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const path = require("path");
const Scalar = require("ffjavascript").Scalar;
const buildPedersenHash = require("circomlibjs").buildPedersenHash;
const buildBabyJub = require("circomlibjs").buildBabyjub;
const wasm_tester = require("circom_tester").wasm;
describe("Pedersen test", function() {
let babyJub
let pedersen;
let F;
let circuit;
before( async() => {
babyJub = await buildBabyJub();
F = babyJub.F;
pedersen = await buildPedersenHash();
circuit = await wasm_tester(path.join(__dirname, "circuits", "pedersen2_test.circom"));
it("Should pedersen at zero", async () => {
let w;
w = await circuit.calculateWitness({ in: 0}, true);
const b = Buffer.alloc(32);
const h = pedersen.hash(b);
const hP = babyJub.unpackPoint(h);
await circuit.assertOut(w, {out: [F.toObject(hP[0]), F.toObject(hP[1])] });
it("Should pedersen with 253 ones", async () => {
let w;
const n = F.e(Scalar.sub(Scalar.shl(Scalar.e(1), 253), Scalar.e(1)));
w = await circuit.calculateWitness({ in: F.toObject(n)}, true);
const b = Buffer.alloc(32);
for (let i=0; i<31; i++) b[i] = 0xFF;
b[31] = 0x1F;
const h = pedersen.hash(b);
const hP = babyJub.unpackPoint(h);
await circuit.assertOut(w, {out: [F.toObject(hP[0]), F.toObject(hP[1])] });