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// code originally taken from (, pasted here to ensure compatibility among future changes
package field
import (
func iToBig(a int) *big.Int {
return big.NewInt(int64(a))
func TestFq1(t *testing.T) {
fq1 := NewFq(iToBig(7))
res := fq1.Add(iToBig(4), iToBig(4))
assert.Equal(t, iToBig(1), fq1.Affine(res))
res = fq1.Double(iToBig(5))
assert.Equal(t, iToBig(3), fq1.Affine(res))
res = fq1.Sub(iToBig(5), iToBig(7))
assert.Equal(t, iToBig(5), fq1.Affine(res))
res = fq1.Neg(iToBig(5))
assert.Equal(t, iToBig(2), fq1.Affine(res))
res = fq1.Mul(iToBig(5), iToBig(11))
assert.Equal(t, iToBig(6), fq1.Affine(res))
res = fq1.Inverse(iToBig(4))
assert.Equal(t, iToBig(2), res)
res = fq1.Square(iToBig(5))
assert.Equal(t, iToBig(4), res)