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package snark
import (
type Setup struct {
Toxic struct {
T *big.Int // trusted setup secret
Ka *big.Int // prover
Kb *big.Int // prover
Kc *big.Int // prover
Kbeta *big.Int
Kgamma *big.Int
RhoA *big.Int
RhoB *big.Int
RhoC *big.Int
// public
G1T [][3]*big.Int // t encrypted in G1 curve
G2T [][3][2]*big.Int // t encrypted in G2 curve
G1Kbg [3]*big.Int // g1 * Kbeta * Kgamma
G2Kbg [3][2]*big.Int // g2 * Kbeta * Kgamma
G2Kg [3][2]*big.Int // g2 * Kgamma
type Proof struct {
PiA [3]*big.Int
PiAp [3]*big.Int
PiB [3][2]*big.Int
PiBp [3]*big.Int
PiC [3]*big.Int
PiCp [3]*big.Int
PiH [3]*big.Int
PiK [3]*big.Int
Va [3][2]*big.Int
Vb [3]*big.Int
Vc [3][2]*big.Int
Vz [3][2]*big.Int
const bits = 512
func GenerateTrustedSetup(bn bn128.Bn128, polLength int) (Setup, error) {
var setup Setup
var err error
// generate random t value
setup.Toxic.T, err = rand.Prime(rand.Reader, bits)
if err != nil {
return Setup{}, err
// k for calculating pi' and Vk
setup.Toxic.Ka, err = rand.Prime(rand.Reader, bits)
if err != nil {
return Setup{}, err
setup.Toxic.Kb, err = rand.Prime(rand.Reader, bits)
if err != nil {
return Setup{}, err
setup.Toxic.Kc, err = rand.Prime(rand.Reader, bits)
if err != nil {
return Setup{}, err
// generate Kβ (Kbeta) and Kγ (Kgamma)
setup.Toxic.Kbeta, err = rand.Prime(rand.Reader, bits)
if err != nil {
return Setup{}, err
setup.Toxic.Kgamma, err = rand.Prime(rand.Reader, bits)
if err != nil {
return Setup{}, err
// generate ρ (Rho): ρA, ρB, ρC
setup.Toxic.RhoA, err = rand.Prime(rand.Reader, bits)
if err != nil {
return Setup{}, err
setup.Toxic.RhoB, err = rand.Prime(rand.Reader, bits)
if err != nil {
return Setup{}, err
setup.Toxic.RhoC = bn.Fq1.Mul(setup.Toxic.RhoA, setup.Toxic.RhoB)
// encrypt t values with curve generators
var gt1 [][3]*big.Int
var gt2 [][3][2]*big.Int
for i := 0; i < polLength; i++ {
tPow := bn.Fq1.Exp(setup.Toxic.T, big.NewInt(int64(i)))
tEncr1 := bn.G1.MulScalar(bn.G1.G, tPow)
gt1 = append(gt1, tEncr1)
tEncr2 := bn.G2.MulScalar(bn.G2.G, tPow)
gt2 = append(gt2, tEncr2)
// gt1: g1, g1*t, g1*t^2, g1*t^3, ...
// gt2: g2, g2*t, g2*t^2, ...
setup.G1T = gt1
setup.G2T = gt2
Verification keys:
- Vk_betagamma1: setup.G1Kbg = g1 * Kbeta*Kgamma
- Vk_betagamma2: setup.G2Kbg = g2 * Kbeta*Kgamma
- Vk_gamma: setup.G2Kg = g2 * Kgamma
kbg := bn.Fq1.Mul(setup.Toxic.Kbeta, setup.Toxic.Kgamma)
setup.G1Kbg = bn.G1.MulScalar(bn.G1.G, kbg)
setup.G2Kbg = bn.G2.MulScalar(bn.G2.G, kbg)
setup.G2Kg = bn.G2.MulScalar(bn.G2.G, setup.Toxic.Kgamma)
return setup, nil
func GenerateProofs(bn bn128.Bn128, f fields.Fq, setup Setup, w, ax, bx, cx, hx, zx []*big.Int) (Proof, error) {
var proof Proof
// g1*A(t)
proof.PiA = [3]*big.Int{bn.G1.F.Zero(), bn.G1.F.Zero(), bn.G1.F.Zero()}
for i := 0; i < len(ax); i++ {
m := bn.G1.MulScalar(setup.G1T[i], ax[i])
proof.PiA = bn.G1.Add(proof.PiA, m)
proof.PiAp = bn.G1.MulScalar(proof.PiA, setup.Toxic.Ka) // move this in the setup step
// g2*B(t)
proof.PiB = bn.Fq6.Zero()
// g1*B(t)
pib1 := [3]*big.Int{bn.G1.F.Zero(), bn.G1.F.Zero(), bn.G1.F.Zero()}
for i := 0; i < len(bx); i++ {
m := bn.G2.MulScalar(setup.G2T[i], bx[i])
proof.PiB = bn.G2.Add(proof.PiB, m)
m1 := bn.G1.MulScalar(setup.G1T[i], bx[i])
pib1 = bn.G1.Add(pib1, m1)
proof.PiBp = bn.G1.MulScalar(pib1, setup.Toxic.Kb) // this in the setup step
// g1*C(t)
proof.PiC = [3]*big.Int{bn.G1.F.Zero(), bn.G1.F.Zero(), bn.G1.F.Zero()}
for i := 0; i < len(cx); i++ {
m := bn.G1.MulScalar(setup.G1T[i], cx[i])
proof.PiC = bn.G1.Add(proof.PiC, m)
proof.PiCp = bn.G1.MulScalar(proof.PiC, setup.Toxic.Kc) // this in the setup step
// g1*H(t)
proof.PiH = [3]*big.Int{bn.G1.F.Zero(), bn.G1.F.Zero(), bn.G1.F.Zero()}
for i := 0; i < len(hx); i++ {
m := bn.G1.MulScalar(setup.G1T[i], hx[i])
proof.PiH = bn.G1.Add(proof.PiH, m)
proof.Vz = bn.Fq6.Zero()
for i := 0; i < len(bx); i++ {
m := bn.G2.MulScalar(setup.G2T[i], zx[i])
proof.Vz = bn.G2.Add(proof.Vz, m)
// proof.Vz = g2Zt
proof.Va = bn.G2.MulScalar(bn.G2.G, setup.Toxic.Ka) // this in the setup step
proof.Vb = bn.G1.MulScalar(bn.G1.G, setup.Toxic.Kb) // this in the setup step
proof.Vc = bn.G2.MulScalar(bn.G2.G, setup.Toxic.Kc) // this in the setup step
return proof, nil
func VerifyProof(bn bn128.Bn128, setup Setup, proof Proof) bool {
// e(piA, Va) == e(piA', g2)
pairingPiaVa, err := bn.Pairing(proof.PiA, proof.Va)
if err != nil {
return false
pairingPiapG2, err := bn.Pairing(proof.PiAp, bn.G2.G)
if err != nil {
return false
if !bn.Fq12.Equal(pairingPiaVa, pairingPiapG2) {
return false
// e(Vb, piB) == e(piB', g2)
pairingVbPib, err := bn.Pairing(proof.Vb, proof.PiB)
if err != nil {
return false
pairingPibpG2, err := bn.Pairing(proof.PiBp, bn.G2.G)
if err != nil {
return false
if !bn.Fq12.Equal(pairingVbPib, pairingPibpG2) {
return false
// e(piC, Vc) == e(piC', g2)
pairingPicVc, err := bn.Pairing(proof.PiC, proof.Vc)
if err != nil {
return false
pairingPicpG2, err := bn.Pairing(proof.PiCp, bn.G2.G)
if err != nil {
return false
if !bn.Fq12.Equal(pairingPicVc, pairingPicpG2) {
return false
// e(piA+piC, g2KbetaKgamma) * e(g1KbetaKgamma, piB)
// == e(piK, g2Kgamma)
// piApiC := bn.G1.Add(proof.PiA, proof.PiC)
// pairingPiACG2Kbg, err := bn.Pairing(piApiC, setup.G2Kbg)
// if err != nil {
// return false
// }
// pairingG1KbgPiB, err := bn.Pairing(setup.G1Kbg, proof.PiB)
// if err != nil {
// return false
// }
// pairing1 := bn.Fq12.Mul(pairingPiACG2Kbg, pairingG1KbgPiB)
// e(piA, piB) == e(piH, Vz) * e(piC, g2)
// pairingPiaPib, err := bn.Pairing(proof.PiA, proof.PiB)
// if err != nil {
// return false
// }
// pairingPihVz, err := bn.Pairing(proof.PiH, proof.Vz)
// if err != nil {
// return false
// }
// pairingPicG2, err := bn.Pairing(proof.PiC, bn.G2.G)
// if err != nil {
// return false
// }
// if !bn.Fq12.Equal(pairingPiaPib, bn.Fq12.Mul(pairingPihVz, pairingPicG2)) {
// return false
// }
return true