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package main
import (
//each image is [][]float64, is a array of pixels
type ImgDataset [][][]float64
type Dataset map[string]ImgDataset
func byteArrayToFloat64Array(b []byte) []float64 {
var f []float64
for i := 0; i < len(b); i++ {
val, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(string(b[i]), 64)
/*fmt.Print(string(b[i]) + "-")
f = append(f, val)
return f
func readImage(path string) [][]float64 {
//open image file
/*reader, err := os.Open(path)
defer reader.Close()*/
dat, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
imageRaw, err := dataToImage(dat, path)
//resize the image to standard size
image := Resize(imageRaw)
//convert the image to histogram(RGBA)
histogram := imageToHistogram(image)
//convert image to bytes
/*imgBytes, err := imageToData(image, path)
//imgFloat := byteArrayToFloat64Array(imgBytes)
return histogram
func readDataset(path string) map[string]ImgDataset {
//dataset := make(map[string]ImgDataset)
dataset := make(Dataset)
folders, _ := ioutil.ReadDir(path)
for _, folder := range folders {
var imgDataset ImgDataset
folderFiles, _ := ioutil.ReadDir(path + "/" + folder.Name())
for _, file := range folderFiles {
image := readImage(path + "/" + folder.Name() + "/" + file.Name())
imgDataset = append(imgDataset, image)
//add the foldername to the Dataset map
dataset[folder.Name()] = imgDataset
return dataset