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fixed full flow, now works, need to update circuit parser&compiler, and clean the code

arnaucube 5 years ago
6 changed files with 91 additions and 48 deletions
  1. +3
  2. +11
  3. +18
  4. +17
  5. +11
  6. +31

+ 3
- 1

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ zkSNARK library implementation in Go
- `Succinct Non-Interactive Zero Knowledge for a von Neumann Architecture`, Eli Ben-Sasson, Alessandro Chiesa, Eran Tromer, Madars Virza
- `Pinocchio: Nearly practical verifiable computation`, Bryan Parno, Craig Gentry, Jon Howell, Mariana Raykova
## Caution
## Caution, Warning, etc
Implementation of the zkSNARK [Pinocchio protocol]( from scratch in Go to understand the concepts. Do not use in production.
Not finished, implementing this in my free time to understand it better, so I don't have much time.
@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ Current implementation status:
- [x] verify proofs with BN128 pairing
- [ ] fix 4th pairing proofs generation & verification: ê(Vkx+piA, piB) == ê(piH, Vkz) * ê(piC, G2)
- [ ] move witness calculation outside the setup phase
- [ ] Groth16
- [ ] multiple optimizations
## Usage

+ 11
- 5

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package circuitcompiler
import (
@ -16,7 +17,6 @@ type Circuit struct {
PrivateInputs []string
PublicInputs []string
Signals []string
PublicSignals []string
Witness []*big.Int
Constraints []Constraint
R1CS struct {
@ -97,12 +97,12 @@ func (circ *Circuit) GenerateR1CS() ([][]*big.Int, [][]*big.Int, [][]*big.Int) {
// if existInArray(constraint.Out) {
if used[constraint.Out] {
panic(errors.New("out variable already used: " + constraint.Out))
// panic(errors.New("out variable already used: " + constraint.Out))
fmt.Println("variable already used")
used[constraint.Out] = true
if constraint.Op == "in" {
// TODO constraint.PublicInputs
for i := 0; i < len(constraint.PrivateInputs); i++ {
for i := 0; i <= len(circ.PublicInputs); i++ {
aConstraint[indexInArray(circ.Signals, constraint.Out)] = new(big.Int).Add(aConstraint[indexInArray(circ.Signals, constraint.Out)], big.NewInt(int64(1)))
aConstraint, used = insertVar(aConstraint, circ.Signals, constraint.Out, used)
bConstraint[0] = big.NewInt(int64(1))
@ -166,8 +166,14 @@ func (circ *Circuit) CalculateWitness(privateInputs []*big.Int, publicInputs []*
w := r1csqap.ArrayOfBigZeros(len(circ.Signals))
w[0] = big.NewInt(int64(1))
for i, input := range publicInputs {
fmt.Println(i + 1)
w[i+1] = input
for i, input := range privateInputs {
w[i+2] = input
fmt.Println(i + len(publicInputs) + 1)
w[i+len(publicInputs)+1] = input
for _, constraint := range circ.Constraints {
if constraint.Op == "in" {

+ 18
- 7

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package circuitcompiler
import (
@ -21,17 +22,20 @@ func TestCircuitParser(t *testing.T) {
m2 = m1 * s1
m3 = m2 + s1
out = m3 + 5
// flat code, where er is expected_result
// equals(s5, s1)
// s1 = s5 * 1
flat := `
func test(private x, public er):
aux = x*x
y = aux*x
z = x + y
res = z + 5
equals(er, res)
out = 1
func test(private s0, public s1):
s2 = s0*s0
s3 = s2*s0
s4 = s0 + s3
s5 = s4 + 5
s5 = s1 * one
out = 1 * 1
parser := NewParser(strings.NewReader(flat))
circuit, err := parser.Parse()
@ -84,4 +88,11 @@ func TestCircuitParser(t *testing.T) {
w, err := circuit.CalculateWitness(privateInputs, publicInputs)
assert.Nil(t, err)
fmt.Println("w", w)
circuitJson, _ := json.Marshal(circuit)
fmt.Println("circuit:", string(circuitJson))
assert.Equal(t, circuit.NPublic, 1)
assert.Equal(t, len(circuit.PublicInputs), 1)
assert.Equal(t, len(circuit.PrivateInputs), 1)

+ 17
- 7

@ -105,10 +105,10 @@ func (p *Parser) parseLine() (*Constraint, error) {
return c, nil
if c.Literal == "out" {
return c, nil
// if c.Literal == "out" {
// // TODO
// return c, nil
// }
_, lit = p.scanIgnoreWhitespace() // skip =
c.Literal += lit
@ -197,16 +197,26 @@ func (p *Parser) Parse() (*Circuit, error) {
if !isVal {
circuit.Signals = addToArrayIfNotExist(circuit.Signals, constraint.V2)
if constraint.Out == "out" {
// if Out is "out", put it after first value (one) and before the inputs
// fmt.Println("---")
// fmt.Println(circuit.PublicInputs[0])
// fmt.Println(constraint.Out)
// fmt.Println(constraint.Out == circuit.PublicInputs[0])
// fmt.Println("---")
// if constraint.Out == "out" {
// if Out is "out", put it after first value (one) and before the inputs
// if constraint.Out == circuit.PublicInputs[0] {
if existInArray(circuit.PublicInputs, constraint.Out) {
// if Out is a public signal, put it after first value (one) and before the private inputs
if !existInArray(circuit.Signals, constraint.Out) {
// if already don't exists in signal array
signalsCopy := copyArray(circuit.Signals)
var auxSignals []string
auxSignals = append(auxSignals, signalsCopy[0])
auxSignals = append(auxSignals, constraint.Out)
auxSignals = append(auxSignals, signalsCopy[1:]...)
circuit.Signals = auxSignals
circuit.PublicSignals = append(circuit.PublicSignals, constraint.Out)
// circuit.PublicInputs = append(circuit.PublicInputs, constraint.Out)
} else {

+ 11
- 11

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package snark
import (
@ -96,15 +95,15 @@ func GenerateTrustedSetup(witnessLength int, circuit circuitcompiler.Circuit, al
var err error
// input soundness
for i := 0; i < len(alphas); i++ {
for j := 0; j < len(alphas[i]); j++ {
if j <= circuit.NPublic {
if bytes.Equal(alphas[i][j].Bytes(), Utils.FqR.Zero().Bytes()) {
alphas[i][j] = Utils.FqR.One()
// for i := 0; i < len(alphas); i++ {
// for j := 0; j < len(alphas[i]); j++ {
// if j <= circuit.NPublic {
// if bytes.Equal(alphas[i][j].Bytes(), Utils.FqR.Zero().Bytes()) {
// alphas[i][j] = Utils.FqR.One()
// }
// }
// }
// }
fmt.Println("alphas[1]", alphas[1])
@ -217,7 +216,8 @@ func GenerateTrustedSetup(witnessLength int, circuit circuitcompiler.Circuit, al
// z pol
zpol := []*big.Int{big.NewInt(int64(1))}
for i := 1; i < len(circuit.Constraints); i++ {
// for i := 0; i < len(circuit.Constraints); i++ {
for i := 1; i < len(alphas)-1; i++ {
zpol = Utils.PF.Mul(

+ 31
- 17

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package snark
import (
@ -14,14 +15,19 @@ import (
func TestZkFromFlatCircuitCode(t *testing.T) {
// compile circuit and get the R1CS
// circuit function
// y = x^3 + x + 5
flatCode := `
func test(x):
aux = x*x
y = aux*x
z = x + y
out = z + 5
func test(private s0, public s1):
s2 = s0 * s0
s3 = s2 * s0
s4 = s3 + s0
s5 = s4 + 5
s1 = s5 * 1
s5 = s1 * 1
out = 1 * 1
fmt.Print("\nflat code of the circuit:")
@ -36,10 +42,14 @@ func TestZkFromFlatCircuitCode(t *testing.T) {
b3 := big.NewInt(int64(3))
privateInputs := []*big.Int{b3}
b35 := big.NewInt(int64(35))
publicSignals := []*big.Int{b35}
// wittness
w, err := circuit.CalculateWitness(privateInputs)
w, err := circuit.CalculateWitness(privateInputs, publicSignals)
assert.Nil(t, err)
fmt.Println("\nwitness", w)
fmt.Println("\n", circuit.Signals)
fmt.Println("witness", w)
// flat code to R1CS
fmt.Println("\ngenerating R1CS from flat code")
@ -58,6 +68,7 @@ func TestZkFromFlatCircuitCode(t *testing.T) {
fmt.Println("betas", len(betas))
fmt.Println("gammas", len(gammas))
fmt.Println("zx length", len(zxQAP))
assert.True(t, !bytes.Equal(alphas[1][1].Bytes(), big.NewInt(int64(0)).Bytes()))
ax, bx, cx, px := Utils.PF.CombinePolynomials(w, alphas, betas, gammas)
fmt.Println("ax length", len(ax))
@ -65,9 +76,6 @@ func TestZkFromFlatCircuitCode(t *testing.T) {
fmt.Println("cx length", len(cx))
fmt.Println("px length", len(px))
fmt.Println("px[last]", px[0])
px0 := Utils.PF.F.Add(px[0], big.NewInt(int64(88)))
assert.Equal(t, px0.Bytes(), Utils.PF.F.Zero().Bytes())
hxQAP := Utils.PF.DivisorPolynomial(px, zxQAP)
fmt.Println("hx length", len(hxQAP))
@ -83,7 +91,7 @@ func TestZkFromFlatCircuitCode(t *testing.T) {
div, rem := Utils.PF.Div(px, zxQAP)
assert.Equal(t, hxQAP, div)
assert.Equal(t, rem, r1csqap.ArrayOfBigZeros(4))
assert.Equal(t, rem, r1csqap.ArrayOfBigZeros(6))
// calculate trusted setup
setup, err := GenerateTrustedSetup(len(w), *circuit, alphas, betas, gammas)
@ -97,6 +105,9 @@ func TestZkFromFlatCircuitCode(t *testing.T) {
hx := Utils.PF.DivisorPolynomial(px, setup.Pk.Z)
fmt.Println("hx pk.z", hx)
// assert.Equal(t, hxQAP, hx)
div, rem = Utils.PF.Div(px, setup.Pk.Z)
assert.Equal(t, hx, div)
assert.Equal(t, rem, r1csqap.ArrayOfBigZeros(6))
assert.Equal(t, px, Utils.PF.Mul(hxQAP, zxQAP))
// hx==px/zx so px==hx*zx
@ -117,13 +128,16 @@ func TestZkFromFlatCircuitCode(t *testing.T) {
// fmt.Println("public signals:", proof.PublicSignals)
fmt.Println("\nwitness", w)
// b1 := big.NewInt(int64(1))
b35 := big.NewInt(int64(35))
// publicSignals := []*big.Int{b1, b35}
publicSignals := []*big.Int{b35}
b35Verif := big.NewInt(int64(35))
publicSignalsVerif := []*big.Int{b35Verif}
before := time.Now()
assert.True(t, VerifyProof(*circuit, setup, proof, publicSignals, true))
assert.True(t, VerifyProof(*circuit, setup, proof, publicSignalsVerif, true))
fmt.Println("verify proof time elapsed:", time.Since(before))
// check that with another public input the verification returns false
bOtherWrongPublic := big.NewInt(int64(34))
wrongPublicSignalsVerif := []*big.Int{bOtherWrongPublic}
assert.True(t, !VerifyProof(*circuit, setup, proof, wrongPublicSignalsVerif, true))
