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  1. # Hermez API
  2. Easy to deploy and scale API for Hermez operators.
  3. You will need to have [docker]( and [docker-compose]( installed on your machine in order to use this repo.
  4. ## Documentation
  5. As of now the documentation is not hosted anywhere, but you can easily do it yourself by running `./ doc` and then [opening the documentation in your browser](http://localhost:8001)
  6. ## Mock Up
  7. To use a mock up of the endpoints in the API run `./ doc` (UI + mock up server) or `./ mock` (only mock up server). You can play with the mocked up endpoints using the [web UI](http://localhost:8001), importing `swagger.yml` into Postman or using your preferred language and using `http://loclahost:4010` as base URL.
  8. ## Editor
  9. It is recomended to edit `swagger.yml` using a dedicated editor as they provide spec validation and real time visualization. Of course you can use your prefered editor. To use the editor run `./ editor` and then [opening the editor in your browser](http://localhost:8002).
  10. **Keep in mind that you will need to manually save the file otherwise you will lose the changes** you made once you close your browser seshion or stop the server.
  11. **Note:** Your browser may cache the swagger definition, so in order to see updated changes it may be needed to refresh the page without cache (Ctrl + Shift + R).