package ringct
import "io"
import "fmt"
import ""
// TODO this package need serious love of atleast few weeks
// but atleast the parser and serdes works
// we neeed to expand everthing so as chances of a bug slippping in becomes very low
// NOTE:DO NOT waste time implmenting pre-RCT code
const (
RCTTypeNull = iota
// Pedersen Commitment is generated from this struct
// C = aG + bH where a = mask and b = amount
// senderPk is the one-time public key for ECDH exchange
type ecdhTuple struct {
mask Key
amount Key
senderPk Key
// Range proof commitments
type Key64 [64]Key
// Range Signature
// Essentially data for a Borromean Signature
type RangeSig struct {
asig BoroSig
ci Key64
// Borromean Signature
type BoroSig struct {
s0 Key64
s1 Key64
ee Key
// MLSAG (Multilayered Linkable Spontaneous Anonymous Group) Signature
type MlsagSig struct {
ss [][]Key
cc Key // this stores the starting point
II []Key // this stores the keyimage, but is taken from the tx,it is NOT serialized
// Confidential Transaction Keys, mask is Pedersen Commitment
// most of the time, it holds public keys, except where it holds private keys
type CtKey struct {
Destination Key // this is the destination and needs to expanded from blockchain
Mask Key // this is the public key mask
// Ring Confidential Signature parts that we have to keep
type RctSigBase struct {
sigType uint8
Message Key // transaction prefix hash
MixRing [][]CtKey // this is not serialized
pseudoOuts []Key
ecdhInfo []ecdhTuple
outPk []CtKey // only mask amount is serialized
txFee uint64
Txid crypto.Hash // this field is extra and only used for logging purposes to track which txid was at fault
// Ring Confidential Signature parts that we can just prune later
type RctSigPrunable struct {
rangeSigs []RangeSig
MlsagSigs []MlsagSig
// Ring Confidential Signature struct that can verify everything
type RctSig struct {
func (k *Key64) Serialize() (result []byte) {
for _, key := range k {
result = append(result, key[:]...)
func (b *BoroSig) Serialize() (result []byte) {
result = append(b.s0.Serialize(), b.s1.Serialize()...)
result = append(result,[:]...)
func (r *RangeSig) Serialize() (result []byte) {
result = append(r.asig.Serialize(),
func (m *MlsagSig) Serialize() (result []byte) {
for i := 0; i < len(; i++ {
for j := 0; j < len([i]); j++ {
result = append(result,[i][j][:]...)
result = append(result,[:]...)
func (r *RctSigBase) SerializeBase() (result []byte) {
result = []byte{r.sigType}
// Null type returns right away
if r.sigType == RCTTypeNull {
result = append(result, Uint64ToBytes(r.txFee)...)
if r.sigType == RCTTypeSimple {
for _, input := range r.pseudoOuts {
result = append(result, input[:]...)
for _, ecdh := range r.ecdhInfo {
result = append(result, ecdh.mask[:]...)
result = append(result, ecdh.amount[:]...)
for _, ctKey := range r.outPk {
result = append(result, ctKey.Mask[:]...)
func (r *RctSigBase) BaseHash() (result crypto.Hash) {
result = crypto.Keccak256(r.SerializeBase())
func (r *RctSig) SerializePrunable() (result []byte) {
if r.sigType == RCTTypeNull {
for _, rangeSig := range r.rangeSigs {
result = append(result, rangeSig.Serialize()...)
for _, mlsagSig := range r.MlsagSigs {
result = append(result, mlsagSig.Serialize()...)
func (r *RctSig) Get_Sig_Type() (byte) {
return r.sigType
func (r *RctSig) Get_TX_Fee() (result uint64) {
if r.sigType == RCTTypeNull {
panic("RCTTypeNull cannot have TX fee")
return r.txFee
func (r *RctSig) PrunableHash() (result crypto.Hash) {
if r.sigType == RCTTypeNull {
result = crypto.Keccak256(r.SerializePrunable())
// this is the function which should be used by external world
func (r *RctSig) Verify() (result bool) {
result = false
defer func() { // safety so if anything wrong happens, verification fails
if r := recover(); r != nil {
//connection.logger.Fatalf("Recovered while Verify transaction", r)
fmt.Printf("Recovered while Verify transaction")
result = false
switch r.sigType {
case RCTTypeNull: return true /// this is only possible for miner tx
case RCTTypeFull : return r.VerifyRctFull()
case RCTTypeSimple: return r.VerifyRctSimple()
default :
return false
return false
// Verify a RCTTypeSimple RingCT Signature
func (r *RctSig) VerifyRctSimple() bool {
sumOutPks := identity()
for _, ctKey := range r.outPk {
AddKeys(sumOutPks, sumOutPks, &ctKey.Mask)
txFeeKey := ScalarMultH(d2h(r.txFee))
AddKeys(sumOutPks, sumOutPks, txFeeKey)
sumPseudoOuts := identity()
for _, pseudoOut := range r.pseudoOuts {
AddKeys(sumPseudoOuts, sumPseudoOuts, &pseudoOut)
if *sumPseudoOuts != *sumOutPks {
return false
for i, ctKey := range r.outPk {
if !VerifyRange(&ctKey.Mask, r.rangeSigs[i]) {
return false
// BUG BUG we are not verifying mlsag here, Do it once the core finishes
return true
func (r *RctSig) VerifyRctFull() bool {
for i, ctKey := range r.outPk {
if !VerifyRange(&ctKey.Mask, r.rangeSigs[i]) {
return false
// BUG BUG we are not verifying mlsag here, Do it once the core is finished
return true
func ParseCtKey(buf io.Reader) (result CtKey, err error) {
if result.Mask, err = ParseKey(buf); err != nil {
func ParseKey64(buf io.Reader) (result Key64, err error) {
for i := 0; i < 64; i++ {
if result[i], err = ParseKey(buf); err != nil {
// parse Borromean signature
func ParseBoroSig(buf io.Reader) (result BoroSig, err error) {
if result.s0, err = ParseKey64(buf); err != nil {
if result.s1, err = ParseKey64(buf); err != nil {
if, err = ParseKey(buf); err != nil {
// range data consists of Single Borromean sig and 64 keys for 64 bits
func ParseRangeSig(buf io.Reader) (result RangeSig, err error) {
if result.asig, err = ParseBoroSig(buf); err != nil {
if, err = ParseKey64(buf); err != nil {
// parser for ringct signature
// we need to be extra cautious as almost anything cam come as input
func ParseRingCtSignature(buf io.Reader, nInputs, nOutputs, nMixin int) (result *RctSig, err error) {
r := new(RctSig)
sigType := make([]byte, 1)
_, err = buf.Read(sigType)
if err != nil {
r.sigType = uint8(sigType[0])
if r.sigType == RCTTypeNull {
result = r
if r.sigType != RCTTypeFull || r.sigType != RCTTypeSimple {
err = fmt.Errorf("Bad signature Type %d", r.sigType)
r.txFee, err = ReadVarInt(buf)
if err != nil {
var nMg, nSS int
if r.sigType == RCTTypeSimple {
nMg = nInputs
nSS = 2
r.pseudoOuts = make([]Key, nInputs)
for i := 0; i < nInputs; i++ {
if r.pseudoOuts[i], err = ParseKey(buf); err != nil {
} else {
nMg = 1
nSS = nInputs + 1
r.ecdhInfo = make([]ecdhTuple, nOutputs)
for i := 0; i < nOutputs; i++ {
if r.ecdhInfo[i].mask, err = ParseKey(buf); err != nil {
if r.ecdhInfo[i].amount, err = ParseKey(buf); err != nil {
r.outPk = make([]CtKey, nOutputs)
for i := 0; i < nOutputs; i++ {
if r.outPk[i], err = ParseCtKey(buf); err != nil {
r.rangeSigs = make([]RangeSig, nOutputs)
for i := 0; i < nOutputs; i++ {
if r.rangeSigs[i], err = ParseRangeSig(buf); err != nil {
r.MlsagSigs = make([]MlsagSig, nMg)
for i := 0; i < nMg; i++ {
r.MlsagSigs[i].ss = make([][]Key, nMixin+1)
for j := 0; j < nMixin+1; j++ {
r.MlsagSigs[i].ss[j] = make([]Key, nSS)
for k := 0; k < nSS; k++ {
if r.MlsagSigs[i].ss[j][k], err = ParseKey(buf); err != nil {
if r.MlsagSigs[i].cc, err = ParseKey(buf); err != nil {
result = r