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package main
import (
func explorationContinue() {
// create new client instance
client, err := rpcclient.New(&rpcclient.ConnConfig{
HTTPPostMode: true,
DisableTLS: true,
Host: config.Host + ":" + config.Port,
User: config.User,
Pass: config.Pass,
}, nil)
//get last block stored in mongodb
lastBlock := BlockModel{}
err = blockCollection.Find(bson.M{}).Sort("-$natural").One(&lastBlock)
log.Println("Getting last block stored in MongoDB. Hash: " + string(lastBlock.Hash) + ", BlockHeight: " + strconv.FormatInt(lastBlock.Height, 10))
log.Println("continuing blockchain exploration since last block in mongodb")
start := time.Now()
explore(client, string(lastBlock.Hash))
log.Println("blockchain exploration finished, time:")
func continuousExploration() {
for {
time.Sleep(time.Second * 60)