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Tables Pre-calculation

The most time consuming part of a ZKSnark proof calculation is the scalar multiplication of elliptic curve points. Direct mechanism accumulates each multiplication. However, prover only needs the total accumulation.

There are two potential improvements to the naive approach:

  1. Apply Strauss-Shamir method (
  2. Leave the doubling operation for the last step

Both options can be combined.

In the following table, we show the results of using the naive method, Srauss-Shamir and Strauss-Shamir + No doubling. These last two options are repeated for different table grouping order.

There are 50000 G1 Elliptical Curve Points, and the scalars are 254 bits (BN256 curve).

There may be some concern on the additional size of the tables since they need to be loaded into a smartphone during the proof, and the time required to load these tables may exceed the benefits. If this is a problem, another althernative is to compute the tables during the proof itself. Depending on the Group Size, timing may be better than the naive approach.

Algorithm (G1) GS 2 GS 3 GS 4 GS 5 GS 6 GS 7 GS 8 GS 9
Naive 6.63s - - - - - - -
Strauss 13.16s 9.03s 6.95s 5.61s 4.91s 4.26s 3.88s 3.54 s
Strauss + Table Computation 16.13s 11.32s 8.47s 7.10s 6.2s 5.94s 6.01s 6.69s
No Doubling 3.74s 3.00s 2.38s 1.96s 1.79s 1.54s 1.50s 1.44s
No Doubling + Table Computation 6.83s 5.1s 4.16s 3.52s 3.22s 3.21s 3.57s 4.56s

There are 5000 G2 Elliptical Curve Points, and the scalars are 254 bits (BN256 curve).

Algorithm (G2) GS 2 GS 3 GS 4 GS 5 GS 6 GS 7 GS 8 GS 9
Naive 3.55s
Strauss 3.55s 2.54s 1.96s 1.58s 1.38s 1.20s 1.03s 937ms
Strauss + Table Computation 3.59s 2.58s 2.04s 1.71s 1.51s 1.46s 1.51s 1.82s
No Doubling 1.49s 1.16s 952ms 719ms 661ms 548ms 506ms 444ms
No Doubling + Table Computation 1.55s 1.21s 984ms 841ms 826ms 847ms 1.03s 1.39s
GS Extra Disk Space per Constraint (G1)
2 64 B
3 106 B
4 192 B
5 346 B
6 618 B
7 1106 B
8 1984 B
9 3577 B
N 2^(N+6)/N - 64 B

Extra disk space per constraint in G2 is twice the requirements for G1