You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

105 lines
4.3 KiB

pragma circom 2.1.6;
include "node_modules/circomlib/circuits/poseidon.circom";
include "node_modules/circomlib/circuits/mux1.circom";
include "node_modules/circomlib/circuits/comparators.circom";
include "node_modules/circomlib/circuits/gates.circom";
include "./templates/chaff.circom";
template grapevine(num_felts) {
// in_out schema
// 0: degrees of separation
// 1: secret hash from previous step
// 2: hash of username + secret hash from previous step
// 3: chaff
signal input ivc_input[4];
signal output ivc_output[4];
// external inputs at each folding step
signal input external_inputs[num_felts+2+2];
signal phrase[num_felts]; // secret phrase, if first iteration
for (var i=0; i<num_felts; i++) {
phrase[i] <== external_inputs[i];
signal usernames[2]; // prev username, current username
signal auth_secrets[2]; // prev degree's user secret, current degree's user secret
// name inputs from step_in
signal degrees_of_separation <== ivc_input[0];
signal given_phrase_hash <== ivc_input[1];
signal given_degree_secret_hash <== ivc_input[2];
signal is_chaff_step <== ivc_input[3];
// determine whether degrees of separation from secret is zero
component is_degree_zero = IsZero(); <== degrees_of_separation;
// compute poseidon hash of secret
// same as the word essentially
component phrase_hasher = Poseidon(num_felts);
phrase_hasher.inputs <== phrase;
// mux between computed hash and previous iteration's hash to get phrase hash to use
// if degrees of separation = 0 use computed hash, else use hash from previous step
component phrase_mux = Mux1();
phrase_mux.c[0] <== given_phrase_hash;
phrase_mux.c[1] <== phrase_hasher.out;
phrase_mux.s <== is_degree_zero.out;
// compute hash of given degree secret
// H(H(preimage), username, auth_secret[0])
// where preimage is muxed depending on whether degree N is 1 or > 1
component degree_secret_hasher = Poseidon(3);
degree_secret_hasher.inputs[0] <== phrase_mux.out;
degree_secret_hasher.inputs[1] <== usernames[0];
degree_secret_hasher.inputs[2] <== auth_secrets[0];
// compare computed degree secret hash to prev degree secret hash
component degree_secret_hash_match = IsEqual();[0] <== degree_secret_hasher.out;[1] <== given_degree_secret_hash;
// create boolean that is true if either is true:
// - given degree secret hash matches computed hash
// - is a chaff step
component degree_secret_match_or_chaff = OR();
degree_secret_match_or_chaff.a <== degree_secret_hash_match.out;
degree_secret_match_or_chaff.b <== is_chaff_step;
// create boolean that is muxes according to:
// - if degrees of separation = 0, always true (no check needed)
// - if degree of separation > 0, return output of degree_secret_match_or_chaff
component degree_secret_satisfied_mux = Mux1();
degree_secret_satisfied_mux.c[0] <== degree_secret_match_or_chaff.out;
degree_secret_satisfied_mux.c[1] <== 1;
degree_secret_satisfied_mux.s <== is_degree_zero.out;
// constrain degree_secret_satisfied_mux to be true
degree_secret_satisfied_mux.out === 1;
// compute the next username hash
component next_degree_secret_hash = Poseidon(3);
next_degree_secret_hash.inputs[0] <== phrase_mux.out;
next_degree_secret_hash.inputs[1] <== usernames[1];
next_degree_secret_hash.inputs[2] <== auth_secrets[1];
// mux step_out signal according to whether or not this is a chaff step
component chaff_mux = ChaffMux();
chaff_mux.degrees_of_separation <== degrees_of_separation;
chaff_mux.given_phrase_hash <== given_phrase_hash;
chaff_mux.given_degree_secret_hash <== given_degree_secret_hash;
chaff_mux.is_chaff_step <== is_chaff_step;
chaff_mux.computed_phrase_hash <== phrase_mux.out;
chaff_mux.computed_degree_secret_hash <== next_degree_secret_hash.out;
// wire output signals
ivc_output <== chaff_mux.out;
component main { public [ivc_input] } = grapevine(6);