package merkletree
import (
const (
// EmptyNodeType indicates the type of an EmptyNodeValue Node
EmptyNodeType = 00
// NormalNodeType indicates the type of a middle Node
normalNodeType = 01
// FinalNodeType indicates the type of middle Node that is in an optimized branch, then in the value contains the value of the final leaf node of that branch
finalNodeType = 02
// ValueNodeType indicates the type of a value Node
valueNodeType = 03
// RootNodeType indicates the type of a root Node
rootNodeType = 04
var (
// ErrNodeAlreadyExists is an error that indicates that a node already exists in the merkletree database
ErrNodeAlreadyExists = errors.New("node already exists")
rootNodeValue = HashBytes([]byte("root"))
// EmptyNodeValue is a [32]byte EmptyNodeValue array, all to zero
EmptyNodeValue = Hash{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
// Hash used in this tree, is the [32]byte keccak()
type Hash [32]byte
// Value is the interface of a generic leaf, a key value object stored in the leveldb
type Value interface {
IndexLength() uint32 // returns the index length value
Bytes() []byte // returns the value in byte array representation
//MerkleTree struct with the main elements of the Merkle Tree
type MerkleTree struct {
// sync.RWMutex
storage *leveldb.DB
root Hash
numLevels int // Height of the Merkle Tree, number of levels
// New generates a new Merkle Tree
func New(storage *leveldb.DB, numLevels int) (*MerkleTree, error) {
var mt MerkleTree
| = storage
mt.numLevels = numLevels
var err error
_, _, rootHash, err := mt.Get(rootNodeValue)
if err != nil {
mt.root = EmptyNodeValue
err = mt.Insert(rootNodeValue, rootNodeType, 0, mt.root[:])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
copy(mt.root[:], rootHash)
return &mt, nil
// Root returns the merkletree.Root
func (mt *MerkleTree) Root() Hash {
return mt.root
// NumLevels returns the merkletree.NumLevels
func (mt *MerkleTree) NumLevels() int {
return mt.numLevels
// Add adds the leaf to the MT
func (mt *MerkleTree) Add(v Value) error {
// add the leaf that we are adding
mt.Insert(HashBytes(v.Bytes()), valueNodeType, v.IndexLength(), v.Bytes())
hi := HashBytes(v.Bytes()[:v.IndexLength()])
path := getPath(mt.numLevels, hi)
nodeHash := mt.root
var siblings []Hash
for i := mt.numLevels - 2; i >= 0; i-- {
nodeType, indexLength, nodeBytes, err := mt.Get(nodeHash)
if err != nil {
return err
if nodeType == byte(finalNodeType) {
hiChild := HashBytes(nodeBytes[:indexLength])
pathChild := getPath(mt.numLevels, hiChild)
posDiff := comparePaths(pathChild, path)
if posDiff == -1 {
return ErrNodeAlreadyExists
finalNode1Hash := calcHashFromLeafAndLevel(posDiff, pathChild, HashBytes(nodeBytes))
mt.Insert(finalNode1Hash, finalNodeType, indexLength, nodeBytes)
finalNode2Hash := calcHashFromLeafAndLevel(posDiff, path, HashBytes(v.Bytes()))
mt.Insert(finalNode2Hash, finalNodeType, v.IndexLength(), v.Bytes())
// now the parent
var parentNode treeNode
if path[posDiff] {
parentNode = treeNode{
ChildL: finalNode1Hash,
ChildR: finalNode2Hash,
} else {
parentNode = treeNode{
ChildL: finalNode2Hash,
ChildR: finalNode1Hash,
siblings = append(siblings, getEmptiesBetweenIAndPosHash(mt, i, posDiff+1)...)
if mt.root, err = mt.replaceLeaf(siblings, path[posDiff+1:], parentNode.Ht(), normalNodeType, 0, parentNode.Bytes()); err != nil {
return err
mt.Insert(rootNodeValue, rootNodeType, 0, mt.root[:])
return nil
node := parseNodeBytes(nodeBytes)
var sibling Hash
if !path[i] {
nodeHash = node.ChildL
sibling = node.ChildR
} else {
nodeHash = node.ChildR
sibling = node.ChildL
siblings = append(siblings, sibling)
if bytes.Equal(nodeHash[:], EmptyNodeValue[:]) {
// if the node is EmptyNodeValue, the leaf data will go directly at that height, as a Final Node
if i == mt.numLevels-2 && bytes.Equal(siblings[len(siblings)-1][:], EmptyNodeValue[:]) {
// if the pt node is the unique in the tree, just put it into the root node
// this means to be in i==mt.NumLevels-2 && nodeHash==EmptyNodeValue
finalNodeHash := calcHashFromLeafAndLevel(i+1, path, HashBytes(v.Bytes()))
mt.Insert(finalNodeHash, finalNodeType, v.IndexLength(), v.Bytes())
mt.root = finalNodeHash
mt.Insert(rootNodeValue, rootNodeType, 0, mt.root[:])
return nil
finalNodeHash := calcHashFromLeafAndLevel(i, path, HashBytes(v.Bytes()))
if mt.root, err = mt.replaceLeaf(siblings, path[i:], finalNodeHash, finalNodeType, v.IndexLength(), v.Bytes()); err != nil {
return err
mt.Insert(rootNodeValue, rootNodeType, 0, mt.root[:])
return nil
var err error
mt.root, err = mt.replaceLeaf(siblings, path, HashBytes(v.Bytes()), valueNodeType, v.IndexLength(), v.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return err
mt.Insert(rootNodeValue, rootNodeType, 0, mt.root[:])
return nil
// GenerateProof generates the Merkle Proof from a given leafHash for the current root
func (mt *MerkleTree) GenerateProof(hi Hash) ([]byte, error) {
var empties [32]byte
path := getPath(mt.numLevels, hi)
var siblings []Hash
nodeHash := mt.root
for level := 0; level < mt.numLevels-1; level++ {
nodeType, indexLength, nodeBytes, err := mt.Get(nodeHash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if nodeType == byte(finalNodeType) {
realValueInPos, err := mt.GetValueInPos(hi)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if bytes.Equal(realValueInPos[:], EmptyNodeValue[:]) {
// go until the path is different, then get the nodes between this FinalNode and the node in the diffPath, they will be the siblings of the merkle proof
leafHi := HashBytes(nodeBytes[:indexLength]) // hi of element that was in the end of the branch (the finalNode)
pathChild := getPath(mt.numLevels, leafHi)
// get the position where the path is different
posDiff := comparePaths(pathChild, path)
if posDiff == -1 {
return nil, ErrNodeAlreadyExists
if posDiff != mt.NumLevels()-1-level {
sibling := calcHashFromLeafAndLevel(posDiff, pathChild, HashBytes(nodeBytes))
setbitmap(empties[:], uint(mt.NumLevels()-2-posDiff))
siblings = append([]Hash{sibling}, siblings...)
node := parseNodeBytes(nodeBytes)
var sibling Hash
if !path[mt.numLevels-level-2] {
nodeHash = node.ChildL
sibling = node.ChildR
} else {
nodeHash = node.ChildR
sibling = node.ChildL
if !bytes.Equal(sibling[:], EmptyNodeValue[:]) {
setbitmap(empties[:], uint(level))
siblings = append([]Hash{sibling}, siblings...)
// merge empties and siblings
var mp []byte
mp = append(mp, empties[:]...)
for k := range siblings {
mp = append(mp, siblings[k][:]...)
return mp, nil
// GetValueInPos returns the merkletree value in the position of the Hash of the Index (Hi)
func (mt *MerkleTree) GetValueInPos(hi Hash) ([]byte, error) {
path := getPath(mt.numLevels, hi)
nodeHash := mt.root
for i := mt.numLevels - 2; i >= 0; i-- {
nodeType, indexLength, nodeBytes, err := mt.Get(nodeHash)
if err != nil {
return nodeBytes, err
if nodeType == byte(finalNodeType) {
// check if nodeBytes path is different of hi
index := nodeBytes[:indexLength]
nodeHi := HashBytes(index)
nodePath := getPath(mt.numLevels, nodeHi)
posDiff := comparePaths(path, nodePath)
// if is different, return an EmptyNodeValue, else return the nodeBytes
if posDiff != -1 {
return EmptyNodeValue[:], nil
return nodeBytes, nil
node := parseNodeBytes(nodeBytes)
if !path[i] {
nodeHash = node.ChildL
} else {
nodeHash = node.ChildR
_, _, valueBytes, err := mt.Get(nodeHash)
if err != nil {
return valueBytes, err
return valueBytes, nil
func calcHashFromLeafAndLevel(untilLevel int, path []bool, leafHash Hash) Hash {
nodeCurrLevel := leafHash
for i := 0; i < untilLevel; i++ {
if path[i] {
node := treeNode{
ChildL: EmptyNodeValue,
ChildR: nodeCurrLevel,
nodeCurrLevel = node.Ht()
} else {
node := treeNode{
ChildL: nodeCurrLevel,
ChildR: EmptyNodeValue,
nodeCurrLevel = node.Ht()
return nodeCurrLevel
func (mt *MerkleTree) replaceLeaf(siblings []Hash, path []bool, newLeafHash Hash, nodetype byte, indexLength uint32, newLeafValue []byte) (Hash, error) {
// add the new leaf
mt.Insert(newLeafHash, nodetype, indexLength, newLeafValue)
currNode := newLeafHash
// here the path is only the path[posDiff+1]
for i := 0; i < len(siblings); i++ {
if !path[i] {
node := treeNode{
ChildL: currNode,
ChildR: siblings[len(siblings)-1-i],
mt.Insert(node.Ht(), normalNodeType, 0, node.Bytes())
currNode = node.Ht()
} else {
node := treeNode{
ChildL: siblings[len(siblings)-1-i],
ChildR: currNode,
mt.Insert(node.Ht(), normalNodeType, 0, node.Bytes())
currNode = node.Ht()
return currNode, nil // currNode = root
// CheckProof validates the Merkle Proof for the leafHash and root
func CheckProof(root Hash, proof []byte, hi Hash, ht Hash, numLevels int) bool {
var empties [32]byte
copy(empties[:], proof[:len(empties)])
hashLen := len(EmptyNodeValue)
var siblings []Hash
for i := len(empties); i < len(proof); i += hashLen {
var siblingHash Hash
copy(siblingHash[:], proof[i:i+hashLen])
siblings = append(siblings, siblingHash)
path := getPath(numLevels, hi)
nodeHash := ht
siblingUsedPos := 0
for level := numLevels - 2; level >= 0; level-- {
var sibling Hash
if testbitmap(empties[:], uint(level)) {
sibling = siblings[siblingUsedPos]
} else {
sibling = EmptyNodeValue
// calculate the nodeHash with the current nodeHash and the sibling
var node treeNode
if path[numLevels-level-2] {
node = treeNode{
ChildL: sibling,
ChildR: nodeHash,
} else {
node = treeNode{
ChildL: nodeHash,
ChildR: sibling,
// if both childs are EmptyNodeValue, the parent will be EmptyNodeValue
if bytes.Equal(nodeHash[:], EmptyNodeValue[:]) && bytes.Equal(sibling[:], EmptyNodeValue[:]) {
nodeHash = EmptyNodeValue
} else {
nodeHash = node.Ht()
return bytes.Equal(nodeHash[:], root[:])