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use num::complex::{Complex, Complex64};
use std::f64::consts::PI;
// fft computes the Fast Fourier Transform
pub fn fft(x: &Vec<f64>) -> Vec<Complex64> {
let mut x_compl: Vec<Complex64> = vec![Complex::new(0_f64, 0_f64); x.len()];
for i in 0..x.len() {
x_compl[i] = Complex::new(x[i], 0_f64);
fn fft_compl(x: Vec<Complex64>) -> Vec<Complex64> {
let N = x.len();
if N % 2 > 0 {
panic!("not a power of 2");
} else if N <= 2 {
return dft_compl(x);
let mut x_even: Vec<Complex64> = Vec::new();
let mut x_odd: Vec<Complex64> = Vec::new();
for i in 0..x.len() {
if i % 2 == 0 {
} else {
let mut x_even_cmplx = fft_compl(x_even);
let mut x_odd_cmplx = fft_compl(x_odd);
let mut w = Complex::new(0_f64, 2_f64 * PI / N as f64);
let mut f_k: Vec<Complex64> = Vec::new();
for k in 0..x.len() {
let k_compl = Complex::new(k as f64, 0_f64);
f_k.push((w * k_compl).exp());
let mut r: Vec<Complex64> = Vec::new();
let mut aa = add_vv(
mul_vv_el(x_odd_cmplx.clone(), f_k.clone()[0..x.len() / 2].to_vec()),
let mut bb = add_vv(
mul_vv_el(x_odd_cmplx.clone(), f_k.clone()[x.len() / 2..].to_vec()),
r.append(&mut aa);
r.append(&mut bb);
// ifft computes the Inverse Fast Fourier Transform
pub fn ifft(x: &Vec<Complex64>) -> Vec<f64> {
// use the IFFT method of computing conjugates, then FFT, then conjugate again, and then divide
// by N
let mut x_conj: Vec<Complex64> = Vec::new();
for i in 0..x.len() {
let x_res = fft_compl(x_conj);
let mut r: Vec<Complex64> = Vec::new();
for i in 0..x_res.len() {
let n = x.len() as f64;
let mut rr: Vec<f64> = Vec::new();
for i in 0..r.len() {
r[i] = r[i] / Complex::new(n, 0_f64);
// dft computes the Discrete Fourier Transform
pub fn dft(x: &Vec<f64>) -> Vec<Complex64> {
let mut x_compl: Vec<Complex64> = vec![Complex::new(0_f64, 0_f64); x.len()];
for i in 0..x.len() {
x_compl[i] = Complex::new(x[i], 0_f64);
fn dft_compl(x: Vec<Complex64>) -> Vec<Complex64> {
let mut w = Complex::new(0_f64, -2_f64 * PI / x.len() as f64);
// f_k (dft_matrix) = SUM{n=0, N-1} f_n * e^(-j2pi*k*n)/N
let mut dft_matrix: Vec<Vec<Complex64>> = Vec::new();
for i in 0..x.len() {
let mut f_k: Vec<Complex64> = Vec::new();
for j in 0..x.len() {
let i_compl = Complex::new(0_f64, i as f64);
let j_compl = Complex::new(0_f64, j as f64);
let fe = (w * i_compl * j_compl).exp();
let r = mul_mv(dft_matrix, x);
// idft computes the Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform
pub fn idft(x: &Vec<Complex64>) -> Vec<f64> {
let mut w = Complex::new(0_f64, 2_f64 * PI / x.len() as f64);
// f_k (dft_matrix) = (SUM{n=0, N-1} f_n * e^(j2pi*k*n)/N)/N
let mut dft_matrix: Vec<Vec<Complex64>> = Vec::new();
for i in 0..x.len() {
let mut f_k: Vec<Complex64> = Vec::new();
for j in 0..x.len() {
let i_compl = Complex::new(0_f64, i as f64);
let j_compl = Complex::new(0_f64, j as f64);
let fe = (w * i_compl * j_compl).exp();
let mut r = mul_mv(dft_matrix, x.clone());
let n = x.len() as f64;
let mut rr: Vec<f64> = Vec::new();
for i in 0..r.len() {
r[i] = r[i] / Complex::new(n, 0_f64);
// mul_mv multiplies a Matrix by a Vector
fn mul_mv(a: Vec<Vec<Complex64>>, b: Vec<Complex64>) -> Vec<Complex64> {
if a[0].len() != a.len() {
panic!("err b[0].len():{:?} != b.len():{:?}", a[0].len(), a.len());
if a.len() != b.len() {
panic!("err a.len():{:?} != b.len():{:?}", a.len(), b.len());
let rows = a.len();
let cols = a.len();
let mut c: Vec<Complex64> = vec![Complex::new(0_f64, 0_f64); cols];
for i in 0..rows {
for j in 0..cols {
c[i] += a[i][j] * b[j];
fn add_vv(a: Vec<Complex64>, b: Vec<Complex64>) -> Vec<Complex64> {
if a.len() != b.len() {
panic!("err a.len():{:?} != b.len():{:?}", a.len(), b.len());
let mut c: Vec<Complex64> = vec![Complex::new(0_f64, 0_f64); a.len()];
for i in 0..a.len() {
c[i] = a[i] + b[i];
// mul_vv_el multiplies elements of one vector by the elements of another vector
fn mul_vv_el(a: Vec<Complex64>, b: Vec<Complex64>) -> Vec<Complex64> {
if a.len() != b.len() {
panic!("err a.len():{:?} != b.len():{:?}", a.len(), b.len());
let mut c: Vec<Complex64> = vec![Complex::new(0_f64, 0_f64); a.len()];
for i in 0..a.len() {
c[i] = a[i] * b[i];
mod tests {
use super::*;
extern crate rand;
use rand::Rng;
fn test_dft_simple_values() {
let values: Vec<f64> = vec![0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8];
let r = dft(&values);
assert_eq!(r.len(), 8);
assert_eq!(format!("{:.2}", r[0]), "3.70+0.00i");
assert_eq!(format!("{:.2}", r[1]), "-0.30-0.97i");
assert_eq!(format!("{:.2}", r[2]), "-0.30-0.40i");
assert_eq!(format!("{:.2}", r[3]), "-0.30-0.17i");
assert_eq!(format!("{:.2}", r[4]), "-0.30+0.00i");
// expect result similar to initial values
let o = idft(&r);
assert_eq!(format!("{:.1}", o[0]), "0.2");
assert_eq!(format!("{:.1}", o[1]), "0.2");
assert_eq!(format!("{:.1}", o[2]), "0.3");
assert_eq!(format!("{:.1}", o[3]), "0.4");
assert_eq!(format!("{:.1}", o[4]), "0.5");
assert_eq!(format!("{:.1}", o[5]), "0.6");
assert_eq!(format!("{:.1}", o[6]), "0.7");
assert_eq!(format!("{:.1}", o[7]), "0.8");
fn test_fft_simple_values() {
let values: Vec<f64> = vec![0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8];
let r = fft(&values);
assert_eq!(r.len(), 8);
assert_eq!(format!("{:.2}", r[0]), "3.70+0.00i");
assert_eq!(format!("{:.2}", r[1]), "-0.30-0.97i");
assert_eq!(format!("{:.2}", r[2]), "-0.30-0.40i");
assert_eq!(format!("{:.2}", r[3]), "-0.30-0.17i");
assert_eq!(format!("{:.2}", r[4]), "-0.30+0.00i");
// expect result similar to initial values
let o = ifft(&r);
println!("{:?}", o);
assert_eq!(format!("{:.1}", o[0]), "0.2");
assert_eq!(format!("{:.1}", o[1]), "0.2");
assert_eq!(format!("{:.1}", o[2]), "0.3");
assert_eq!(format!("{:.1}", o[3]), "0.4");
assert_eq!(format!("{:.1}", o[4]), "0.5");
assert_eq!(format!("{:.1}", o[5]), "0.6");
assert_eq!(format!("{:.1}", o[6]), "0.7");
assert_eq!(format!("{:.1}", o[7]), "0.8");
fn test_dft_random_values() {
let values: Vec<f64> = rand::thread_rng()
let r = dft(&values);
println!("{:?}", r.len());
let o = idft(&r);
fn test_fft_random_values() {
let values: Vec<f64> = rand::thread_rng()
let r = fft(&values);
println!("{:?}", r.len());
let o = ifft(&r);