package historydb
import ( "database/sql" "errors" "fmt"
ethCommon "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common" "github.com/gobuffalo/packr/v2" "github.com/hermeznetwork/hermez-node/common" "github.com/hermeznetwork/hermez-node/db" "github.com/hermeznetwork/hermez-node/log" "github.com/iden3/go-iden3-crypto/babyjub" "github.com/jmoiron/sqlx"
//nolint:errcheck // driver for postgres DB
_ "github.com/lib/pq" migrate "github.com/rubenv/sql-migrate" "github.com/russross/meddler" )
// TODO(Edu): Document here how HistoryDB is kept consistent
// HistoryDB persist the historic of the rollup
type HistoryDB struct { db *sqlx.DB }
// BlockData contains the information of a Block
type BlockData struct { block *common.Block // Rollup
// L1UserTxs that were submitted in the block
L1UserTxs []common.L1Tx Batches []BatchData RegisteredTokens []common.Token RollupVars *common.RollupVars // Auction
Bids []common.Bid Coordinators []common.Coordinator AuctionVars *common.AuctionVars // WithdrawalDelayer
// TODO: enable when common.WithdrawalDelayerVars is Merged from Synchronizer PR
// WithdrawalDelayerVars *common.WithdrawalDelayerVars
// BatchData contains the information of a Batch
type BatchData struct { // L1UserTxs that were forged in the batch
L1Batch bool // TODO: Remove once Batch.ForgeL1TxsNum is a pointer
L1UserTxs []common.L1Tx L1CoordinatorTxs []common.L1Tx L2Txs []common.L2Tx CreatedAccounts []common.Account ExitTree []common.ExitInfo Batch *common.Batch }
// NewHistoryDB initialize the DB
func NewHistoryDB(port int, host, user, password, dbname string) (*HistoryDB, error) { // Connect to DB
psqlconn := fmt.Sprintf("host=%s port=%d user=%s password=%s dbname=%s sslmode=disable", host, port, user, password, dbname) hdb, err := sqlx.Connect("postgres", psqlconn) if err != nil { return nil, err } // Init meddler
db.InitMeddler() meddler.Default = meddler.PostgreSQL
// Run DB migrations
migrations := &migrate.PackrMigrationSource{ Box: packr.New("history-migrations", "./migrations"), } nMigrations, err := migrate.Exec(hdb.DB, "postgres", migrations, migrate.Up) if err != nil { return nil, err } log.Debug("HistoryDB applied ", nMigrations, " migrations for ", dbname, " database")
return &HistoryDB{hdb}, nil }
// AddBlock insert a block into the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) AddBlock(block *common.Block) error { return hdb.addBlock(hdb.db, block) } func (hdb *HistoryDB) addBlock(d meddler.DB, block *common.Block) error { return meddler.Insert(d, "block", block) }
// AddBlocks inserts blocks into the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) AddBlocks(blocks []common.Block) error { return hdb.addBlocks(hdb.db, blocks) }
func (hdb *HistoryDB) addBlocks(d meddler.DB, blocks []common.Block) error { return db.BulkInsert( d, `INSERT INTO block ( eth_block_num, timestamp, hash ) VALUES %s;`, blocks[:], ) }
// GetBlock retrieve a block from the DB, given a block number
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetBlock(blockNum int64) (*common.Block, error) { block := &common.Block{} err := meddler.QueryRow( hdb.db, block, "SELECT * FROM block WHERE eth_block_num = $1;", blockNum, ) return block, err }
// GetBlocks retrieve blocks from the DB, given a range of block numbers defined by from and to
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetBlocks(from, to int64) ([]*common.Block, error) { var blocks []*common.Block err := meddler.QueryAll( hdb.db, &blocks, "SELECT * FROM block WHERE $1 <= eth_block_num AND eth_block_num < $2;", from, to, ) return blocks, err }
// GetLastBlock retrieve the block with the highest block number from the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetLastBlock() (*common.Block, error) { block := &common.Block{} err := meddler.QueryRow( hdb.db, block, "SELECT * FROM block ORDER BY eth_block_num DESC LIMIT 1;", ) return block, err }
// AddBatch insert a Batch into the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) AddBatch(batch *common.Batch) error { return hdb.addBatch(hdb.db, batch) } func (hdb *HistoryDB) addBatch(d meddler.DB, batch *common.Batch) error { return meddler.Insert(d, "batch", batch) }
// AddBatches insert Bids into the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) AddBatches(batches []common.Batch) error { return hdb.addBatches(hdb.db, batches) } func (hdb *HistoryDB) addBatches(d meddler.DB, batches []common.Batch) error { return db.BulkInsert( d, `INSERT INTO batch ( batch_num, eth_block_num, forger_addr, fees_collected, state_root, num_accounts, exit_root, forge_l1_txs_num, slot_num ) VALUES %s;`, batches[:], ) }
// GetBatches retrieve batches from the DB, given a range of batch numbers defined by from and to
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetBatches(from, to common.BatchNum) ([]*common.Batch, error) { var batches []*common.Batch err := meddler.QueryAll( hdb.db, &batches, "SELECT * FROM batch WHERE $1 <= batch_num AND batch_num < $2;", from, to, ) return batches, err }
// GetLastBatchNum returns the BatchNum of the latest forged batch
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetLastBatchNum() (common.BatchNum, error) { row := hdb.db.QueryRow("SELECT batch_num FROM batch ORDER BY batch_num DESC LIMIT 1;") var batchNum common.BatchNum return batchNum, row.Scan(&batchNum) }
// GetLastL1TxsNum returns the greatest ForgeL1TxsNum in the DB. If there's no
// batch in the DB (nil, nil) is returned.
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetLastL1TxsNum() (*int64, error) { row := hdb.db.QueryRow("SELECT MAX(forge_l1_txs_num) FROM batch;") lastL1TxsNum := new(int64) return lastL1TxsNum, row.Scan(&lastL1TxsNum) }
// Reorg deletes all the information that was added into the DB after the
// lastValidBlock. If lastValidBlock is negative, all block information is
// deleted.
func (hdb *HistoryDB) Reorg(lastValidBlock int64) error { var err error if lastValidBlock < 0 { _, err = hdb.db.Exec("DELETE FROM block;") } else { _, err = hdb.db.Exec("DELETE FROM block WHERE eth_block_num > $1;", lastValidBlock) } return err }
// SyncPoD stores all the data that can be changed / added on a block in the PoD SC
func (hdb *HistoryDB) SyncPoD( blockNum uint64, bids []common.Bid, coordinators []common.Coordinator, vars *common.AuctionVars, ) error { return nil }
// AddBids insert Bids into the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) AddBids(bids []common.Bid) error { return hdb.addBids(hdb.db, bids) } func (hdb *HistoryDB) addBids(d meddler.DB, bids []common.Bid) error { // TODO: check the coordinator info
return db.BulkInsert( d, "INSERT INTO bid (slot_num, forger_addr, bid_value, eth_block_num) VALUES %s;", bids[:], ) }
// GetBids return the bids
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetBids() ([]*common.Bid, error) { var bids []*common.Bid err := meddler.QueryAll( hdb.db, &bids, "SELECT * FROM bid;", ) return bids, err }
// AddCoordinators insert Coordinators into the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) AddCoordinators(coordinators []common.Coordinator) error { return hdb.addCoordinators(hdb.db, coordinators) } func (hdb *HistoryDB) addCoordinators(d meddler.DB, coordinators []common.Coordinator) error { return db.BulkInsert( d, "INSERT INTO coordinator (forger_addr, eth_block_num, withdraw_addr, url) VALUES %s;", coordinators[:], ) }
// AddExitTree insert Exit tree into the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) AddExitTree(exitTree []common.ExitInfo) error { return hdb.addExitTree(hdb.db, exitTree) } func (hdb *HistoryDB) addExitTree(d meddler.DB, exitTree []common.ExitInfo) error { return db.BulkInsert( d, "INSERT INTO exit_tree (batch_num, account_idx, merkle_proof, balance, "+ "instant_withdrawn, delayed_withdraw_request, delayed_withdrawn) VALUES %s;", exitTree[:], ) }
// AddToken insert a token into the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) AddToken(token *common.Token) error { return meddler.Insert(hdb.db, "token", token) }
// AddTokens insert tokens into the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) AddTokens(tokens []common.Token) error { return hdb.addTokens(hdb.db, tokens) } func (hdb *HistoryDB) addTokens(d meddler.DB, tokens []common.Token) error { return db.BulkInsert( d, `INSERT INTO token ( token_id, eth_block_num, eth_addr, name, symbol, decimals, usd, usd_update ) VALUES %s;`, tokens[:], ) }
// UpdateTokenValue updates the USD value of a token
func (hdb *HistoryDB) UpdateTokenValue(tokenID common.TokenID, value float64) error { _, err := hdb.db.Exec( "UPDATE token SET usd = $1 WHERE token_id = $2;", value, tokenID, ) return err }
// GetTokens returns a list of tokens from the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetTokens() ([]*common.Token, error) { var tokens []*common.Token err := meddler.QueryAll( hdb.db, &tokens, "SELECT * FROM token ORDER BY token_id;", ) return tokens, err }
// AddAccounts insert accounts into the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) AddAccounts(accounts []common.Account) error { return hdb.addAccounts(hdb.db, accounts) } func (hdb *HistoryDB) addAccounts(d meddler.DB, accounts []common.Account) error { return db.BulkInsert( d, `INSERT INTO account ( idx, token_id, batch_num, bjj, eth_addr ) VALUES %s;`, accounts[:], ) }
// GetAccounts returns a list of accounts from the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetAccounts() ([]*common.Account, error) { var accs []*common.Account err := meddler.QueryAll( hdb.db, &accs, "SELECT * FROM account ORDER BY idx;", ) return accs, err }
// AddL1Txs inserts L1 txs to the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) AddL1Txs(l1txs []common.L1Tx) error { return hdb.addL1Txs(hdb.db, l1txs) } func (hdb *HistoryDB) addL1Txs(d meddler.DB, l1txs []common.L1Tx) error { txs := []common.Tx{} for _, tx := range l1txs { txs = append(txs, *(tx.Tx())) } return hdb.addTxs(d, txs) }
// AddL2Txs inserts L2 txs to the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) AddL2Txs(l2txs []common.L2Tx) error { return hdb.addL2Txs(hdb.db, l2txs) } func (hdb *HistoryDB) addL2Txs(d meddler.DB, l2txs []common.L2Tx) error { txs := []common.Tx{} for _, tx := range l2txs { txs = append(txs, *(tx.Tx())) } return hdb.addTxs(d, txs) }
// AddTxs insert L1 txs into the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) AddTxs(txs []common.Tx) error { return hdb.addTxs(hdb.db, txs) } func (hdb *HistoryDB) addTxs(d meddler.DB, txs []common.Tx) error { return db.BulkInsert( d, `INSERT INTO tx ( is_l1, id, type, position, from_idx, to_idx, amount, amount_f, token_id, amount_usd, batch_num, eth_block_num, to_forge_l1_txs_num, user_origin, from_eth_addr, from_bjj, load_amount, load_amount_f, load_amount_usd, fee, fee_usd, nonce ) VALUES %s;`, txs[:], ) }
// SetBatchNumL1UserTxs sets the batchNum in all the L1UserTxs with toForgeL1TxsNum.
func (hdb *HistoryDB) SetBatchNumL1UserTxs(toForgeL1TxsNum, batchNum int64) error { return hdb.setBatchNumL1UserTxs(hdb.db, toForgeL1TxsNum, batchNum) } func (hdb *HistoryDB) setBatchNumL1UserTxs(d meddler.DB, toForgeL1TxsNum, batchNum int64) error { _, err := d.Exec("UPDATE tx SET batch_num = $1 WHERE to_forge_l1_txs_num = $2 AND is_l1 = TRUE AND user_origin = TRUE;", batchNum, toForgeL1TxsNum) return err }
// GetTxs returns a list of txs from the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetTxs() ([]*common.Tx, error) { var txs []*common.Tx err := meddler.QueryAll( hdb.db, &txs, `SELECT * FROM tx ORDER BY (batch_num, position) ASC`, ) return txs, err }
// GetHistoryTxs returns a list of txs from the DB using the HistoryTx struct
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetHistoryTxs( ethAddr *ethCommon.Address, bjj *babyjub.PublicKey, tokenID, idx, batchNum *uint, txType *common.TxType, offset, limit *uint, last bool, ) ([]*HistoryTx, int, error) { if ethAddr != nil && bjj != nil { return nil, 0, errors.New("ethAddr and bjj are incompatible") } var query string var args []interface{} queryStr := `SELECT tx.*, tx.amount_f * token.usd AS current_usd, token.symbol, token.usd_update, block.timestamp, count(*) OVER() AS total_items FROM tx INNER JOIN token ON tx.token_id = token.token_id INNER JOIN block ON tx.eth_block_num = block.eth_block_num ` // Apply filters
nextIsAnd := false // ethAddr filter
if ethAddr != nil { queryStr = `WITH acc AS (select idx from account where eth_addr = ?) ` + queryStr queryStr += ", acc WHERE (tx.from_idx IN(acc.idx) OR tx.to_idx IN(acc.idx)) " nextIsAnd = true args = append(args, ethAddr) } else if bjj != nil { // bjj filter
queryStr = `WITH acc AS (select idx from account where bjj = ?) ` + queryStr queryStr += ", acc WHERE (tx.from_idx IN(acc.idx) OR tx.to_idx IN(acc.idx)) " nextIsAnd = true args = append(args, bjj) } // tokenID filter
if tokenID != nil { if nextIsAnd { queryStr += "AND " } else { queryStr += "WHERE " } queryStr += "tx.token_id = ? " args = append(args, tokenID) nextIsAnd = true } // idx filter
if idx != nil { if nextIsAnd { queryStr += "AND " } else { queryStr += "WHERE " } queryStr += "(tx.from_idx = ? OR tx.to_idx = ?) " args = append(args, idx, idx) nextIsAnd = true } // batchNum filter
if batchNum != nil { if nextIsAnd { queryStr += "AND " } else { queryStr += "WHERE " } queryStr += "tx.batch_num = ? " args = append(args, batchNum) nextIsAnd = true } // txType filter
if txType != nil { if nextIsAnd { queryStr += "AND " } else { queryStr += "WHERE " } queryStr += "tx.type = ? " args = append(args, txType) // nextIsAnd = true
} // pagination
if last { queryStr += "ORDER BY (batch_num, position) DESC NULLS FIRST " } else { queryStr += "ORDER BY (batch_num, position) ASC NULLS LAST " queryStr += fmt.Sprintf("OFFSET %d ", *offset) } queryStr += fmt.Sprintf("LIMIT %d;", *limit) query = hdb.db.Rebind(queryStr) // log.Debug(query)
txs := []*HistoryTx{} if err := meddler.QueryAll(hdb.db, &txs, query, args...); err != nil { return nil, 0, err } if len(txs) == 0 { return nil, 0, sql.ErrNoRows } else if last { tmp := []*HistoryTx{} for i := len(txs) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { tmp = append(tmp, txs[i]) } txs = tmp } return txs, txs[0].TotalItems, nil }
// GetTx returns a tx from the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetTx(txID common.TxID) (*common.Tx, error) { tx := new(common.Tx) return tx, meddler.QueryRow( hdb.db, tx, "SELECT * FROM tx WHERE id = $1;", txID, ) }
// GetL1UserTxs gets L1 User Txs to be forged in a batch that will create an account
// TODO: This is currently not used. Figure out if it should be used somewhere or removed.
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetL1UserTxs(toForgeL1TxsNum int64) ([]*common.Tx, error) { var txs []*common.Tx err := meddler.QueryAll( hdb.db, &txs, "SELECT * FROM tx WHERE to_forge_l1_txs_num = $1 AND is_l1 = TRUE AND user_origin = TRUE;", toForgeL1TxsNum, ) return txs, err }
// TODO: Think about chaning all the queries that return a last value, to queries that return the next valid value.
// GetLastTxsPosition for a given to_forge_l1_txs_num
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetLastTxsPosition(toForgeL1TxsNum int64) (int, error) { row := hdb.db.QueryRow("SELECT MAX(position) FROM tx WHERE to_forge_l1_txs_num = $1;", toForgeL1TxsNum) var lastL1TxsPosition int return lastL1TxsPosition, row.Scan(&lastL1TxsPosition) }
// AddBlockSCData stores all the information of a block retrieved by the Synchronizer
func (hdb *HistoryDB) AddBlockSCData(blockData *BlockData) (err error) { txn, err := hdb.db.Begin() if err != nil { return err } defer func() { if err != nil { err = txn.Rollback() } }()
// Add block
err = hdb.addBlock(txn, blockData.block) if err != nil { return err }
// Add l1 Txs
if len(blockData.L1UserTxs) > 0 { err = hdb.addL1Txs(txn, blockData.L1UserTxs) if err != nil { return err } }
// Add Tokens
if len(blockData.RegisteredTokens) > 0 { err = hdb.addTokens(txn, blockData.RegisteredTokens) if err != nil { return err } }
// Add Bids
if len(blockData.Bids) > 0 { err = hdb.addBids(txn, blockData.Bids) if err != nil { return err } }
// Add Coordinators
if len(blockData.Coordinators) > 0 { err = hdb.addCoordinators(txn, blockData.Coordinators) if err != nil { return err } }
// Add Batches
for _, batch := range blockData.Batches { if batch.L1Batch { err = hdb.setBatchNumL1UserTxs(txn, batch.Batch.ForgeL1TxsNum, int64(batch.Batch.BatchNum)) if err != nil { return err } if len(batch.L1CoordinatorTxs) > 0 { err = hdb.addL1Txs(txn, batch.L1CoordinatorTxs) if err != nil { return err } } }
// Add l2 Txs
if len(batch.L2Txs) > 0 { err = hdb.addL2Txs(txn, batch.L2Txs) if err != nil { return err } }
// Add accounts
if len(batch.CreatedAccounts) > 0 { err = hdb.addAccounts(txn, batch.CreatedAccounts) if err != nil { return err } }
// Add exit tree
if len(batch.ExitTree) > 0 { err = hdb.addExitTree(txn, batch.ExitTree) if err != nil { return err } }
// Add Batch
err = hdb.addBatch(txn, batch.Batch) if err != nil { return err }
return txn.Commit() }
// Close frees the resources used by HistoryDB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) Close() error { return hdb.db.Close() }