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const chai = require("chai");
const path = require("path");
const wasm_tester = require("circom_tester").wasm;
const buildEddsa = require("circomlibjs").buildEddsa;
const buildBabyjub = require("circomlibjs").buildBabyjub;
const assert = chai.assert;
describe("EdDSA MiMC test", function () {
let circuit;
let eddsa;
let babyJub;
let F;
before( async () => {
eddsa = await buildEddsa();
babyJub = await buildBabyjub();
F = babyJub.F;
circuit = await wasm_tester(path.join(__dirname, "circuits", "eddsamimc_test.circom"));
it("Sign a single number", async () => {
const msg = F.e(1234);
const prvKey = Buffer.from("0001020304050607080900010203040506070809000102030405060708090001", "hex");
const pubKey = eddsa.prv2pub(prvKey);
const signature = eddsa.signMiMC(prvKey, msg);
assert(eddsa.verifyMiMC(msg, signature, pubKey));
const w = await circuit.calculateWitness({
enabled: 1,
Ax: F.toObject(pubKey[0]),
Ay: F.toObject(pubKey[1]),
R8x: F.toObject(signature.R8[0]),
R8y: F.toObject(signature.R8[1]),
S: signature.S,
M: F.toObject(msg)}, true);
await circuit.checkConstraints(w);
it("Detect Invalid signature", async () => {
const msg = F.e(1234);
const prvKey = Buffer.from("0001020304050607080900010203040506070809000102030405060708090001", "hex");
const pubKey = eddsa.prv2pub(prvKey);
const signature = eddsa.signMiMC(prvKey, msg);
assert(eddsa.verifyMiMC(msg, signature, pubKey));
try {
const w = await circuit.calculateWitness({
enabled: 1,
Ax: F.toObject(pubKey[0]),
Ay: F.toObject(pubKey[1]),
R8x: F.toObject(F.add(signature.R8[0], F.e(1))),
R8y: F.toObject(signature.R8[1]),
S: signature.S,
M: F.toObject(msg)}, true);
} catch(err) {
assert(err.message.includes("Assert Failed"));
it("Test a dissabled circuit with a bad signature", async () => {
const msg = F.e(1234);
const prvKey = Buffer.from("0001020304050607080900010203040506070809000102030405060708090001", "hex");
const pubKey = eddsa.prv2pub(prvKey);
const signature = eddsa.signMiMC(prvKey, msg);
assert(eddsa.verifyMiMC(msg, signature, pubKey));
const w = await circuit.calculateWitness({
enabled: 0,
Ax: F.toObject(pubKey[0]),
Ay: F.toObject(pubKey[1]),
R8x: F.toObject(F.add(signature.R8[0], F.e(1))),
R8y: F.toObject(signature.R8[1]),
S: signature.S,
M: F.toObject(msg)}, true);
await circuit.checkConstraints(w);