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package merkletree
import (
cryptoUtils ""
const (
// proofFlagsLen is the byte length of the flags in the proof header (first 32
// bytes).
proofFlagsLen = 2
// ElemBytesLen is the length of the Hash byte array
ElemBytesLen = 32
var (
// ErrNodeKeyAlreadyExists is used when a node key already exists.
ErrNodeKeyAlreadyExists = errors.New("node already exists")
// ErrEntryIndexNotFound is used when no entry is found for an index.
ErrEntryIndexNotFound = errors.New("node index not found in the DB")
// ErrNodeBytesBadSize is used when the data of a node has an incorrect
// size and can't be parsed.
ErrNodeBytesBadSize = errors.New("node data has incorrect size in the DB")
// ErrReachedMaxLevel is used when a traversal of the MT reaches the
// maximum level.
ErrReachedMaxLevel = errors.New("reached maximum level of the merkle tree")
// ErrInvalidNodeFound is used when an invalid node is found and can't
// be parsed.
ErrInvalidNodeFound = errors.New("found an invalid node in the DB")
// ErrInvalidProofBytes is used when a serialized proof is invalid.
ErrInvalidProofBytes = errors.New("the serialized proof is invalid")
// ErrInvalidDBValue is used when a value in the key value DB is
// invalid (for example, it doen't contain a byte header and a []byte
// body of at least len=1.
ErrInvalidDBValue = errors.New("the value in the DB is invalid")
// ErrEntryIndexAlreadyExists is used when the entry index already
// exists in the tree.
ErrEntryIndexAlreadyExists = errors.New("the entry index already exists in the tree")
// ErrNotWritable is used when the MerkleTree is not writable and a write function is called
ErrNotWritable = errors.New("Merkle Tree not writable")
// ErrKeyNotFound is used when a key is not found in the MerkleTree.
ErrKeyNotFound = errors.New("Key not found in the tree")
rootNodeValue = []byte("currentroot")
// HashZero is used at Empty nodes
HashZero = Hash{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
// Hash is the generic type stored in the MerkleTree
type Hash [32]byte
// String returns decimal representation in string format of the Hash
func (h Hash) String() string {
s := h.BigInt().String()
if len(s) < 8 {
return s
return s[0:8] + "..."
// Hex returns the hexadecimal representation of the Hash
func (h Hash) Hex() string {
return hex.EncodeToString(h.BigInt().Bytes())
// BigInt returns the *big.Int representation of the *Hash
func (h *Hash) BigInt() *big.Int {
return new(big.Int).SetBytes(common.SwapEndianness(h[:]))
// NewHashFromBigInt returns a *Hash representation of the given *big.Int
func NewHashFromBigInt(b *big.Int) *Hash {
r := &Hash{}
copy(r[:], common.SwapEndianness(b.Bytes()))
return r
// MerkleTree is the struct with the main elements of the MerkleTree
type MerkleTree struct {
db db.Storage
rootKey *Hash
writable bool
maxLevels int
// NewMerkleTree loads a new Merkletree. If in the sotrage already exists one will open that one, if not, will create a new one.
func NewMerkleTree(storage db.Storage, maxLevels int) (*MerkleTree, error) {
mt := MerkleTree{db: storage, maxLevels: maxLevels, writable: true}
v, err := mt.db.Get(rootNodeValue)
if err != nil {
tx, err := mt.db.NewTx()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mt.rootKey = &HashZero
tx.Put(rootNodeValue, mt.rootKey[:])
err = tx.Commit()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &mt, nil
mt.rootKey = &Hash{}
copy(mt.rootKey[:], v)
return &mt, nil
// DB returns the MerkleTree.DB()
func (mt *MerkleTree) DB() db.Storage {
return mt.db
// Root returns the MerkleRoot
func (mt *MerkleTree) Root() *Hash {
return mt.rootKey
// Add adds a Key & Value into the MerkleTree. Where the `k` determines the path from the Root to the Leaf.
func (mt *MerkleTree) Add(k, v *big.Int) error {
// verify that the MerkleTree is writable
if !mt.writable {
return ErrNotWritable
// verfy that the ElemBytes are valid and fit inside the Finite Field.
if !cryptoUtils.CheckBigIntInField(k) {
return errors.New("Key not inside the Finite Field")
if !cryptoUtils.CheckBigIntInField(v) {
return errors.New("Value not inside the Finite Field")
tx, err := mt.db.NewTx()
if err != nil {
return err
defer mt.Unlock()
kHash := NewHashFromBigInt(k)
vHash := NewHashFromBigInt(v)
newNodeLeaf := NewNodeLeaf(kHash, vHash)
path := getPath(mt.maxLevels, kHash[:])
newRootKey, err := mt.addLeaf(tx, newNodeLeaf, mt.rootKey, 0, path)
if err != nil {
return err
mt.rootKey = newRootKey
mt.dbInsert(tx, rootNodeValue, DBEntryTypeRoot, mt.rootKey[:])
if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// pushLeaf recursively pushes an existing oldLeaf down until its path diverges
// from newLeaf, at which point both leafs are stored, all while updating the
// path.
func (mt *MerkleTree) pushLeaf(tx db.Tx, newLeaf *Node, oldLeaf *Node,
lvl int, pathNewLeaf []bool, pathOldLeaf []bool) (*Hash, error) {
if lvl > mt.maxLevels-2 {
return nil, ErrReachedMaxLevel
var newNodeMiddle *Node
if pathNewLeaf[lvl] == pathOldLeaf[lvl] { // We need to go deeper!
nextKey, err := mt.pushLeaf(tx, newLeaf, oldLeaf, lvl+1, pathNewLeaf, pathOldLeaf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if pathNewLeaf[lvl] {
newNodeMiddle = NewNodeMiddle(&HashZero, nextKey) // go right
} else {
newNodeMiddle = NewNodeMiddle(nextKey, &HashZero) // go left
return mt.addNode(tx, newNodeMiddle)
} else {
oldLeafKey, err := oldLeaf.Key()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
newLeafKey, err := newLeaf.Key()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if pathNewLeaf[lvl] {
newNodeMiddle = NewNodeMiddle(oldLeafKey, newLeafKey)
} else {
newNodeMiddle = NewNodeMiddle(newLeafKey, oldLeafKey)
// We can add newLeaf now. We don't need to add oldLeaf because it's already in the tree.
_, err = mt.addNode(tx, newLeaf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return mt.addNode(tx, newNodeMiddle)
// addLeaf recursively adds a newLeaf in the MT while updating the path.
func (mt *MerkleTree) addLeaf(tx db.Tx, newLeaf *Node, key *Hash,
lvl int, path []bool) (*Hash, error) {
var err error
var nextKey *Hash
if lvl > mt.maxLevels-1 {
return nil, ErrReachedMaxLevel
n, err := mt.GetNode(key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch n.Type {
case NodeTypeEmpty:
// We can add newLeaf now
return mt.addNode(tx, newLeaf)
case NodeTypeLeaf:
nKey := n.Entry[0]
// Check if leaf node found contains the leaf node we are trying to add
newLeafKey := newLeaf.Entry[0]
if bytes.Equal(nKey[:], newLeafKey[:]) {
return nil, ErrEntryIndexAlreadyExists
pathOldLeaf := getPath(mt.maxLevels, nKey[:])
// We need to push newLeaf down until its path diverges from n's path
return mt.pushLeaf(tx, newLeaf, n, lvl, path, pathOldLeaf)
case NodeTypeMiddle:
// We need to go deeper, continue traversing the tree, left or right depending on path
var newNodeMiddle *Node
if path[lvl] {
nextKey, err = mt.addLeaf(tx, newLeaf, n.ChildR, lvl+1, path) // go right
newNodeMiddle = NewNodeMiddle(n.ChildL, nextKey)
} else {
nextKey, err = mt.addLeaf(tx, newLeaf, n.ChildL, lvl+1, path) // go left
newNodeMiddle = NewNodeMiddle(nextKey, n.ChildR)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Update the node to reflect the modified child
return mt.addNode(tx, newNodeMiddle)
return nil, ErrInvalidNodeFound
// addNode adds a node into the MT. Empty nodes are not stored in the tree;
// they are all the same and assumed to always exist.
func (mt *MerkleTree) addNode(tx db.Tx, n *Node) (*Hash, error) {
// verify that the MerkleTree is writable
if !mt.writable {
return nil, ErrNotWritable
if n.Type == NodeTypeEmpty {
return n.Key()
k, err := n.Key()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
v := n.Value()
// Check that the node key doesn't already exist
if _, err := tx.Get(k[:]); err == nil {
return nil, ErrNodeKeyAlreadyExists
tx.Put(k[:], v)
return k, nil
// Delete removes the specified Key from the MerkleTree, and updates the pad from the delted key to the Root with the new values.
// This method removes the key from the MerkleTree, but does not remove the old nodes from the key-value database; this means that if the tree is accessed by an old Root where the key was not deleted yet, the key will still exist. If is desired to remove the key-values from the database that are not under the current Root, an option could be to dump all the claims and import them in a new MerkleTree in a new database, but this will loose all the Root history of the MerkleTree
func (mt *MerkleTree) Delete(k *big.Int) error {
// verify that the MerkleTree is writable
if !mt.writable {
return ErrNotWritable
// verfy that the ElemBytes are valid and fit inside the Finite Field.
if !cryptoUtils.CheckBigIntInField(k) {
return errors.New("Key not inside the Finite Field")
tx, err := mt.db.NewTx()
if err != nil {
return err
defer mt.Unlock()
kHash := NewHashFromBigInt(k)
path := getPath(mt.maxLevels, kHash[:])
nextKey := mt.rootKey
var siblings []*Hash
for i := 0; i < mt.maxLevels; i++ {
n, err := mt.GetNode(nextKey)
if err != nil {
return err
switch n.Type {
case NodeTypeEmpty:
return nil
case NodeTypeLeaf:
if bytes.Equal(kHash[:], n.Entry[0][:]) {
// remove and go up with the sibling
err = mt.rmAndUpload(tx, path, kHash, siblings)
return err
} else {
return ErrKeyNotFound
case NodeTypeMiddle:
if path[i] {
nextKey = n.ChildR
siblings = append(siblings, n.ChildL)
} else {
nextKey = n.ChildL
siblings = append(siblings, n.ChildR)
return ErrInvalidNodeFound
return nil
// rmAndUpload removes the key, and goes up until the root updating all the nodes with the new values.
func (mt *MerkleTree) rmAndUpload(tx db.Tx, path []bool, kHash *Hash, siblings []*Hash) error {
toUpload := siblings[len(siblings)-1]
if len(siblings) < 2 {
mt.rootKey = siblings[0]
mt.dbInsert(tx, rootNodeValue, DBEntryTypeRoot, mt.rootKey[:])
return tx.Commit()
for i := len(siblings) - 2; i >= 0; i-- {
if !bytes.Equal(siblings[i][:], HashZero[:]) {
var newNode *Node
if path[i] {
newNode = NewNodeMiddle(siblings[i], toUpload)
} else {
newNode = NewNodeMiddle(toUpload, siblings[i])
_, err := mt.addNode(tx, newNode)
if err != ErrNodeKeyAlreadyExists && err != nil {
return err
// go up until the root
newRootKey, err := mt.recalculatePathUntilRoot(tx, path, newNode, siblings[:i])
if err != nil {
return err
mt.rootKey = newRootKey
mt.dbInsert(tx, rootNodeValue, DBEntryTypeRoot, mt.rootKey[:])
// if i==0 (root position), stop and store the sibling of the deleted leaf as root
if i == 0 {
mt.rootKey = toUpload
mt.dbInsert(tx, rootNodeValue, DBEntryTypeRoot, mt.rootKey[:])
if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// recalculatePathUntilRoot recalculates the nodes until the Root
func (mt *MerkleTree) recalculatePathUntilRoot(tx db.Tx, path []bool, node *Node, siblings []*Hash) (*Hash, error) {
for i := len(siblings) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
nodeKey, err := node.Key()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if path[i] {
node = NewNodeMiddle(siblings[i], nodeKey)
} else {
node = NewNodeMiddle(nodeKey, siblings[i])
_, err = mt.addNode(tx, node)
if err != ErrNodeKeyAlreadyExists && err != nil {
return nil, err
// return last node added, which is the root
nodeKey, err := node.Key()
return nodeKey, err
// dbGet is a helper function to get the node of a key from the internal
// storage.
func (mt *MerkleTree) dbGet(k []byte) (NodeType, []byte, error) {
if bytes.Equal(k, HashZero[:]) {
return 0, nil, nil
value, err := mt.db.Get(k)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, err
if len(value) < 2 {
return 0, nil, ErrInvalidDBValue
nodeType := value[0]
nodeBytes := value[1:]
return NodeType(nodeType), nodeBytes, nil
// dbInsert is a helper function to insert a node into a key in an open db
// transaction.
func (mt *MerkleTree) dbInsert(tx db.Tx, k []byte, t NodeType, data []byte) {
v := append([]byte{byte(t)}, data...)
tx.Put(k, v)
// GetNode gets a node by key from the MT. Empty nodes are not stored in the
// tree; they are all the same and assumed to always exist.
func (mt *MerkleTree) GetNode(key *Hash) (*Node, error) {
if bytes.Equal(key[:], HashZero[:]) {
return NewNodeEmpty(), nil
nBytes, err := mt.db.Get(key[:])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return NewNodeFromBytes(nBytes)
// getPath returns the binary path, from the root to the leaf.
func getPath(numLevels int, k []byte) []bool {
path := make([]bool, numLevels)
for n := 0; n < numLevels; n++ {
path[n] = common.TestBit(k[:], uint(n))
return path
// NodeAux contains the auxiliary node used in a non-existence proof.
type NodeAux struct {
Key *Hash
Value *Hash
// Proof defines the required elements for a MT proof of existence or non-existence.
type Proof struct {
// existence indicates wether this is a proof of existence or non-existence.
Existence bool
// depth indicates how deep in the tree the proof goes.
depth uint
// notempties is a bitmap of non-empty Siblings found in Siblings.
notempties [ElemBytesLen - proofFlagsLen]byte
// Siblings is a list of non-empty sibling keys.
Siblings []*Hash
NodeAux *NodeAux
// NewProofFromBytes parses a byte array into a Proof.
func NewProofFromBytes(bs []byte) (*Proof, error) {
if len(bs) < ElemBytesLen {
return nil, ErrInvalidProofBytes
p := &Proof{}
if (bs[0] & 0x01) == 0 {
p.Existence = true
p.depth = uint(bs[1])
copy(p.notempties[:], bs[proofFlagsLen:ElemBytesLen])
siblingBytes := bs[ElemBytesLen:]
sibIdx := 0
for i := uint(0); i < p.depth; i++ {
if common.TestBitBigEndian(p.notempties[:], i) {
if len(siblingBytes) < (sibIdx+1)*ElemBytesLen {
return nil, ErrInvalidProofBytes
var sib Hash
copy(sib[:], siblingBytes[sibIdx*ElemBytesLen:(sibIdx+1)*ElemBytesLen])
p.Siblings = append(p.Siblings, &sib)
if !p.Existence && ((bs[0] & 0x02) != 0) {
p.NodeAux = &NodeAux{Key: &Hash{}, Value: &Hash{}}
nodeAuxBytes := siblingBytes[len(p.Siblings)*ElemBytesLen:]
if len(nodeAuxBytes) != 2*ElemBytesLen {
return nil, ErrInvalidProofBytes
copy(p.NodeAux.Key[:], nodeAuxBytes[:ElemBytesLen])
copy(p.NodeAux.Value[:], nodeAuxBytes[ElemBytesLen:2*ElemBytesLen])
return p, nil
// Bytes serializes a Proof into a byte array.
func (p *Proof) Bytes() []byte {
bsLen := proofFlagsLen + len(p.notempties) + ElemBytesLen*len(p.Siblings)
if p.NodeAux != nil {
bsLen += 2 * ElemBytesLen
bs := make([]byte, bsLen)
if !p.Existence {
bs[0] |= 0x01
bs[1] = byte(p.depth)
copy(bs[proofFlagsLen:len(p.notempties)+proofFlagsLen], p.notempties[:])
siblingsBytes := bs[len(p.notempties)+proofFlagsLen:]
for i, k := range p.Siblings {
copy(siblingsBytes[i*ElemBytesLen:(i+1)*ElemBytesLen], k[:])
if p.NodeAux != nil {
bs[0] |= 0x02
copy(bs[len(bs)-2*ElemBytesLen:], p.NodeAux.Key[:])
copy(bs[len(bs)-1*ElemBytesLen:], p.NodeAux.Value[:])
return bs
// SiblingsFromProof returns all the siblings of the proof. This function is used to generate the siblings input for the circom circuits.
func SiblingsFromProof(proof *Proof) []*Hash {
sibIdx := 0
var siblings []*Hash
for lvl := 0; lvl < int(proof.depth); lvl++ {
if common.TestBitBigEndian(proof.notempties[:], uint(lvl)) {
siblings = append(siblings, proof.Siblings[sibIdx])
} else {
siblings = append(siblings, &HashZero)
return siblings
func (p *Proof) AllSiblings() []*Hash {
return SiblingsFromProof(p)
func (p *Proof) AllSiblingsCircom(levels int) []*big.Int {
siblings := p.AllSiblings()
// Add the rest of empty levels to the siblings
for i := len(siblings); i < levels; i++ {
siblings = append(siblings, &HashZero)
siblings = append(siblings, &HashZero) // add extra level for circom compatibility
siblingsBigInt := make([]*big.Int, len(siblings))
for i, sibling := range siblings {
siblingsBigInt[i] = sibling.BigInt()
return siblingsBigInt
// GenerateProof generates the proof of existence (or non-existence) of an
// Entry's hash Index for a Merkle Tree given the root.
// If the rootKey is nil, the current merkletree root is used
func (mt *MerkleTree) GenerateProof(k *big.Int, rootKey *Hash) (*Proof, error) {
p := &Proof{}
var siblingKey *Hash
kHash := NewHashFromBigInt(k)
path := getPath(mt.maxLevels, kHash[:])
if rootKey == nil {
rootKey = mt.Root()
nextKey := rootKey
for p.depth = 0; p.depth < uint(mt.maxLevels); p.depth++ {
n, err := mt.GetNode(nextKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch n.Type {
case NodeTypeEmpty:
return p, nil
case NodeTypeLeaf:
if bytes.Equal(kHash[:], n.Entry[0][:]) {
p.Existence = true
return p, nil
} else {
// We found a leaf whose entry didn't match hIndex
p.NodeAux = &NodeAux{Key: n.Entry[0], Value: n.Entry[1]}
return p, nil
case NodeTypeMiddle:
if path[p.depth] {
nextKey = n.ChildR
siblingKey = n.ChildL
} else {
nextKey = n.ChildL
siblingKey = n.ChildR
return nil, ErrInvalidNodeFound
if !bytes.Equal(siblingKey[:], HashZero[:]) {
common.SetBitBigEndian(p.notempties[:], uint(p.depth))
p.Siblings = append(p.Siblings, siblingKey)
return nil, ErrEntryIndexNotFound
// VerifyProof verifies the Merkle Proof for the entry and root.
func VerifyProof(rootKey *Hash, proof *Proof, k, v *big.Int) bool {
rootFromProof, err := RootFromProof(proof, k, v)
if err != nil {
return false
return bytes.Equal(rootKey[:], rootFromProof[:])
// RootFromProof calculates the root that would correspond to a tree whose
// siblings are the ones in the proof with the claim hashing to hIndex and
// hValue.
func RootFromProof(proof *Proof, k, v *big.Int) (*Hash, error) {
kHash := NewHashFromBigInt(k)
vHash := NewHashFromBigInt(v)
sibIdx := len(proof.Siblings) - 1
var err error
var midKey *Hash
if proof.Existence {
midKey, err = LeafKey(kHash, vHash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
if proof.NodeAux == nil {
midKey = &HashZero
} else {
if bytes.Equal(kHash[:], proof.NodeAux.Key[:]) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Non-existence proof being checked against hIndex equal to nodeAux")
midKey, err = LeafKey(proof.NodeAux.Key, proof.NodeAux.Value)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
path := getPath(int(proof.depth), kHash[:])
var siblingKey *Hash
for lvl := int(proof.depth) - 1; lvl >= 0; lvl-- {
if common.TestBitBigEndian(proof.notempties[:], uint(lvl)) {
siblingKey = proof.Siblings[sibIdx]
} else {
siblingKey = &HashZero
if path[lvl] {
midKey, err = NewNodeMiddle(siblingKey, midKey).Key()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
midKey, err = NewNodeMiddle(midKey, siblingKey).Key()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return midKey, nil
// walk is a helper recursive function to iterate over all tree branches
func (mt *MerkleTree) walk(key *Hash, f func(*Node)) error {
n, err := mt.GetNode(key)
if err != nil {
return err
switch n.Type {
case NodeTypeEmpty:
case NodeTypeLeaf:
case NodeTypeMiddle:
if err := mt.walk(n.ChildL, f); err != nil {
return err
if err := mt.walk(n.ChildR, f); err != nil {
return err
return ErrInvalidNodeFound
return nil
// Walk iterates over all the branches of a MerkleTree with the given rootKey
// if rootKey is nil, it will get the current RootKey of the current state of the MerkleTree.
// For each node, it calls the f function given in the parameters.
// See some examples of the Walk function usage in the merkletree_test.go
// test functions: TestMTWalk, TestMTWalkGraphViz, TestMTWalkDumpClaims
func (mt *MerkleTree) Walk(rootKey *Hash, f func(*Node)) error {
if rootKey == nil {
rootKey = mt.Root()
err := mt.walk(rootKey, f)
return err
// GraphViz uses Walk function to generate a string GraphViz representation of the
// tree and writes it to w
func (mt *MerkleTree) GraphViz(w io.Writer, rootKey *Hash) error {
fmt.Fprintf(w, `digraph hierarchy {
node [fontname=Monospace,fontsize=10,shape=box]
cnt := 0
var errIn error
err := mt.Walk(rootKey, func(n *Node) {
k, err := n.Key()
if err != nil {
errIn = err
switch n.Type {
case NodeTypeEmpty:
case NodeTypeLeaf:
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\"%v\" [style=filled];\n", k.String())
case NodeTypeMiddle:
lr := [2]string{n.ChildL.String(), n.ChildR.String()}
emptyNodes := ""
for i := range lr {
if lr[i] == "0" {
lr[i] = fmt.Sprintf("empty%v", cnt)
emptyNodes += fmt.Sprintf("\"%v\" [style=dashed,label=0];\n", lr[i])
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\"%v\" -> {\"%v\" \"%v\"}\n", k.String(), lr[0], lr[1])
fmt.Fprint(w, emptyNodes)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "}\n")
if errIn != nil {
return errIn
return err
// PrintGraphViz prints directly the GraphViz() output
func (mt *MerkleTree) PrintGraphViz(rootKey *Hash) error {
if rootKey == nil {
rootKey = mt.Root()
w := bytes.NewBufferString("")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "--------\nGraphViz of the MerkleTree with RootKey "+rootKey.BigInt().String()+"\n")
err := mt.GraphViz(w, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Fprintf(w, "End of GraphViz of the MerkleTree with RootKey "+rootKey.BigInt().String()+"\n--------\n")
return nil