package endpoint import ( "log" "time" jwt "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) var serverConfig config.Config var db *database.Db var userservice *usersrv.Service var gameservice *gamesrv.Service func newApiService() *gin.Engine { api := gin.Default() api.Use(cors.New(cors.Config{ AllowOrigins: []string{serverConfig.Server.CorsOriginsAllowed}, AllowMethods: []string{"GET", "POST"}, AllowHeaders: []string{"Authorization", "Content-Type"}, AllowCredentials: true, MaxAge: 12 * time.Hour, })) // the jwt middleware authMiddleware, err := jwt.New(&jwt.GinJWTMiddleware{ Realm: "test zone", Key: []byte("secret key"), Timeout: time.Hour, MaxRefresh: time.Hour, IdentityKey: constants.JWTIdKey, PayloadFunc: func(data interface{}) jwt.MapClaims { if v, ok := data.(*models.User); ok { return jwt.MapClaims{ constants.JWTIdKey: v.Id, } } return jwt.MapClaims{} }, IdentityHandler: func(c *gin.Context) interface{} { claims := jwt.ExtractClaims(c) userid := bson.ObjectIdHex(claims[constants.JWTIdKey].(string)) return &models.User{ Id: userid, } }, Authenticator: func(c *gin.Context) (interface{}, error) { var loginMsg LoginMsg if err := c.ShouldBind(&loginMsg); err != nil { return "", jwt.ErrMissingLoginValues } _, user, err := userservice.Login(loginMsg.Email, loginMsg.Password) if err != nil { fail(c, err, jwt.ErrFailedAuthentication.Error()) return "", err } return user, nil }, Unauthorized: func(c *gin.Context, code int, message string) { c.JSON(code, gin.H{ "code": code, "message": message, }) }, TokenLookup: "header: Authorization", // TokenHeadName is a string in the header. Default value is "Bearer" TokenHeadName: "Bearer", // TimeFunc provides the current time. You can override it to use another time value. This is useful for testing or if your server uses a different time zone than your tokens. TimeFunc: time.Now, }) if err != nil { log.Fatal("JWT Error:" + err.Error()) } api.GET("/info", handleInfo) api.POST("/register", handleRegister) // api.POST("/login", handleLogin) api.POST("/login", authMiddleware.LoginHandler) api.GET("/refresh_token", authMiddleware.RefreshHandler) api.Use(authMiddleware.MiddlewareFunc()) { api.GET("/", handleGetUser) api.GET("/resources", handleGetResources) api.GET("/planets", handleGetUserPlanets) api.GET("/planets/:planetid", handleGetPlanet) api.POST("/buildings", handlePostUpgradeBuilding) } return api } func Serve(cnfg config.Config, _db *database.Db, _userservice *usersrv.Service, _gameservice *gamesrv.Service) *gin.Engine { serverConfig = cnfg db = _db userservice = _userservice gameservice = _gameservice return newApiService() }