Update missing parts, improve til, and more
- Node
- Updated configuration to initialize the interface to all the smart
- Common
- Moved BlockData and BatchData types to common so that they can be
shared among: historydb, til and synchronizer
- Remove hash.go (it was never used)
- Remove slot.go (it was never used)
- Remove smartcontractparams.go (it was never used, and appropriate
structs are defined in `eth/`)
- Comment state / status method until requirements of this method are
properly defined, and move it to Synchronizer
- Synchronizer
- Simplify `Sync` routine to only sync one block per call, and return
useful information.
- Use BlockData and BatchData from common
- Check that events belong to the expected block hash
- In L1Batch, query L1UserTxs from HistoryDB
- Fill ERC20 token information
- Test AddTokens with test.Client
- HistryDB
- Use BlockData and BatchData from common
- Add `GetAllTokens` method
- Uncomment and update GetL1UserTxs (with corresponding tests)
- Til
- Rename all instances of RegisterToken to AddToken (to follow the smart
contract implementation naming)
- Use BlockData and BatchData from common
- Move testL1CoordinatorTxs and testL2Txs to a separate struct
from BatchData in Context
- Start Context with BatchNum = 1 (which the protocol defines to be the
first batchNum)
- In every Batch, set StateRoot and ExitRoot to a non-nil big.Int
- In all L1Txs, if LoadAmount is not used, set it to 0; if Amount is not
used, set it to 0; so that no *big.Int is nil.
- In L1UserTx, don't set BatchNum, because when L1UserTxs are created
and obtained by the synchronizer, the BatchNum is not known yet (it's
a synchronizer job to set it)
- In L1UserTxs, set `UserOrigin` and set `ToForgeL1TxsNum`.
4 years ago |
module github.com/hermeznetwork/hermez-node
go 1.14
require ( github.com/BurntSushi/toml v0.3.1 github.com/aristanetworks/goarista v0.0.0-20190712234253-ed1100a1c015 github.com/dghubble/sling v1.3.0 github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum v1.9.17 github.com/getkin/kin-openapi v0.22.0 github.com/gin-contrib/cors v1.3.1 github.com/gin-gonic/gin v1.5.0 github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql v1.5.0 // indirect github.com/gobuffalo/packr/v2 v2.8.0 github.com/iden3/go-iden3-crypto v0.0.6-0.20201016142444-94e92e88fb4e github.com/iden3/go-merkletree v0.0.0-20200902123354-eeb949f8c334 github.com/jinzhu/copier v0.0.0-20190924061706-b57f9002281a github.com/jmoiron/sqlx v1.2.0 github.com/lib/pq v1.8.0 github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 v2.0.3+incompatible github.com/mitchellh/copystructure v1.0.0 github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal v1.6.1 // indirect github.com/rubenv/sql-migrate v0.0.0-20200616145509-8d140a17f351 github.com/russross/meddler v1.0.0 github.com/stretchr/testify v1.6.1 github.com/ugorji/go v1.1.8 // indirect github.com/urfave/cli/v2 v2.2.0 go.uber.org/multierr v1.6.0 // indirect go.uber.org/zap v1.16.0 golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20200622213623-75b288015ac9 golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20200822124328-c89045814202 golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20200914163123-ea50a3c84940 // indirect gopkg.in/check.v1 v1.0.0-20190902080502-41f04d3bba15 // indirect gopkg.in/go-playground/validator.v9 v9.29.1 honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.1-2020.1.5 // indirect )
// replace github.com/russross/meddler => /home/dev/git/iden3/hermez/meddler