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pub mod merkletree;
use merkletree::{MerkleTreePoseidon as MT, Params as MTParams};
use ark_ff::PrimeField;
use ark_poly::{
univariate::DensePolynomial, EvaluationDomain, GeneralEvaluationDomain, UVPolynomial,
use ark_std::log2;
use ark_std::marker::PhantomData;
use ark_std::ops::Mul;
use ark_std::{cfg_into_iter, rand::Rng, UniformRand};
pub struct FRI_LDT<F: PrimeField, P: UVPolynomial<F>> {
_f: PhantomData<F>,
_poly: PhantomData<P>,
impl<F: PrimeField, P: UVPolynomial<F>> FRI_LDT<F, P> {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
_f: PhantomData,
_poly: PhantomData,
pub fn split(p: &P) -> (P, P) {
// let d = + 1;
let d = p.coeffs().len();
if (d != 0) && (d & (d - 1) != 0) {
println!("d={:?}", d);
panic!("d should be a power of 2");
let coeffs = p.coeffs();
let odd: Vec<F> = coeffs.iter().step_by(2).cloned().collect();
let even: Vec<F> = coeffs.iter().skip(1).step_by(2).cloned().collect();
return (
// prove implements the proof generation for a FRI-low-degree-testing
pub fn prove<R: Rng>(rng: &mut R, p: &P) -> (Vec<F>, Vec<Vec<F>>, Vec<F>, [F; 2]) {
let d =;
let mut commitments: Vec<F> = Vec::new();
let mut mts: Vec<MT<F>> = Vec::new();
// f_0(x) = fL_0(x^2) + x fR_0(x^2)
let mut f_i1 = p.clone();
// sub_order = |F_i| = rho^-1 * d
let mut sub_order = d; // TMP, TODO this will depend on rho parameter
let mut eval_sub_domain: GeneralEvaluationDomain<F> =
// TODO merge in the next for loop
let evals: Vec<F> = cfg_into_iter!(0..eval_sub_domain.size())
.map(|k| f_i1.evaluate(&eval_sub_domain.element(k)))
let (cm_i, mt_i) = MT::commit(&evals);
sub_order = sub_order / 2;
eval_sub_domain = GeneralEvaluationDomain::new(sub_order).unwrap();
// V sets rand z \in \mathbb{F} challenge
// TODO this will be a hash from the transcript
let z_pos = 3;
let z = eval_sub_domain.element(z_pos);
let z_pos = z_pos * 2; // WIP
let mut f_is: Vec<P> = Vec::new();
while > 1 {
let alpha_i = F::from(42_u64); // TODO: WIP, defined by Verifier (well, hash transcript)
let (fL_i, fR_i) = Self::split(&f_i1);
// compute f_{i+1}(x) = fL_i(x) + alpha_i * fR_i(x)
let aux = DensePolynomial::from_coefficients_slice(fR_i.coeffs());
f_i1 = fL_i.clone() + P::from_coefficients_slice(aux.mul(alpha_i).coeffs());
let subdomain_evaluations: Vec<F> = cfg_into_iter!(0..eval_sub_domain.size())
.map(|k| f_i1.evaluate(&eval_sub_domain.element(k)))
// commit to f_{i+1}(x) = fL_i(x) + alpha_i * fR_i(x)
let (cm_i, mt_i) = MT::commit(&subdomain_evaluations); // commit to the evaluation domain instead
// prepare next subdomain
sub_order = sub_order / 2;
eval_sub_domain = GeneralEvaluationDomain::new(sub_order).unwrap();
let (fL_i, fR_i) = Self::split(&f_i1);
let constant_fL_l: F = fL_i.coeffs()[0].clone();
let constant_fR_l: F = fR_i.coeffs()[0].clone();
// evals = {f_i(z^{2^i}), f_i(-z^{2^i})} \forall i \in F_i
let mut evals: Vec<F> = Vec::new();
let mut mtproofs: Vec<Vec<F>> = Vec::new();
// TODO this will be done inside the prev loop, now it is here just for clarity
// evaluate f_i(z^{2^i}), f_i(-z^{2^i}), and open their commitment
for i in 0..f_is.len() {
let z_2i = z.pow([2_u64.pow(i as u32)]); // z^{2^i} // TODO check usage of .pow(u64)
let neg_z_2i = z_2i.neg();
let eval_i = f_is[i].evaluate(&z_2i);
let eval_i = f_is[i].evaluate(&neg_z_2i);
// gen the openings in the commitment to f_i(z^(2^i))
let mtproof = mts[i].open(F::from(z_pos as u32)); // WIP open to 2^i?
(commitments, mtproofs, evals, [constant_fL_l, constant_fR_l])
// verify implements the verification of a FRI-low-degree-testing proof
pub fn verify(
degree: usize, // expected degree
commitments: Vec<F>,
mtproofs: Vec<Vec<F>>,
evals: Vec<F>,
constants: [F; 2],
) -> bool {
let sub_order = ((degree + 1) / 2) - 1; // TMP, TODO this will depend on rho parameter
let eval_sub_domain: GeneralEvaluationDomain<F> =
// TODO this will be a hash from the transcript
let z_pos = 3;
let z = eval_sub_domain.element(z_pos);
let z_pos = z_pos * 2;
if commitments.len() != (evals.len() / 2) {
println!("sho commitments.len() != (evals.len() / 2) - 1");
return false;
let mut i_z = 0;
for i in (0..evals.len()).step_by(2) {
let alpha_i = F::from(42_u64); // TODO: WIP, defined by Verifier (well, hash transcript)
// take f_i(z^2) from evals
let z_2i = z.pow([2_u64.pow(i_z as u32)]); // z^{2^i}
let fi_z = evals[i];
let neg_fi_z = evals[i + 1];
// compute f_i^L(z^2), f_i^R(z^2) from the linear combination
let L = (fi_z + neg_fi_z) * F::from(2_u32).inverse().unwrap();
let R = (fi_z - neg_fi_z) * (F::from(2_u32) * z_2i).inverse().unwrap();
// compute f_{i+1}(z^2) = f_i^L(z^2) + a_i f_i^R(z^2)
let next_fi_z2 = L + alpha_i * R;
// check: obtained f_{i+1}(z^2) == evals.f_{i+1}(z^2) (=evals[i+2])
if i < evals.len() - 2 {
if next_fi_z2 != evals[i + 2] {
"verify step i={}, should f_i+1(z^2) == evals.f_i+1(z^2) (=evals[i+2])",
return false;
// check commitment opening
if !MT::verify(
// F::from(i as u32),
F::from(z_pos as u32),
) {
println!("verify step i={}, MT::verify failed", i);
return false;
// last iteration, check constant values equal to the obtained f_i^L(z^{2^i}),
// f_i^R(z^{2^i})
if i == evals.len() - 2 {
if L != constants[0] {
println!("constant L not equal to the obtained one");
return false;
if R != constants[1] {
println!("constant R not equal to the obtained one");
return false;
i_z += 1;
mod tests {
use super::*;
use ark_ff::Field;
use ark_std::UniformRand;
pub type Fr = ark_bn254::Fr; // scalar field
use ark_poly::univariate::DensePolynomial;
use ark_poly::Polynomial;
fn test_split() {
let mut rng = ark_std::test_rng();
let deg = 7;
let p = DensePolynomial::<Fr>::rand(deg, &mut rng);
assert_eq!(, deg);
type FRIT = FRI_LDT<Fr, DensePolynomial<Fr>>;
let (pL, pR) = FRIT::split(&p);
// check that f(z) == fL(x^2) + x * fR(x^2), for a rand z
let z = Fr::rand(&mut rng);
pL.evaluate(&z.square()) + z * pR.evaluate(&z.square())
fn test_prove() {
let mut rng = ark_std::test_rng();
let deg = 15;
let p = DensePolynomial::<Fr>::rand(deg, &mut rng);
assert_eq!(, deg);
// println!("p {:?}", p);
type FRIT = FRI_LDT<Fr, DensePolynomial<Fr>>;
// prover
let (commitments, mtproofs, evals, constvals) = FRIT::prove(&mut rng, &p);
// commitments contains the commitments to each f_0, f_1, ..., f_n, with n=log2(d)
assert_eq!(commitments.len(), log2(p.coeffs().len()) as usize);
assert_eq!(evals.len(), 2 * log2(p.coeffs().len()) as usize);
let v = FRIT::verify(
// Fr::from(deg as u32),