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package kzgceremony
import (
bls12381 ""
// todo: unify addition & multiplicative notation in the comments
// Contribution contains the SRS with its Proof
type Contribution struct {
Proof *Proof
// SRS contains the powers of tau in G1 & G2, eg.
// [τ'⁰]₁, [τ'¹]₁, [τ'²]₁, ..., [τ'ⁿ⁻¹]₁,
// [τ'⁰]₂, [τ'¹]₂, [τ'²]₂, ..., [τ'ⁿ⁻¹]₂
type SRS struct {
G1s []*bls12381.PointG1
G2s []*bls12381.PointG2
type toxicWaste struct {
tau *big.Int
TauG2 *bls12381.PointG2
// Proof contains g₂ᵖ and g₂^τ', used by the verifier
type Proof struct {
G2P *bls12381.PointG2 // g₂ᵖ
G1PTau *bls12381.PointG1 // g₂^τ' = g₂^{p ⋅ τ}
// newEmptySRS creates an empty SRS
func newEmptySRS(nG1, nG2 int) *SRS {
g1s := make([]*bls12381.PointG1, nG1)
g2s := make([]*bls12381.PointG2, nG2)
g1 := bls12381.NewG1()
g2 := bls12381.NewG2()
// one_G1 := g1.One()
// one_G2 := g2.One()
for i := 0; i < nG1; i++ {
g1s[i] = g1.One()
// g1.MulScalar(g1s[i], one_G1, big.NewInt(int64(i)))
for i := 0; i < nG2; i++ {
g2s[i] = g2.One()
// g2.MulScalar(g2s[i], one_G2, big.NewInt(int64(i)))
return &SRS{g1s, g2s}
func tau(randomness []byte) *toxicWaste {
g2 := bls12381.NewG2()
tau := new(big.Int).Mod(
tau_Fr := bls12381.NewFr().FromBytes(tau.Bytes())
TauG2 := g2.New()
g2.MulScalar(TauG2, g2.One(), tau_Fr)
return &toxicWaste{tau, TauG2}
func computeContribution(t *toxicWaste, prevSRS *SRS) *SRS {
srs := newEmptySRS(len(prevSRS.G1s), len(prevSRS.G2s))
g1 := bls12381.NewG1()
g2 := bls12381.NewG2()
Q := g1.Q() // Q = |G1| == |G2|
// fmt.Println("Computing [τ'⁰]₁, [τ'¹]₁, [τ'²]₁, ..., [τ'ⁿ⁻¹]₁, for n =", len(prevSRS.G1s))
for i := 0; i < len(prevSRS.G1s); i++ {
tau_i := new(big.Int).Exp(t.tau, big.NewInt(int64(i)), Q)
tau_i_Fr := bls12381.NewFr().FromBytes(tau_i.Bytes())
g1.MulScalar(srs.G1s[i], prevSRS.G1s[i], tau_i_Fr)
// fmt.Println("Computing [τ'⁰]₂, [τ'¹]₂, [τ'²]₂, ..., [τ'ⁿ⁻¹]₂, for n =", len(prevSRS.G2s))
for i := 0; i < len(prevSRS.G2s); i++ {
tau_i := new(big.Int).Exp(t.tau, big.NewInt(int64(i)), Q)
tau_i_Fr := bls12381.NewFr().FromBytes(tau_i.Bytes())
g2.MulScalar(srs.G2s[i], prevSRS.G2s[i], tau_i_Fr)
return srs
func genProof(toxicWaste *toxicWaste, prevSRS, newSRS *SRS) *Proof {
g1 := bls12381.NewG1()
G1_p := g1.New()
tau_Fr := bls12381.NewFr().FromBytes(toxicWaste.tau.Bytes())
g1.MulScalar(G1_p, prevSRS.G1s[1], tau_Fr) // g_1^{tau'} = g_1^{p * tau}, where p=toxicWaste.tau
return &Proof{toxicWaste.TauG2, G1_p}
// Contribute takes as input the previous SRS and a random byte slice, and
// returns the new SRS together with the Proof
func Contribute(prevSRS *SRS, randomness []byte) (Contribution, error) {
// set tau from randomness
tw := tau(randomness)
newSRS := computeContribution(tw, prevSRS)
proof := genProof(tw, prevSRS, newSRS)
return Contribution{SRS: newSRS, Proof: proof}, nil
// Verify checks the correct computation of the new SRS respectively from the
// previous SRS
func Verify(prevSRS, newSRS *SRS, proof *Proof) bool {
g1 := bls12381.NewG1()
g2 := bls12381.NewG2()
pairing := bls12381.NewEngine()
// 1. check that elements of the newSRS are valid points
for i := 0; i < len(newSRS.G1s); i++ {
// i) non-empty
if newSRS.G1s[i] == nil {
return false
// ii) non-zero
if g1.IsZero(newSRS.G1s[i]) {
return false
// iii) in the correct prime order of subgroups
if !g1.IsOnCurve(newSRS.G1s[i]) {
return false
if !g1.InCorrectSubgroup(newSRS.G1s[i]) {
return false
for i := 0; i < len(newSRS.G2s); i++ {
// i) non-empty
if newSRS.G2s[i] == nil {
return false
// ii) non-zero
if g2.IsZero(newSRS.G2s[i]) {
return false
// iii) in the correct prime order of subgroups
if !g2.IsOnCurve(newSRS.G2s[i]) {
return false
if !g2.InCorrectSubgroup(newSRS.G2s[i]) {
return false
// 2. check proof.G1PTau == newSRS.G1s[1]
if !g1.Equal(proof.G1PTau, newSRS.G1s[1]) {
return false
// 3. check newSRS.G1s[1] (g₁^τ'), is correctly related to prevSRS.G1s[1] (g₁^τ)
// e([τ]₁, [p]₂) == e([τ']₁, [1]₂)
e0 := pairing.AddPair(prevSRS.G1s[1], proof.G2P).Result()
e1 := pairing.AddPair(newSRS.G1s[1], g2.One()).Result()
if !e0.Equal(e1) {
return false
// 4. check newSRS following the powers of tau structure
for i := 0; i < len(newSRS.G1s)-1; i++ {
// i) e([τ'ⁱ]₁, [τ']₂) == e([τ'ⁱ⁺¹]₁, [1]₂), for i ∈ [1, n−1]
e0 := pairing.AddPair(newSRS.G1s[i], newSRS.G2s[1]).Result()
e1 := pairing.AddPair(newSRS.G1s[i+1], g2.One()).Result()
if !e0.Equal(e1) {
return false
for i := 0; i < len(newSRS.G2s)-1; i++ {
// ii) e([τ']₁, [τ'ʲ]₂) == e([1]₁, [τ'ʲ⁺¹]₂), for j ∈ [1, m−1]
e3 := pairing.AddPair(newSRS.G1s[1], newSRS.G2s[i]).Result()
e4 := pairing.AddPair(g1.One(), newSRS.G2s[i+1]).Result()
if !e3.Equal(e4) {
return false
return true