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package crypto
import "fmt"
import "encoding/hex"
const (
ChecksumLength = 4 // for addresses
HashLength = 32
type Hash [HashLength]byte
type Checksum [ChecksumLength]byte
func (h Hash) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%x", h[:])), nil
// convert a hash of hex form to binary form, returns a zero hash if any error
// TODO this should be in crypto
func HashHexToHash(hash_hex string) (hash Hash) {
hash_raw, err := hex.DecodeString(hash_hex)
if err != nil {
//panic(fmt.Sprintf("Cannot hex decode checkpint hash \"%s\"", hash_hex))
return hash
if len(hash_raw) != 32 {
//panic(fmt.Sprintf(" hash not 32 byte size Cannot hex decode checkpint hash \"%s\"", hash_hex))
return hash
copy(hash[:], hash_raw)