package config import ( "strings" "" "" ) type Config struct { Server struct { ServiceApi string AdminApi string } Mongodb struct { Url string } } var C Config func MustRead(c *cli.Context) error { viper.SetConfigType("yaml") viper.SetConfigName("config") viper.AddConfigPath(".") // adding home directory as first search path viper.SetEnvPrefix("gogame") // so viper.AutomaticEnv will get matching envvars starting with O2M_ viper.AutomaticEnv() // read in environment variables that match viper.SetEnvKeyReplacer(strings.NewReplacer(".", "_")) if c.GlobalString("config") != "" { viper.SetConfigFile(c.GlobalString("config")) } if err := viper.ReadInConfig(); err != nil { return err } if err := viper.Unmarshal(&C); err != nil { return err } var err error if C.Id, err = core.IDFromString(C.IdRaw); err != nil { return err } if err := C.KeyStoreBaby.PubKey.UnmarshalText([]byte(C.KeyStoreBaby.PubKeyRaw)); err != nil { return err } C.KeyStoreBaby.PubKeyComp = C.KeyStoreBaby.PubKey.Compress() return nil }