package main
import ( "bufio" "fmt" "os" "strings" )
const version = "0.1-dev"
func main() { c.Yellow("twFlock") fmt.Println("---------------") c.Cyan("twFlock initialized") c.Purple("https://github.com/arnaucode/twFlock") fmt.Println("version " + version) fmt.Println("Reading flockConfig.json file") //flock := readConfigTokensAndConnect()
var flock Flock fmt.Println("---------------") newcommand := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin) fmt.Print("Please select command number") options := ` 1 - Tweet from flock of bots 2 - Markov 0 - Exit script option to select: ` for { fmt.Print(options)
option, _ := newcommand.ReadString('\n') option = strings.TrimSpace(option)
switch option { case "1": fmt.Println("selected 1 - Tweet from flock of bots") optionTweetFromFlock(flock) break case "2": fmt.Println("selected 2 - Markov") _ = markov.train("the", "text.txt") //fmt.Println(text)
break case "0": fmt.Println("selected 0 - exit script") os.Exit(3) break default: fmt.Println("Invalid option") break } } }