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package emission
import "fmt"
import "math/big"
import ""
// the logic is same as cryptonote_basic_impl.cpp
// this file controls the logic for emission of coins at each height
// calculates block reward
func GetBlockReward(bl_median_size uint64,
bl_current_size uint64,
already_generated_coins uint64,
hard_fork_version uint64,
fee uint64) (reward uint64) {
target_minutes := target / 60
emission_speed_factor := config.COIN_EMISSION_SPEED_FACTOR - (target_minutes - 1)
// handle special cases
switch already_generated_coins {
case 0:
reward = 1000000000000 // give 1 DERO to genesis, but we gave 35 due to a silly typo, so continue as is
return reward
case 1000000000000:
reward = 2000000 * 1000000000000 // give the developers initial premine, while keeping the, into account and respecting transparancy
return reward
base_reward := (config.COIN_MONEY_SUPPLY - already_generated_coins) >> emission_speed_factor
if base_reward < (config.COIN_FINAL_SUBSIDY_PER_MINUTE * target_minutes) {
base_reward = config.COIN_FINAL_SUBSIDY_PER_MINUTE * target_minutes
//full_reward_zone = get_min_block_size(version);
if bl_median_size < full_reward_zone {
bl_median_size = full_reward_zone
if bl_current_size <= bl_median_size {
reward = base_reward
fmt.Printf("Retunring base reward\n")
return reward
// block is bigger than median size , we must calculate it
if bl_current_size > 2*bl_median_size {
//MERROR("Block cumulative size is too big: " << current_block_size << ", expected less than " << 2 * median_size);
panic("Block size is too big\n")
//panic("This mode of base reward calculation is not yet implemented\n")
multiplicand := (2 * bl_median_size) - bl_current_size
multiplicand = multiplicand * bl_current_size
var big_base_reward, big_multiplicand, big_product, big_reward, big_median_size big.Int
big_product.Mul(&big_base_reward, &big_multiplicand)
big_reward.Div(&big_product, &big_median_size)
big_reward.Div(&big_product, &big_median_size)
// lower 64 bits contains the reward
if !big_reward.IsUint64() {
panic("GetBlockReward has issues\n")
reward_lo := big_reward.Uint64()
if reward_lo > base_reward {
panic("Reward must be less than base reward\n")
return reward_lo