Commit Graph

  • 5d1a349 (HEAD -> master) added remove of mongodb data after captcha response, fixed typo in js, updated readme by arnaucode 2018-09-02 13:20:38 +0200
  • 9262080 implemented security counter of IP answering incorrect to captcha, to ban the IP for some time by arnaucode 2017-08-09 20:34:09 +0200
  • 9adf62a added ip validation, implemented variable numImgsCaptcha by arnaucode 2017-08-09 15:03:31 +0200
  • d2b8747 implemented captcha time validation on backend, added reload captcha option in javascript library by arnaucode 2017-08-09 13:05:29 +0200
  • 49070e9 implemented javascript library, with css. Just need to call library and place a <div> in the html to use goCaptcha by arnaucode 2017-08-09 09:23:46 +0200
  • 2047c61 added explanation to by arnaucode 2017-08-08 22:06:59 +0200
  • 8b81f1d implemented captcha validation by arnaucode 2017-08-08 21:46:47 +0200
  • 22d7750 implemented: generate captcha and captcha solution, returns only captcha which has only fake image names and captchaid, stores also translator fake image name to real. Implemented read images dataset, storing in categories (folders names). GetImage reads fake image name, and translates to real image name, and serves the image content as fake image name by arnaucode 2017-08-08 21:23:28 +0200
  • ab69ef2 serve images runs ok by arnaucode 2017-08-08 14:43:20 +0200
  • 8105a6f Initial commit by arnau 2017-08-08 14:40:54 +0200