { return } our_height := chain.Get_Height() best_height := p2p.Best_Peer_Height() peer_count := p2p.Peer_Count() // only update prompt if needed if last_our_height != our_height || last_best_height != best_height || last_peer_count != peer_count { // choose color based on urgency color := "\033[32m" // default is green color if our_height < best_height { color = "\033[33m" // make prompt yellow } else if our_height > best_height { color = "\033[31m" // make prompt red } pcolor := "\033[32m" // default is green color if peer_count < 1 { pcolor = "\033[31m" // make prompt red } else if peer_count <= 8 { pcolor = "\033[33m" // make prompt yellow } l.SetPrompt(fmt.Sprintf("\033[1m\033[32mDERO: \033[0m"+color+"%d/%d "+pcolor+"P %d\033[32m>>>\033[0m ", our_height, best_height, peer_count)) l.Refresh() last_our_height = our_height last_best_height = best_height last_peer_count = peer_count } time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) } }() setPasswordCfg := l.GenPasswordConfig() setPasswordCfg.SetListener(func(line []rune, pos int, key rune) (newLine []rune, newPos int, ok bool) { l.SetPrompt(fmt.Sprintf("Enter password(%v): ", len(line))) l.Refresh() return nil, 0, false }) l.Refresh() // refresh the prompt for { line, err := l.Readline() if err == readline.ErrInterrupt { if len(line) == 0 { fmt.Print("Ctrl-C received, Exit in progress\n") globals.Exit_In_Progress = true break } else { continue } } else if err == io.EOF { break } line = strings.TrimSpace(line) line_parts := strings.Fields(line) command := "" if len(line_parts) >= 1 { command = strings.ToLower(line_parts[0]) } switch { case strings.HasPrefix(line, "mode "): switch line[5:] { case "vi": l.SetVimMode(true) case "emacs": l.SetVimMode(false) default: println("invalid mode:", line[5:]) } case line == "mode": if l.IsVimMode() { println("current mode: vim") } else { println("current mode: emacs") } case line == "login": pswd, err := l.ReadPassword("please enter your password: ") if err != nil { break } println("you enter:", strconv.Quote(string(pswd))) case line == "help": usage(l.Stderr()) case line == "setpassword": pswd, err := l.ReadPasswordWithConfig(setPasswordCfg) if err == nil { println("you set:", strconv.Quote(string(pswd))) } case strings.HasPrefix(line, "setprompt"): if len(line) <= 10 { log.Println("setprompt ") break } l.SetPrompt(line[10:]) case strings.HasPrefix(line, "say"): line := strings.TrimSpace(line[3:]) if len(line) == 0 { log.Println("say what?") break } go func() { for range time.Tick(time.Second) { log.Println(line) } }() case command == "print_bc": log.Info("printing block chain") // first is starting point, second is ending point start := int64(0) stop := int64(0) if len(line_parts) != 3 { fmt.Printf("This function requires 2 parameters, start and endpoint\n") continue } if s, err := strconv.ParseInt(line_parts[1], 10, 64); err == nil { start = s } else { fmt.Printf("Invalid start value") continue } if s, err := strconv.ParseInt(line_parts[2], 10, 64); err == nil { stop = s } else { fmt.Printf("Invalid stop value") continue } if start < 0 || start >= int64(chain.Get_Height()) { fmt.Printf("Start value should be be between 0 and current height\n") continue } if start > stop && stop >= int64(chain.Get_Height()) { fmt.Printf("Stop value should be > start and current height\n") continue } fmt.Printf("Printing block chain from %d to %d\n", start, stop) for i := start; i < stop; i++ { // get block id at height current_block_id, err := chain.Load_BL_ID_at_Height(uint64(i)) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Skipping block at height %d due to error %s\n", i, err) continue } timestamp := chain.Load_Block_Timestamp(current_block_id) parent_block_id := chain.Load_Block_Parent_ID(current_block_id) // calculate difficulty //parent_cdiff := chain.Load_Block_Cumulative_Difficulty(parent_block_id) //block_cdiff := chain.Load_Block_Cumulative_Difficulty(current_block_id) diff := chain.Get_Difficulty_At_Block(parent_block_id) //size := chain. fmt.Printf("height: %10d, timestamp: %10d, difficulty: %12d\n", i, timestamp, diff) fmt.Printf("Block Id: %x , prev block id:%x\n", current_block_id, parent_block_id) fmt.Printf("\n") } case command == "print_block": fmt.Printf("printing block\n") if len(line_parts) == 2 && len(line_parts[1]) == 64 { txid, err := hex.DecodeString(strings.ToLower(line_parts[1])) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("err while decoding txid err %s\n", err) continue } var hash crypto.Hash copy(hash[:32], []byte(txid)) fmt.Printf("block id: %x\n", hash[:]) bl, err := chain.Load_BL_FROM_ID(hash) if err == nil { fmt.Printf("Block : %x\n", bl.Serialize()) } else { fmt.Printf("Err %s\n", err) } } else if len(line_parts) == 2 { if s, err := strconv.ParseInt(line_parts[1], 10, 64); err == nil { // first load block id from height hash, err := chain.Load_BL_ID_at_Height(uint64(s)) if err == nil { bl, err := chain.Load_BL_FROM_ID(hash) if err == nil { fmt.Printf("block id: %x\n", hash[:]) fmt.Printf("Block : %x\n", bl.Serialize()) json_bytes, err := json.Marshal(bl) fmt.Printf("%s err : %s\n", string(prettyprint_json(json_bytes)), err) } else { fmt.Printf("Err %s\n", err) } } else { fmt.Printf("err %s\n", err) } } } else { fmt.Printf("print_tx needs a single transaction id as arugument\n") } case command == "print_tx": if len(line_parts) == 2 && len(line_parts[1]) == 64 { txid, err := hex.DecodeString(strings.ToLower(line_parts[1])) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("err while decoding txid err %s\n", err) continue } var hash crypto.Hash copy(hash[:32], []byte(txid)) tx, err := chain.Load_TX_FROM_ID(hash) if err == nil { s_bytes := tx.Serialize() fmt.Printf("tx : %x\n", s_bytes) json_bytes, err := json.MarshalIndent(tx, "", " ") _ = err fmt.Printf("%s\n", string(json_bytes)) } else { fmt.Printf("Err %s\n", err) } } else { fmt.Printf("print_tx needs a single transaction id as arugument\n") } case strings.ToLower(line) == "diff": fmt.Printf("Network %s BH %d, Diff %d, NW Hashrate %0.03f MH/sec TH %x\n", globals.Config.Name, chain.Get_Height(), chain.Get_Difficulty(), float64(chain.Get_Network_HashRate())/1000000.0, chain.Get_Top_ID()) case strings.ToLower(line) == "status": // fmt.Printf("chain diff %d\n",chain.Get_Difficulty_At_Block(chain.Top_ID)) //fmt.Printf("chain nw rate %d\n", chain.Get_Network_HashRate()) inc, out := p2p.Peer_Direction_Count() fmt.Printf("Network %s Height %d NW Hashrate %0.03f MH/sec TH %x Peers %d INC, %d OUT\n", globals.Config.Name, chain.Get_Height(), float64(chain.Get_Network_HashRate())/1000000.0, chain.Get_Top_ID(), inc,out ) case strings.ToLower(line) == "sync_info": p2p.Connection_Print() case strings.ToLower(line) == "bye": fallthrough case strings.ToLower(line) == "exit": fallthrough case strings.ToLower(line) == "quit": goto exit case line == "sleep": log.Println("sleep 4 second") time.Sleep(4 * time.Second) case line == "": default: log.Println("you said:", strconv.Quote(line)) } } exit: globals.Logger.Infof("Exit in Progress, Please wait") time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) // give prompt update time to finish p2p.P2P_Shutdown() // shutdown p2p subsystem chain.Shutdown() // shutdown chain subsysem for globals.Subsystem_Active > 0 { time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) } } func prettyprint_json(b []byte) []byte { var out bytes.Buffer err := json.Indent(&out, b, "", " ") _ = err return out.Bytes() } func usage(w io.Writer) { io.WriteString(w, "commands:\n") //io.WriteString(w, completer.Tree(" ")) io.WriteString(w,"\t\033[1mhelp\033[0m\t\tthis help\n") io.WriteString(w,"\t\033[1mdiff\033[0m\t\tShow difficulty\n") io.WriteString(w,"\t\033[1mprint_bc\033[0m\tPrint blockchain info in a given blocks range, print_bc \n") io.WriteString(w,"\t\033[1mprint_block\033[0m\tPrint block, print_block or \n") io.WriteString(w,"\t\033[1mprint_height\033[0m\tPrint local blockchain height\n") io.WriteString(w,"\t\033[1mprint_tx\033[0m\tPrint transaction, print_tx \n") io.WriteString(w,"\t\033[1mstatus\033[0m\t\tShow genereal information\n") io.WriteString(w,"\t\033[1msync_info\033[0m\tPrint information about connected peers and their state\n") io.WriteString(w,"\t\033[1mbye\033[0m\t\tQuit the daemon\n") io.WriteString(w,"\t\033[1mexit\033[0m\t\tQuit the daemon\n") io.WriteString(w,"\t\033[1mquit\033[0m\t\tQuit the daemon\n") } var completer = readline.NewPrefixCompleter( /* readline.PcItem("mode", readline.PcItem("vi"), readline.PcItem("emacs"), ), readline.PcItem("login"), readline.PcItem("say", readline.PcItem("hello"), readline.PcItem("bye"), ), readline.PcItem("setprompt"), readline.PcItem("setpassword"), readline.PcItem("bye"), */ readline.PcItem("help"), /* readline.PcItem("go", readline.PcItem("build", readline.PcItem("-o"), readline.PcItem("-v")), readline.PcItem("install", readline.PcItem("-v"), readline.PcItem("-vv"), readline.PcItem("-vvv"), ), readline.PcItem("test"), ), readline.PcItem("sleep"), */ readline.PcItem("diff"), readline.PcItem("print_bc"), readline.PcItem("print_block"), readline.PcItem("print_height"), readline.PcItem("print_tx"), readline.PcItem("status"), readline.PcItem("sync_info"), readline.PcItem("bye"), readline.PcItem("exit"), readline.PcItem("quit"), ) func filterInput(r rune) (rune, bool) { switch r { // block CtrlZ feature case readline.CharCtrlZ: return r, false } return r, true }